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Capt DaggezEber

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Everything posted by Capt DaggezEber

  1. When next she returns, Tempest finds Daggaz and his possessions gone.
  2. As the gaff hooks the scorched sailer and he is lifted some, bubbles a gurgles alert his vitalsto be keen still.
  3. The body starts to sink as the equipment on his belt threatens to pull him under.
  4. A howl like that of a wild beast more than of a man rings out from the warf. The sound of a man running on its creaking sagging boards gets louder as a flaming sailer runs toward the Ship! Sir William is almost knocked over by the blazing mariner as it jumps into the water with a "SSSSSSSSSSSSSS"! Sir William watches as the body rises slowly up...back first. Diego looks over the rail to see Daggaz Eber floating in the sea near the ship. His coat is a still smoking slightly and his hat sinks away into the depths.
  5. *Daggaz wakes to the bustle of ropes and talk in the Kate. He stumbles slightly from the Tatoo party last night. With a stagger and a coff, he pulls out his long pipe and heads into the pub. Squwinty-eyed and groggy he mumbles Scottish sailer jibberish and attempts to light the 12" mirshum stuffed into his bearded mug. Time seems to slow as the stickmatch sparks into flame. Tartuga Wench turns, sees the sleepy captain and her eyes betray a sudden realization of inpending disaster. Her words are lost in time as she starts" DDDAAGGUZZ, NNOOOO!" To late, as like a 12 pounder, the pipe ignites and then exploads into a ball of Rum fueled fire! The flames cover the Captain as his eyes precieve the heat and fire. Time again returns to speed as the now flaming Daggaz Howls in shock and pain and runs from Kates toward the Worf. Reaching the end of the boards, he plunges into the cool salty depths of the sea.
  6. *Outside Tsunami Kates the rain slowly drissols and the wind pulls at the door just enough to let a soft knock filter through the noisy place. The pyrate closest to the door starts to take another gulp of ale, when he hears a sqeak of a small wagonwheel and a heavy wheels on tember bumping noise. It grows ever closer as the pyrate puts his drink down and slowly reaches for a weapon. The wagon stops outside the door and i quickly opens. The pyrate soon relaxes when Captain Daggaz steps through the door.* "Greetings Sir William! I'm back from the "South of the Boarder Raids" and I've brought yee back some plunder!" *He turns and pulls a wheeled cart with a large keg in it in.* "I brought low a Frenchy filled with this!" *The keg says new Captain Morgan's BlackTattoo* "This is the best Jamacan Rum I've had in a time, Lad. I gives it to yee ta sample me new ware. Me ship is full. and so's aye!"
  7. *Daggaz finishes his drink and grabs a large trunk and heaves it to a shoulder. And walks over to Sir William.* Yelling over the music and dancing, "I wanted to pay me tab as I'm shippe'n out for the weekend. Eres me gold. Now I've gotta go finish packi'n the trunks on The Esmerelda." *He turns to leave and sees Merc.Wench. He then heaves down the heavy trunk and throws out an arm saying,* "Well, a Cap'n would be ashamed to leave without a single jig with a fine las and good song!"
  8. oh you poor soul. such a terrrible allergy as chocolate! i feel for you! i'll fill our tankard with your second choice and i'll have the same as ciaran. I am much to the apreciation, m'lady. I'll be hav'n the Port then.
  9. What shanty be the play list for the day?
  10. I wish I be able to drink Coco, saddly I be alergic
  11. Welcome to Border Raids! Come enjoy war the fun way: with your friends! When? June 24-26, 2005. Where? At the Cumberland Centre for Medieval Studies 3409 Gillespie Lane Columbia, TN 38401 thank yee fer me drink!*glugglugglug*
  12. I think Snow said somethin bought buying rounds? Ill take er up on it. Me other hand was open. I am gear'n up for a shore leave in BoarderRaids in Tenn this come'n weekend. Course most o' you lot are over on the west coasty though.
  13. *between slurps of melon and gulps of stuat...* Well MW yee know some celts wore Tartons and some just the wode. I prefer the last one. I've seen lassy celts at FoolsWar wear a full dress that left one breast to the air with woding on it. It is up yee own modisty I be guess'n. What did they wear in that last Aurther movie?
  14. *Daggaz slops in sees the mop in the MercenaryWench's hands and steps back out. He shakes of like a dog, pours out his boots, and tips the water from his hat. He then walks bake in.* Well, i can'na call me self a pyrate if'n I can'na take a bit of a squal. *He plops down next to Diego with a squish.* Where yee been lad? Yee missed the hooplah. Sir William, I'll have some mellon with the ham -plate yee mentioned. And a staut if'n ye please.
  15. AAAH cold! Bad Idea! Deadly woman, cold water=not romantic! ARR Well Come on I'll buy yee a round yee can throw in me face las.
  16. *Daggaz raises his hands in defeat saying "Aye lass I giv's please belay your dasterdly attack on this poor withered soul." *While talking he steps toward the impish TortugaWench. He says,* "I be again soaked to me very gills. I have the need of a towel." He reaches for William's bar towel and suddenly throws it over TortugaWench! He then throws her over the shoulder and runs for the dock. She pulls the towel away just in time to see him jump off with her into the water.SPLASH!
  17. I be sorry MercenaryWench, I ment not to bring dred yee fun. I just got woke up so SPLOORGGGGHHA!*a sudden blast of water hits Daggaz* AAAAARR! TortugaWench!!!!
  18. I hears tail thar be a scallywagg named Mad Eye Mitch roam'n around. Avast lad, Speak Up! Where yee be.
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