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Red Maria

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. I'm only saying what as a flag I made for Leslie many years ago when she was portrying Grace O'Malley in Clan Colin (there was no separate Irish guild back then). I will stand by what I said (or she said) inside PRP joke or no. :) (even if it has to do with my cousins the Corscian sisters) If she is at Ojai in May I'll ask her. :)
  2. Years ago when I was working with Clan Colin at So Cal Faire there was a woman portraying Grace O'Malley and she had a flag that she said Grace used. It was yellow with a white hippocampus (half horse half fish) on it. I know this because I made the flag for her. I can't recall where she got her information.
  3. Sorry to hear that Corsair. Let me know when your building your address book agin and I'll send you my e-mail.
  4. I'm awaiting to hear from a friend of mine who is anarchaeologist on the QAR project about a symposium that was held on the subject last Friday. As he puts it "A lot of politics and agendas in play there. " This isn't just about the QAR friends. When I hear from him I'll pass it on.
  5. I would say Small Arms Clothing (including buttons) Coins & specie Cannon would be nice but I don't have a place to put it and neighbors might object. Corsair have any blades turned up? either sword or dagger? eatng utensils? All those I'd be interested in. Great idea!
  6. Hampton is a very good one from what hear. Really try and get your publisher to send you to PIP. That's your market. It's from Thanksgiving to first 2 weeks in December.
  7. He don't be quiet Corsair! I liked your mumblings err.. I mean... uhm witty repartee ! :)
  8. Tere were 3 issues last year in No Quater Given dedicated to pirate wedding and piarte amrriages. Try getting a back issue, especially the first one in the series. http://www.noquartergiven.net/ I seem to recall vows in them. Weather or not historically correct is another matter. Many pirates would not take married men. Though of course Blackbeard was reputed to have what was it? 14 wives?!
  9. I wish I could go on either the 4th or 5th. My grandparents and parents aunt and uncle were there for the special pre-opening the night beforre the grand opening. Uncle Walt was a friend of the family. Gosh I wish I could bring my dad! How can I assure getting in Iron Bess?
  10. Christie's auction of 19th century art on April 19 has alot of Orientalism in it. Here's the the catalog: http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/...bjectID=4473529 You might try and cut and paste it into your browser. Lot items no.36-62 female and male ME dress of the 19thc. They are even some sculptures so you can get an all around look at the dress.
  11. Feeding Nelson's navy : the true story of food at sea in the Georgian era /Janet Macdonald London : Chatham, 2004. ISBN 186176233x (hbk.)
  12. Bootsrap Bill is being played by Stellan Skargard . Check out the official IMDB listing http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383574/ However, Bill Nighy will be in Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy as Slartibartfast www.hitchhichkers.movies.go.com Whoever saw him in Love Actually knows he's perfect for the part! Hint. If you like Alan Rickman click on Marvin the Robot.
  13. Beef suet is the fat around the kidneys of cattle. It can be found at local markets but you have to ask for it most of the time. It is usually displayed at Christmas tiem since it is a prime ingredient of Christmas/Plum pudding. It is also used for pastery.
  14. He's listed as part of the cast: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383574/ As to using flashbacks, not necessarily. Afterall Bootsrap was stil under the curse when Barbossa sent him overboard with a cannon tied to his legs. You never know with Hollywood! :)
  15. Also he was the inspiration for Lemuel Gulliver for Jonathan Swift. :)
  16. For you vetrans on the old Southern Renissance Pleasure Faire out in Agoura there's areunion ever Spring Equinox. Click on the link for details: http://dragondance.com/faire/
  17. While serching the catalog I came across this By the King. A proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of Captain Don Philip Hellen, alias Fitz-gerald Proclamations. 1675-10-01 It was under the subject heading Pirates : West Indies : Early works to 1800 Has anyone heard about this piratw and knows his history?
  18. There's a book you should check-put called First Seen: Portraits of the World's peoples ISBN 0899511074. Pages 54-75 are photographs of women in various traditional ME garb from the 1850s. While not 17th-18th c. style chagned slowly in the ME so even 19th c. photographs will give and idea. There are Egyptian, Turkisk,Algerian and even Ouled Nail. See if you can get it as an Inter-Library loan at you local library.
  19. Labs, great chick magnets. Just what Orlando needs a chick magnet! A boy and his dog.
  20. You try one of the editions of his letters. There are several editions here at work but I don't have the time to check . I'm not sure if there are any editions of a journal by him or not but that's another place were you'd find that information.
  21. Well Blackbeard did maroon a good number of his crew shortly after his blockade of Charleston Harbor at Beaufort Inlet (among the marooned was Stede Bonnet). So although the Deadman's Chest incident maybe just a legend Blackbeard doing such a thing is not impossible. Once a marooner always a morrner (maybe ) Although highly improable it is nonetheless not impossible. Or perhaps somone overlaped the Beaufort Island incident with Deadman's Chest?
  22. Craft services is the food and drink suppliers. They take care of all the meals and snacks. While the more uppity of the crew eat in their trailers (as well they should so they can catch a moments peace) most others have another area to dine and rest in. Hence, craft services. Vanilla Coke all around!! It's always amazed that ther isn't more obese cast & crew members out ther. With all the food all the time at the craft services table. No-stop[ noshing! Let the game begin!
  23. Eat is just an expression dear. Sort of like blow. :)
  24. I came across this painting in a Sotheby catalog. While not GAoP it is one of the better 19th c. Orientalists paintings. The painter at least spent sometime in the ME and observed some women's clothing. To be sure the dancers are proably not spot on but women on the couches are pretty good. http://search.sothebys.com/jsps/live/lot/L...&go.x=17&go.y=5
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