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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. ^ My final project in a drawing class at USU. Someone stole it after I turned in the artwork. EDIT: I answered Chole. I regret disposing of the that body in Cuba. kidding. < I was never a good student, but an F was so unfair under the circumstances. V Worst college experience you can talk about in public?
  2. Teeke Ranst and Drewes Viervant shared a combined understanding of French that was so small that it only equaled some nine or ten words, none of which were more useful for anything than for greetings, partings or insulting a man about his wife. Still, they both had a little coin and the promise that their good looks would get them in the door of a brothel or two. They were not disappointed, for coin and a knowing look or two did buy them into one or more beds that afternoon and evening. Languages, known or unknown made little difference once they had achieved their goals. Teeke found a plump brunette who seemed all the more pleased to have a man who found her conversation enticing despite his inability to comprehend it. They enjoyed one another's company enough that they broke a chair and Teeke was left with a small scrape of a cut that Drewes ribbed him about later. Drewes was similarly lucky, for he found a woman who didn't mind his clumsiness and inexperience. She had enough for them both and Drewes left that place with an appreciation for the finer sins. They rounded out the day with drink and no small share of obscene anecdotes.
  3. You do have to be careful running about because the coral is a dangerous thing. In the battle on the fort in 2005, I tripped in the coral at a dead sprint and turned my ankle. Of course, I kept my tongue and didn't make a sound because I had it in for redcoats and I wasn't going to let a turned ankle stop me from guttin' a soldier or two. Still, in hindsight, I was very lucky I didn't do more significant damage.
  4. Maeve's delicious rice crispy treat sushi wrapped in fruit roll up and gummy worm center.
  5. Maeve's April Fools Cake... ...meat. With mashed potato frosting.
  6. Aye, in the trees of the Southwestern area. As for sharks...we'll make a song about you and drink to you in every year to come.
  7. One isn't late for the tally until one misses the actual festival, but a more eloquent request to be added to the roll call, I have not seen. Added.
  8. In 2005 we only saw dragonflies. I never witnessed any other insect that year. The days were warm and the nights were cool and we experienced almost no real humidity. And we had no real rain but for a solitary whisp of moisture on one night. It's amazing how much it can change from year to year.
  9. May your day be filled with good humor and light hearted events with friends and family.
  10. And that is Jim standing atop the fort wall on the left.
  11. Mary Diamond was kind enough to send me these additional aerial views of the fort.
  12. ^ I prefer to listen to books while I draw and paint. I can devour whole books in this fashion. < I've listened to more books than I have read. V Favorite books?
  13. I just realilzed it IS tomorrow...so here you go. A pic facing the westwall from the open field between the fort and the sea. Cannons being fired from the West wall toward the Wolf. Waving from the West wall.
  14. ^ We don't get TV. < I listen to books on tape and watch movies. And I live in this blasted Pub. V Addicted to the hobby?
  15. No, Patrick, it didn't sound snooty. I always mention Redhawk because I'm a satisfied customer and I know their product lasts forever. However, I do think that many should make their own if they have the knack and the time. It would be cheaper, but it must be done right. See all testimonials from Silkie in 2006.
  16. Any chance I can get a current map "marked up" with general camp locations, fort, and seafront battle locations asap?? I don't want to rush ye William with the wonderful rendition I am sure ye will produce, but in regard to earlier pms it would be most helpful... We've already got something in the works but would really like to see it mapped out first before I pass it along... Harry is going to designate camps on a sight map sometime in the very near future and I will post it here for the benefit of all.
  17. Not having seen the Fort, would this wall be facing the water to possibly include The Wolf in a gun battle with the Redcoats in the Fort?? Aye, the Western wall of the fort is featured in all of the battle pictures where it shows the cannon on the top of the fort walls pointed out to sea. I will include some more pictures tomorrow to illustrate this point.
  18. With the pub chat temporarily out of service, the crew of the Watch Dog would like to offer an alternative chat room as a service to all Pub members. Please feel free to drop by anytime and discuss the scuttlebutt of all things pyrate. The Scuttlebutt You may experience different results with different browsers, so try more than one if you have difficulties. Safari works well. Be certain that you have Java enabled with whatever browser you choose.
  19. ^ Cleaning up anything spilled into carpet. < I don't mind housework and yeard work so much. In fact, if I had the money, I'd be doing more work around the yard. V Most desired change to your yard or house?
  20. If you are asking about my own character backstory as it will be played at the camp, then I shall be playing William Brand. I have wondered lately if my nomination as the quartermaster for the camps (i.e., A PIP Coordinator) is to be extended as an official rank aboard the Mercury. It's never been discussed, and most of the careening camp is playing every day able seamen. I guess I'll wait to hear from the camp attendees themselves on that matter. Still, I shall play the only me I have ever played since becoming involved as a pirate enthusiast. William "Red Wake" Brand. If you are asking about the "watches", then the answer is a little open ended. We agreed after PIP 2005, that patrols would be added to future events. I don't know if there was much need in 2006, for the camps were still growing again, but Harry would like some measures to be taken for security since the camps are outside the fort. Patrols are mainly meant to create an attitude of security. It is simply a means to see that someone walks about and checks in on the camps and periphery of the festival. Patroling members of the camps might be called on to assist drunken pirates back to their tents when they can't get there themselves. Or they might pick up obvious trash in their rounds. Whatever they do, they will be just one more elemnt of atmosphere and assistance to the group as a whole. It hasn't been decided if the patrols will be terribly formal or during exact hours, but I would welcome any volunteers who wish to walk about the night beaches and gaurd our little camps. On a side note, Harry did mention that law enforcement will probably be present during the festival this year. Are we starting another thread about personas or patrols?
  21. ^ I came very close to owning one last Summer and the guy changed his mind. < I want a boat badly enough to take any boats in almost any condition. V Have you ever fallen overboard?
  22. There will be watches around the festival with a few volunteers doing night patrols. This is as much for atmosphere as real security. We want a presence of patrolers to watch for anything which might be amiss and to be available if any emergency should arise. We must also have a constant watch over campfires at each camp as a matter of course. Thus the water buckets.
  23. I am doing a map of Key West marking the locations of the events both inside and outside the fort. This will be a handdrawn map in a period style. It will include everything from the "walk-the-plank" ceremony to the seafront battles. As for assistance, Harry does want to hang up wanted posters for Mary and Anne all over town, so we'll need walkers and poster hangers.
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