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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. For those members of the Mercury not in the know, we're considering a shift to Put-in-Bay because of the exhaustive heat we've battled for two years at Fort de Chartres. We still encourage members of the Mercury who cannot go to Put-in-Bay to attend Fort de Chartres, since it's close by to so many of you, but for those of us who are traveling from much further away, Put-in-Bay is looking very tempting.
  2. Aye, and there's nothing wrong with being captain, but give me a good able seaman any day of the week. Most of the people I know who play the captain couldn't lead men out of a wet paper bag, but I've met my share of hard working, good, well schooled and modest men that will play their parts before the mast better than any seven captains. Besides, a captaincy should be earned by appointment, reputation, or for better or worse, ruthlessness dictatorship or worthy leadership. A lord may buy the big chair, but those who rise by degrees make better captains. The hobby is supersaturated with big hats.
  3. Welcome aboard. We hope that your stay is a long one.
  4. I read the article more than once and it just made me tilt my head to once side like a confused dog. I mean that first line alone... "An autistic seven-year-old boy has been forced to take down a toy pirate flag in his garden - because it breaches advertising rules." I want to believe that it's a joke, but there it is, confusing and odd and once again proving that there's nothing stranger than real life.
  5. A hearty shout out to the Crew of the Mercury at St. Augustine. Somebody post pictures before I raise something to the waterline.
  6. His shop is in Richmond, Utah. His website doesn't exist yet, and believe you me, we get after him for not setting one up all of the time. I'm scheduling a photo shoot of the shop and him working in the next few weeks. I wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear it. Please pass along our condolences to friends and family.
  8. But William, you'll ruin your girlish figure! Aye. All eight of them.
  9. We should have a Key Lime Pie bake-off. Everyone bakes a Key Lime Pie and I get to eat said pies and judge them. How is this not a good idea?
  10. Mike has decided to relist this for $80 + shipping. It is 8 inches overall with brass scales, pins and a lanyard hole. .
  11. I've talked to Mike and he is willing to ship to the UK. He'll be contacting you directly with questions and instructions. And Mike sends along his thanks to Mad Pete. Anyone interested in getting a knife should know that Mike's new shop is complete and he's open for custom orders.
  12. I'm sure he'll consider it. I'll talk with him first thing tomorrow and let you know what it would cost. How would you like it shipped and what special instructions will we need to include to get it through customs?
  13. If that question was directed at me, the answer is maybe. The year is quickly filling up with obligations, but I want to.
  14. Two knives are still available to a good home, or even a really, really, really bad home.
  15. Aboard the Navarra Durand's departure did not go unregarded as he imagined. In fact, it was profound enough, that while his flight had not effect all who witnessed it, it had effected those that it would have pleased Durand most to have it effect. Captain Avendano was furious. He turned upon his First Mate at once, screaming such accusations and demanding answers from questions that could not be anything but rhetorical that Lieutenant De la Cruz returned nothing but a stare of insulted bafflement. Avendano did not take such a look well and he struck the Lieutenant full upon his face with an open hand. Ettore Tarín took a step back to see the Captain so enraged, as did almost everyone else, but Lieutenant De la Cruz did not retreat at all. Rather he returned an even, cold, almost murderous look that Durand, Lasseter or Brand would have understood. It was one thing to be struck or slandered by a man that was an equal, but to be so verbally and physically maligned by a pig such as Avendano. That was too much. It was past bearing. A line of quick, fresh and very bright blood ran straight down the Lieutenant's chin and neck, propelled by gravity and the drive of the rain. He made no attempt to wipe it away or stay the flow, but focused Avendano with a gaze so prophetic that it burned Avendano a little. The Captain could not deny that it unnerved him to see a man so young as this come over the wall of his secure position aboard ship, and all of his power and money were laid aside by that look. He was not uncertain that the young officer wouldn't kill him there and then, with his sword or the one left to him by Durand. The Lieutenant simply stood. Then, De la Cruz, mustering more dignity and control than Avendano, cleared his throat and said, "What are your orders, sir?" For his part, Ettore Tarín was grateful of the rain, because he found himself suddenly aware of his own frailty as a man, and not one well equipped for fear, danger or any other tension presented to him. The collision, Durand's departure or the threat of bloodshed between the Lieutenant and the Captain had caused him to piss himself, and he prayed that no one would notice.
  16. It's a great showcase piece. One for the gallery. More pics!
  17. And one of the best canon crews as touching safety that you'll find anywhere.
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