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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Nice. I have yet to wear my shirt, so it's nice to see the crew of the Mercury sporting the flag. Great pics.
  2. It is, and you are most welcome to join us again.
  3. Fantastic pictures! It looks like a good time was had by all.
  4. I don't recall seeing it among my things or during the camp packing, but I'll double check my stuff.
  5. I know of only two that come close. Captain Morril's Company, which does Rev War Privateers - http://www.captainmorrillscompany.com/ - and the Snowshowmen, that do early colonial and F&I War - http://www.snowshoemen.com/
  6. Remarkable use of color and framing. Fantastic eye for form and landscape.
  7. I did the last of the unpacking and found the vinyls that I was selling at the fort. Forgot about them until now. Anybody still interested in a window decal or two?
  8. Like to be? Most certainly. Can be? No. Unless they want to fly me out. I'd let them cart me around in chains the whole time in exchange for airfare.
  9. If I click on the chat at the very top in the form of a tab, it goes right to chat. When I click on the subforum that says "Pyracy Pub Chatroom" I get the same error that Lady Barbossa is speaking about. "The specified application has been disabled" It might just be a link issue on the subforum, but that chat tab works just fine.
  10. I want to support this con. I really do. I'll be in a corner eating Cheetos.
  11. I have enjoyed following this thread. The debate of law and remains alone is interesting enough, but the rest. Very interesting stuff. Thanks for the updates and differing opinions and references.
  12. I hear that Megan Fox has been cast as an evil mermaid. Please tell me this is a lie.
  13. Yes, but that's a drawing. Drawings do not do a good knife justice.
  14. Drat. Now I need a coke-slurpee-milkshake.
  15. Seconded. Thanks for the extra swag and canvas. The canvas made a difference in the heat of the day. Oh yeah. Send them to me by email or pm.
  16. Glad to see a familiar face from the bygone days. How have you been?
  17. Beef & Mashed Potatoes As described by Janet. I took rump roast and sirloin roast (you can use any roast) and slow cooked it with onions, lawry’s seasoned salt, pepper and beef stock on 200 degrees for 10 hours or until it is real tender depending upon your oven. Then I shredded it off the bone. You can experiment with adding any spices you want such as rosemary, thyme, parsley really anything..even red wine. When I got to forte de charte I put it in the dutch oven then poured some beef gravy in and put mash potatoes on top. That was it. The only thing I would do different is add more gravy. The dutch oven soaked up the gravy so it was a little dry.
  18. Janet was careful to cook bacon while most of us were distracted by other things or away from camp. A prudent move when cooking bacon around armed pirates.
  19. Hispaniola Beef 1 1/2 lbs. round steak cut in bite size pieces* 1/4 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. garlic salt 1 Tbsp. chili powder 1 Tbsp. prepared mustard 1 chopped onion 1 beef bouillon cube, crushed or 1 tsp. beef base 1 - 16 oz. can tomatoes, chopped 1 - 16 oz. can kidney beans, drained Mix meat, salt, pepper, chili powder and mustard in pot. Cover with onions, bouillon and tomatoes. Top with beans. Cover and simmer slowly for 6-8 hours. *Hamburger was substituted for round steak when prepared at Fort de Chartres.
  20. Jerky 3 lbs. flank steak or round steak 1/2 cup warm water 1/2 cup soy sauce garlic powder to taste 1 1/2 Tbsp. salt 1/2 cup Worcerstershire 1 tsp. coarse ground pepper Cut beef into strips about 1/4" thick. Mix the remaining ingredients and soak the beef strips for at least 2 hours. Remove and towel off, then place in the dehydrator for 8-10 hours or in the oven at 120 degrees for 8-10 hours. The jerky is done when it breaks when bent
  21. Some very good food has been had at recent Mercury events, so this thread is provided to all the crew for the recipes we've shared. Feel free to add your favorites both past and present. Beef Burgundy 2 slices of bacon, chopped 2 lbs sirloin or round steak, cut into 1" cubes 1/4 cup flour 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt 1/4 tsp. marjoram 1/4 tsp. thyme 1/4 tsp. pepper 1 clove garlic, minced 1 beef bouillon cube, crushed or about 1 tsp. beef base 1 cup burgundy wine 2 Tbsp cornstarch (optional) Cook bacon several minutes. Remove and set aside. Coat beef flour and brown on all sides in bacon drippings. Combine steak, bacon drippings, cooked bacon, seasonings, bouillon and burgundy in pot. Cover and slowly simmer 6-8 hours. To thicken gravy dissolve cornstarch in 2 Tbsp. cold water and add to pot. Cook an additional 3 minutes or until thickened.
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