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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I say portray yourself. That photo of you has personality in spades. Make your mark on the hobby and become famous in your own right.
  2. The crew of the Mercury does multiple events at Fort De Chartres and attends events at the Santa Maria in Columbus, Ohio and several events in and around St. Louis. You're more than welcome to join our encampment at any of these events. At Fort De Chartres, pirates were represented by the crew of the Mercury and many crew members of the Great Lakes River Pirates.
  3. Niiiice. 'You'll find it buried under a big dubbya!' You need to make the quintessential boarding ax next.
  4. A very happy birthday to you, you scrappin', four-wheelin', tall-tale-tellin', drink-swillin' son of a pirate!
  5. I like that one. Very unique look and feel.
  6. A very hearty and happy birthday, my good man. May it be filled with not one, but two unexpected visits by suit clad people in vans carrying gigantic checks.
  7. Good fortune. Welcome aboard!
  8. Welcome aboard, Cap'n. How far North and East? You should come to Fort de Chartres with the Mercury crew in June. http://www.ftdechartres.com/page/page/1396753.htm
  9. Welcome aboard, Mate. Feel free to wander around the subforums on the Pub and see what interests you and then fire off as many questions as you have here and we'll do what we can to answer them and point you to your destinations.
  10. It's never too soon... This list is provided as a roll call throughout the year to gauge the number of attendees who are coming down to Key West to celebrate all things pyracy. The attendees will be listed by hotel, motel, rv, or tent. Attendees may be individuals or a part of any group, crew, club and reenactment encampment. The list merely reflects names and general sleeping arrangements of attendees and the list will be updated towards the end of the year with a "confirmed" status for those attendees who have secured their transportation to and from the events. There are many hotels, rv parks, and camps (both modern and historical). We would like everyone to sound off as often as they can with updates on when, where and how they will be attending in 2011. If you do not know where you will be staying, you may still be posted to this tentative list. Please send me names, tents, hotels, encampment information, etc. Groups will be listed alphabetically by crew, club or ship name. For information on hotels, rv parks, camps or other arrangements, please see the other threads in the Pirates in Paradise forum, or post your questions here. To save on space in the forum, I will also be including the names of the Crew, group or individual representatives who will attend the various meetings and gatherings, or follow up on any paperwork, or just for the rest of us to see 'who to talk to'. These are the best individuals to contact for information on each crew and group in attendance. LAST UPDATED October 16, 2011 - Tentative List Fort Taylor Pyrates: Haunting Lily Alexander - Wall Tent Edward O'Keeffe - Wall Tent Scarlett Jai Archangel: Mae Harrington Cutter's Crew: Jaded - Camping Fairge Iolair: Callenish Gunner - Wall Tent/great hall/ark Salty - Wall Tent Hamish - Wall Tent Meka II: Bosun Dutch Mercury: Captain Jim - Double Oar House Patti - Hotel Morgan - Double Oar House Tommy - Double Oar House Natalie - Hotel Emily - Hotel Mission - Hotel Paula - Wall Tent Iron John - Wall Tent Mad Pete Patrick Hand Beowoulf 'Big John Harris' Michael Bagley Kate Souris Pirates of the Dark Rose Crudbeard Bloodthirsty Viceroy Oreo Miss Felicity Fenris Chase Sansanee Swab Polly Dodger: TheBlackFox Vigilant: MajorChaos Wrecker's Encampment: DB Cooper - Wall Tent Lady Anne Marie - Wall Tent Diosa De Cancion undelcared: jendobyns Stynky Tudor
  11. We'll have a list of needs, errands, and the like as we draw closer. It would be nice to get the word out as often as possible that we're coming back. Spread the word at events that we love new recruits. We might also begin amassing more barrels and bales and casks, so that our camp has the feel of river pirates in the business of trade.
  12. Brutality of the heat aside, they treated us like gold and were very welcoming. The fort is beautiful and the land rustic and well tilled in equal portions, so you could hardly ask for a better backdrop. Besides, I have many friends there that I can't wait to see again. Also, we have our foot firmly planted in the door and I mean to do more at this year's event.
  13. It was great seeing you. Sorry to see you sick at the event, and at such a cold event at that. Old? Happy? No really, thank you. I don't mind the image that old seadog conjures at all. Thank you. You were missed in the Keys. It was a grand birthday. We just got back from a great shindig with friends. Thank, John. I look forward to seeing you again. Took years away. Added some back. Shave off a few. Planted a few. It was a roller coaster of age and erosion.
  14. I agree with all of Mike's suggestions, though I may not be able to attend most of them myself due to distance and vacation issues. I hear good things about all and the variety is good.
  15. They loved our presence at Fort de Chartres, and that's a Rendezvous. We're pitching some more living history demo stuff this year at the fort to make ourselves even more well known and I'm buying at least one whole ham just to take around to the camps to parcel out. The turkey was a huge hit.
  16. I was already planning to send one to Jon for Searles, so I'll be sending one anyway. It's no extra trouble to do it earlier.
  17. This year we're looking at a number of events for the Mercury crew. I'll gladly take suggestions. Fort de Chartres is the first weekend of June, so mark your calendars.
  18. Dorian has offered to play a 'Master Gunner' which suits me just fine. After all he has years of experience on cannons at Pennsic, Fort Niagara, Lockhouse, Fort Taylor and other gatherings, and he stepped up and did an excellent job as a safety Officer just two weeks back. As I said before, go with what you know.
  19. Thank you, Captain. I wish that recent years had not kept you away. As for my birthday, it plugs along at a nice pace. I've had several unexpected visits. Is it weird that I forgot about presents? My brother showed up with an armload of presents from my parents and I had an 'Oh yeah' moment. He convinced them that I needed a new 24" LCD monitor for the computer. Holy Visual Real Estate, this thing is BIG! I feel dwarfed by my monitor. I also got a box of panda licorice and an antique folding table from Tracy and Lindor Truffles.
  20. Ohhh...that's pretty. I love the shorter buss.
  21. Wind! Where will I put it... And to you. Hoping to meet you in the coming year. Thanks, Lily. Looking forward to the next year. Many, many events. It's been great so far. I'm being inundated by friends and family. Aye. Caught, but not hanged. I read that as California at first glance. My brother brought bacon pizza for lunch. I only get in trouble when they're watching. The rest of the time it's just vacationing with benefits. Thanks, Brig. I'll use the rum to by favors and loyalty.
  22. The gag is the history and history is the gag and...and...I don't have any idea what that means.
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