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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I'm going to adjust the Roll Call today. I need a list of names of those who will be sleeping at the Redcoats camp.
  2. You best burn some ships to the waterline then for good measure.
  3. The Mercury draughts will be printed on paper at 20" x 28". As for the booklet, there is a hobbyist that lives close by who runs an old handset type press. I am going to see if he will take me on as an apprentice and teach me press work, something I have always wanted to learn.
  4. ^ I'm learning Arabic for travel and study. < I have never mastered another language. V If you could learn any one trade overnight, what would it be?
  5. Tonight's special is Chocolate Brioche Pudding. Yes I know. I'm evil.
  6. Harry is confirming where the Redcoats will put there camp, so more information will be forthcoming. Stay tuned.
  7. Thank you. Most kind. We are beginning our 10th project this summer to be filmed in the Middle East and Europe.
  8. William retired to bed long before the shore parties from the 'Dog and Heron would ever slumber. He was content to lie under clean sheets in a private room, though he was used to a room which lulled to and fro, so it took him some time to relax. The rain had thinned outside and he listened to it and the occasional pop of the smoldering logs in the fireplace. He could hear music coming up through the floorboards, and though it was muted, he recognized the tune. Soon he was humming it in the near darkness of the room until sleep came upon him unawares. Elsewhere on Martinique another member of the Maastricht crew slipped his mortal coil in the crowded darkness of the Fort Royal prison. The Dutch doctor rubbed his weary eyes as he closed the eyes of the deceased. He too hummed a song in the near darkness, but this one was a dirge and more forlorn than William's had been. Still, he too fell asleep even as he thought that he would not.
  9. ^ Both. I love making fonts. < I'm giddy about a pirate event that is 8 months away. I need distraction. V do you know a second language?
  10. Our projected numbers just passed 60.
  11. I've actually volunteered once before to do all the necessary art for a booklet. I'm just finishing the Mercury Draughts first, so that they can be included. I like all of the ideas mentioned regarding the booklet.
  12. This is my brother's most recent youtube short film. All of the elements and scenery have been added.
  13. As Quartermaster, I be kicking the drunks awake and yelling... "To the pitch pots yeee SPROGS!"
  14. A fine cut of meat must be prepared just so.
  15. I'll take a plate of those too.
  16. How could anyone say 'no' to someone as flambouyant as this...?
  17. Tonight's dessert special is this... ...I don't know what it is, but I want a plate full.
  18. Diego brought up the idea of mending nets once at a festival in California. I know that it is a careening camp, but could we feasibly have someone mending a net, and has anyone ever done so?
  19. ^ I have had many reaccuring dreams over the course of my life. Some of them nightmares. < I'm uncertain whether or not I prefer nightmares or disappointing dreams less. V Do you dream in color?
  20. But of course. I release the command of the kitchen into your hands.
  21. I just convinced two friends from our neck of the woods to join us at PIP. And one of them is a most excellent cook. Yay.
  22. Then I believe some pan fried, greek potatoes are in order....
  23. July 29, 1704 - Le Saint Heureux Captain Brand took his leave of Mister McGinty and their guests and retired to a private room on the Southern side of the inn. It overlooked enough of the Cul du Sac royal that William could make out the general anchorage of the Watch Dog, if not the 'Dog herself. Rain continued to obscure much of the port and the smell of it was in the air everywhere. William sent for hot water to be fetched up to his room, for in addition to the comfortable furnishings of his surroundings, the room was blessed with a large, copper tub which sat facing the window. It was more round than long, almost a sitting tub, but when it was filled it proved to be quite comfortable. William sat in the hot water in near darkness, content with the dying light from the fireplace and the occasional lightning off the bay. He had thought to beg a book or two from the proprietor, but chose to soak instead, content to let his mind wander. He spent the better part of an hour going over figures and positions aboard ship that would need filling. He pondered on the small fortune which the Ilex treasure was yielding. He wondered after Mister Youngblood and his cannon sales. He meditated on new officers for the 'Dog. With his mind drifting from topic to topic, it eventually brought him to older things. Lost things. The storm soon reminded him of his beginning weeks at Almeria when he lived and worked in the village of San Jose. A three day storm had drowned the coast of Spain and he had spent much of those first few days indoors. William smiled to think that fourteen years had passed since then and he looked down at his hands to see if they seemed any older. The bath water had puckered them full of wrinkles, but he couldn't imagine that his hands looked any older, for memory doesn't allow us the luxury of comparison. "We always see ourselves as a present thing." he thought. Of course, he could not think about any of this, especially Spain, without wondering again what had become of Teresa. He was thinking of her often of late, and it didn't bother him so much to remember her now, as it did to recognize that he was forgetting what she looked like at all. Her face was now becoming an ideal and vague image in his mind. The years had replaced the absolute focus of her face with a hazy representation of her once clear and unforgettable form. "I should have borrowed that book..." William said aloud to himself. ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
  24. Filet mignon with herbed potatoes...
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