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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Now he'll want his own dashboard bobble-head. Everyone will have one, but Sterling. Captain Sterling comes on a noose that you hang from the mirror.
  2. Crew? No. SPY?. Yes. Of course. Nefarious allegiances are par for the course.
  3. Not the first rant that I've heard, nor the worst that I've endured. You are most welcome to sign aboard, Mister...?
  4. William considered an order for lifelines forward, but said nothing. He also considered retiring, for the sea was not very forgiving in regards to his sore back. He reproved himself again for not being more careful aboard the snow, for while he had remained somewhat untouched, but for a fall, he had exerted himself without care in the rescue of goods. "A cripple for a cask of beans." he muttered to himself. The men at the helm looked over, but William made no explanation. "Steady on."
  5. We were at Fort de Chartres not three months back. A most excellent place and we were well received. Did you make this year's rendezvous?
  6. Well, that's almost a philosophical question. It would be more accurately stated that the Mercury isn't located. I own the excellent drawings of the Mercury (as created by William Brand aka Red Wake), but that's about as much of it as there it outside of imagination. As far as group location goes, we tend to be spread out all over the US. Many of us are from the midwest, but there are some on the East and West coasts and points in-between as well. The crew (AFAIK) was really begun at Pirates in Paradise 2007 in Key West by William. If I had to write a description of the aim of this crew (and this is just me, not official or anything), I'd say it is to help people develop their period accurate character persona, clothing, camping and so forth in a friendly, non-imposing way, while also having a good time together at period events. All the members are quite free and open with their information and idea exchange from my experience. This crew is nothing like formal as far as participation goes; you can choose what events and sorts of re-enactment opportunities at those events you wish to participate in. Although I've noticed that the staged mini-things are often kind of fun to do; things like battles and sketch scenarios help make for a more interesting event. I'd say where two or three Mercury crew members are gathered at an event, there the Mercury be. More to point with regard to you question, Mercury crew member Silas Thatcher is based out of St. Louis. You might get in touch with him to find out which events he attends to get an idea what is going on near you. Mission did an excellent job of describing the mood and intentions of the Mercury crew. However, I must concede that it was not my idea, but rather the collective wish of many pirates who attended the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest at the Pirates in Paradise (PIP) Festival in 2006. They really started the whole thing rolling. Captain Jim officially proposed the beginnings of the Mercury as a crew on December 11, 2006, based on the suggestions of the attendees at PIP to make a careening encampment. The name for our crew and ship was accepted in January of 2007. The crew meets at several different events now, having spread out from PIP like a plague. With so many of the crew in the Missouri/Illinois area, we have begun to push local events in that region (Pirates of Paynetown, Fort de Chartres, etc.). We primarily recreate life in the year 1720 and ask that new members to the crew consider a 'three year plan' when they join up. This is considered by most to be a fair period of time for a person to amass the kit necessary to represent the period well. No one is required to have a certain type of kit, especially from the word go, but there are enough craftsman in the crew and armchair historians to help any new crew member achieve as much potential as they may.
  7. Welcome aboard, gentlemen. The muster grows and grows.
  8. I know that this picture isn't meant to imply anything, but...that look.
  9. Wow. I would love to have a high res copy of this image to toy with. Lot's of artsy potential.
  10. Thank you for heading up the event and for fielding so many questions to and from park services and all of us.
  11. I should have you demonstrate shaving at one of these events, so long as you remember that it's not for bloodletting purposes.
  12. Bucharest, Romania! Fantastic! Welcome aboard, Elena.
  13. Same here. It's been a long while. Once I opened the Tsunami Kate, I never looked back.
  14. I was a member of Pirateinfo before learning of this place. Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions.
  15. Ow. That's a big chunk of people.
  16. It happens when I click on the members button at the top left. Also, When I scroll down, all of the subforums smash up together. That one is new. I may have to abandon using the Mac at all when visiting the Pub.
  17. Any changes to chat in the Pub update did not make it friendlier for me and the old laptop. It looks like 50% of my posts are viewable by another person in chat.
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