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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. ^ More coats. < I like a good pair of shoes, but I destroy them. I prefer a good coat. V I'll pass on the question.
  2. ^ The frigate Watch Dog. < I'd make several. V Which ship would you make?
  3. We need some toasted marshmallows...
  4. ^ Like car crashes...? I had the front right tire come off of the car once at 90 miles per hour while traveling down the highway in Nevada. It was 4 in the morning. No moon. Dark as pitch. We fishtailed a third of a mile before we ended up in a ditch. Then the other tire came off on that side. It was a long night. < I was once thrown from the bed of a truck in a roll over accident. Landed on my head. V Any major injuries in your time?
  5. Maeve is asking about the Golden Age of Pyracy specifically.
  6. We need more poeple to post to this thread. I'm still the only listing in my area.
  7. ^ Chicken heart soup. Yep...a bowl full of chicken hearts with the veins still sticking out in a broth that was primarily water. I will never forget that meal. < For the record, I prefer other parts of the chicken. There is a place that serves amazing chicken tamales locally. V Worst beverage ever consumed?
  8. We also need something freshly squeezed.
  9. This morning we are serving Eggs Benedict... ...seasoned potatoes... ...and all of the bacon one can eat.
  10. I asked the wife what she would like in her pirate and she said, "A full set of teeth."
  11. ^ I wish it could be less frequent, but I happen to like good food. < My wife often experiments. She finds and alters recipes which are generally so good that my eyes roll into my head backwards. V Favorite food?
  12. ^ Sleep. < I often wish that sleep was an option. I would only occasionally indulge in it if it wasn't necessary. V Do you nap?
  13. ^ Art. And yes, I am an artist. < I also enjoy photography and film, but I am involved with them less. V Hobbies outside of pyracy?
  14. Still losing the pounds. I'm going to need a belt soon.
  15. She mentioned that she has a particularly nice period phrase she uses as an insult, but I have yet to learn what it is.
  16. Sure, Chole...post something to keep me up another hour. Now I'm looking through trial notes.
  17. Thank you for the legwork thus far. I'm hoping for many more references.
  18. Relaxing after a very long day and pondering on projects.
  19. ^ I'm bipedal-ambidexterous. < It's a fine night here. I feel campfire weather in the air. V Can you spin a good yarn?
  20. Tonight's temptation...um...special is... ...pure evil.
  21. ^ Both. I was always in charge of inventing wild games for my huge circle of friends. My childhood was chaotic. < Speaking of parks, we spent 3.5 hours playing on equipment today. It was crazy. We found a park with a teeter-totter. I thought the Geneva convention had outlawed them. V Worst playground injury?
  22. My interest is purely philosophical. In a pig's eye. I love the sea, which stems from my youth, for I spent more time near the oceans of the world then. Now, I am landlocked in high desert country and I do not own so much as a raft.
  23. ^ Spring - Fall < It was wonderful weather today. The temperature was perfect. We went to two different parks with Liam and had a very good time out of doors. V Favorite park?
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