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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. "Long before I became Captain I was a tactician in the art of court...or rather...courtship. Men and women, my good Doctor." He stood up and went to the windows of the ward room. "Let me be frank. One could hardly mistake the good Captain's notice of you. When you shuffled off your bloodied apron for that dress, even the Monsignor was distracted in your passing. It was not so much Fournier's distraction that was so obvious, but his effort not to be while you were at his table. Why should he try so hard not to see you when all about were looking at you as men do when a woman of surpassing presence is before them? You see it was not his too much attention, but his lack of it that I find interesting. Most men would have fawned over such a guest to the extent of ignoring all others, but not Fournier. It smacks of deeper emotions. The play-acting of something hidden." William looked at her for a long time before continuing. "I wouldn't ask, but you did request an audience...unless of course I've misread your desire to speak to me about other subjects. Was this audience in regard to the castaways? Was I mistaken to broach this subject?"
  2. William nodded, eating from his own tray and watching her as she spoke. He did not comment or question her in any way. He just ate and drank and let what silences fall where they may. During the first long silence, he poured her a glass and passed it over. He poured himself one as well and sat back as one that is settling in for a long conversation. He gave her a pleasant smile and a nod as if to say, 'Please. Continue.'
  3. William looked from the tray to the Doctor and back again. "Is it your intention to turn down an invitation at my table? Don't make me order you to eat." Miss Smith was already returning with a second tray. He waited for her to place the food in front of him and then asked his Steward to see that they were not disturbed. "You can eat and talk to me of Fournier."
  4. "Now don't be so cordial in your denial." He said, sliding the tray across the table. "I spent the early morning standing and talking over the taffrail. You spent the better part of the night standing over a man's life. Now eat and tell me what it is you wanted to talk about." William called out into the companion way for Miss Smith, sending her away again for additional food from the galley.
  5. William stood from his tray mid bite. "Doctor... Do come in." He cleared a place at the table and fetched a chair closer. "I trust that you have had some success with the wounded, as I've heard no word to the contrary. Bad news has a way of reaching me with haste. Have you eaten? I can fetch a second tray."
  6. As the Watch Dog went about the business of gathering the cutter, William retired to the ward room, leaving the deck in the capable hands of Mister Badger. As he went, he passed Miss Smith who delivered him messages of other pressing concerns and requests. He sent her back again with orders and returns, informing all that he would be in the ward room and any and all who needed him might seek an audience there. William passed the galley on his way and exchanged compliments for food, remarking on the Monsignor's sudden and unexpected skill with a skillet. Then he retired to his quarters with well laden tray. He laid it out upon the table among his charts and waited for the Doctor and others to arrive while he ate.
  7. "I would appreciate any hand you can lend in the galley until we may find someone to replace Miss Johnson. As for our stores, I have them weighed in my mind against the journey and I'm certain there is enough water and to spare." William returns his attention to the Bosun. "All is ready, Mister Badger. You have the helm." The Captain watches as the signal to cast off comes hard upon Mister Badger's orders. There is a tenative moment where the Danzig seems to loom, but it is an illusion, her solitary sail is but a frail engine of the wind. The Dansig crew wrestles off the cable and all is dumped overboard. The Watch Dog rolls gently to larboard as the Dansig saunters past at a snails pace. "Very good, Mister Badger. Mister Youngblood...please fire a our starboard guns with an added charge of powder. I want those still abed in Montserrat to hear the call and sight the Danzig." Some of the Dutch sound a cheerful hail to the Watch Dog's crew as they crawl past. Christine waves a final farewell and the Watch Dog rolls off in a gentle arc, slowing to gather the cutter.
  8. "I'm sure the good Doctor is seeing to their needs, Monsignor, but if you should like to help where you may I can see no harm in it." William moves to the quarterdeck and begins the orders to shuffle off the Danzig in preparation for their new course. "Prepare to fall off to larboard! Stand ready to draw up the tow cable!" William turns to Mister Badger. "You have the helm, Mister Badger. Stall us in our progress enough to give the tow cable slack, then move away to gather up the cutter, if you please." William moves to the stern rails to signal the Danzig. He takes up the speaking horn again. "Prepare to cast off the tow line!"
  9. "Aye, Monsignor. They did an unexpected service in following us so far." William watched Mister Lasseter guide the cutter gently against the moving Watch Dog. Christine Johnson went down into the cutter carrying what she had come with and a dispatch meant for the Danzig Ship's Master. Most of the crew was abed, but many took the chance to wave a fond farewell to Christine as the cutter turned away to the Danzig Trader. William called for Mister Badger to sound "all hands" and to begin the preparations for separating from the Danzig. William took the speaking horn and called back to their Ship's Master. "Prepare to receive guests and to cast off from the Watch Dog!" Their were shouts of understanding as sailors gathered at the bow of the Danzig Trader to shake off the Watch Dog's tow cable. Meanwhile, the cutter was already alongside the Danzig and as Christine stepped away, they swung the cutter nimbly away from the Danzig's hull. Christine was welcomed aboard and she handed over the Captain's dispatch. It read as follows. "I deliver into your hands the safe conduct of one Christine Johnson, former cook and crewmember of the Watch Dog. More importantly, she is my friend and has known enoough hardship and toil in her service here. If I should ever hear that she suffered any mistreatment under your charge, and I would hear of it, then I warn you of that great displeasure you should know if this should happen. I want her delivered safely into port with no treachery or harm. Once she is delivered safely, I will consider all of our debts to one another ended and I will speak no more of the Danzig Trader's survivors to anyone. You may say what you will about your captain, so long as you make no mention of his removal by me. I wish you all the best of luck and future fortune. Sincerely, Captain William Brand of the Watch Dog"
  10. If you're thirsty, you may wish to check out what's behind door number three...
  11. Braised Irish Beef and Guinness Boxty. Two of Ireland's most revered foods, Guinness imparts its full-bodied flavors of roasted barley, caramel and hops in this traditional dish.
  13. William was still on the quarterdeck as dawn came. The morning was clear and as perfect a morning as one could hope for. No sails were sighted, but Montserrat could just be seen in the distance. William took up the speaking horn and called out to Mister Lasseter. "Mister Lasseter, ahoy! I have a passenger that needs ferrying to the Danzig!" William watched for his acknowledgment and then turned to Christine, who was waiting at the taffrail with a a small sea trunk and a sailor's bag. He went and stood beside her and with a grateful smile he passed her a bag of coin equal to her portion of work and her take of those goods to be sold in Margarita. "Thank you, Miss Johnson." She smiled the smile that was want to upset the thoughts of many a man. It was a distracting smile and pleasant smile that many of the messmates would probably miss. William sent for a bottle and two glasses and when they arrived he drank her a toast. "To carefree spirits who find solace only in wandering and discovery." The cutter came gliding up to the Watch Dog.
  14. That probably won't cost you much since so few are in tonight. Cheers mate.
  15. Great...now I'm going to be thinking about all of you in the islands!!
  16. Ohhhh it gets even worse. We have one decent faire locally and I thought it was next weekend. It was this weekend. I found out an hour ago after it was all over. I shall now commit ceremonial suicide with a gardening spade and an ice cream scoop.
  17. Our newest line up named after a regular. The Mad Jack Burger * 3 large fresh jalapenos, seeded and coarsely chopped * 3/4 cup coarsely chopped cilantro * 3 cloves garlic, smashed * 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice * 2 tablespoons water * 1 teaspoon ground cumin * Kosher salt * 1 1/2 pound ground sirloin, at room temp. * 4 ounces Pepper Jack cheese, shredded * freshly ground pepper * 4 hamburger buns * Olive oil, for brushing * 1/4 cup mayonnaise * 1 cup shredded iceberg lettuce * 4 thin tomato slices * Pickled sliced jalapenos, for serving Directions: In a blender, combine the fresh jalapenos with 1/2 cup of the cilantro, the garlic, lime juice, water, 1/2 teaspoon of the ground cumin and a generous pinch of salt. Puree the jalapeno-cumin sauce until smooth. In a medium bowl, lightly knead the sirloin with the Pepper Jack cheese, the remaining 3 tablespoons of cilantro and 1/2 teaspoon of cumin. Loosely shape into patties about 3/4 inch thick; tuck any large pieces of cheese into the burgers. Season very generously with salt and pepper and transfer to a plate lined with plastic wrap. Brush the cut sides of the buns with olive oil. Light a grill. When the fire is medium hot, brush the grate with olive oil. Grill the cheeseburgers for about 10 minutes, turning once, for medium meat. Move the cheeseburgers away from the heat and grill the cut sides of the buns until they are toasted, about 1 minute. Special thanks to Mellisa, Wichita, Kansas USA
  18. William was roused from his thoughts at the taffrail and he went immediately to the Master at Arms. "Mister St. Anthony!" "Sir! The French have extinguished their lights! They're..." William was already nodding with a look that betrayed no concern. "I know, Mister St. Anthony. We are entering into British waters. The French cannot remain and I asked that they slip away quietly, once we reached this region of the sea. Neither I or them want to attract too much attention." William paused to raise his spyglass in the dark. "There's no harm done, though Fournier may be wondering now, why we are sounding a bell when it isn't the proper time for one." William watched, but the Chasse de Mer was nowhere to be seen in such darkness and she gave no answering bell. Still, many of the Watch Dog's crew arrived on the deck. Mister St. Anthony may have been embarrassed, but William used the moment to make use of the gathering crowd. "Good lads and good lasses. The French have fallen off astern and we are now on our own. We must now see more to our own protection. Regular watches will once again commence. A double guard will be armed while we are in these waters and all hands will be available should the bell sound again. Before the dawn we shall cut the Danzig free of the Watch Dog and send up what signal we may for their rescue. Once this is done, we will turn south again for Spanish waters. The goods we carry, compensation for services to the Danzig, will line our pockets with Spanish silver and gold for months to come." "Or days if we're lucky!" Mister Johnson cried and pantomimed the figure of a Spanish lady. This brought several smiles and more than a few laughs. "Aye." William continued. "I'll not begrudge anyone here the chance to go ashore and spend what they will." He dismissed them to their duties or hammocks and clapped Mister St. Anthony on the shoulder. "Be ready with the arms locker key, should we need it, and see that you rest awhile more while there is time for resting."
  19. I've been to... Canada England France Switzerland Italy Greece Isreal Jordon Lebanon Egypt Mexico I'd like to see... Every place on Earth and several places on Mars and the Moon.
  20. William Kidd. Friends in very high places and very low places. Short, notorious career on the seas.
  21. Eating Rum? Now that be a stiff drynk! I'll be 'avin' two...an'a bit o' floor ta be fallin' on... Yes, yes, yes...I did say eating, when I should have said consuming. Still...
  22. We're having about twenty friends over to watch Master and Commander on a projection t.v. while eating rum an hard tack.
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