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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I'm glad to see so many fellow pirates getting into the spirit of the thing. I expect that the atmosphere of the camps will be such that all involved will take home such pictures and stories as to make the Pub jealous. I hope the weather is fair and the attendence large.
  2. Not for me this year, I'm afraid. I'll be doing well to keep everything in order and to finish my most current costume. Besides, Mike isn't going, and I would need Mike to really sell the fop. He can lisp like nobody's business.
  3. Mike and I have discussed dressing as fops for years. He would go by his middle name of Francis and I would probably be Willy, though we would pronounce it with the proper emphasis... Ffffronssis and Willay.
  4. Well...there may be some unforeseen pitfalls in accepting a 'free drink' from a pirate. Surely there is a parable or two waiting to be born from such an offer. Pirates bearing gifts and all that that implies. There are too many cut-purses about.
  5. Why, Miss Gage, it is a profound honor to meet the wife of our own Lazarus. Welcome to the Pub. Allow me the honor of breaking tradition by buying you a round.
  6. I'm talking about the tag along the side... Example: Your information reads as follows. Capt. Sterling Posted: Jun 25 2007, 06:52 PM Pyrate Legend Group: Members Posts: 3879 Member No.: 2648 Joined: 2-January 06 See where it says 'Group: Members'? Some fellows on the pub belong to 'Group: Captains'. There are six members of the Pub who belong to the group 'Captains', namely blackjohn, Cap'nPern, Duncan McGuyver, hurricane, Master Studley and Redd Oktober. I was just wondering how that particular designation is handled, for while some of these men do command groups as captains, I'm not sure that all of them do. You for example, my dear Captain, are in the group 'members', as am I.
  7. And the "captains" question leads to another question. What designates someone as a captain in the member groups?
  8. Done. Actually...damn. I get paraphrased too often, but thank you.
  9. For questions on clothing as they pertain to PIP, I would see the related threads under the Pirates in Paradise forum as well.
  10. First, let me clarify something. This thread was started to ask a few straight forward questions and that is all. Mod or Admin bashing is not the intent of my original questions. I just wanted to see if a few things could be changed. Small things.
  11. "I've been asking for access to the Tales of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog forum for almost 2 years."
  12. Aye... ...and that's okay, but I'd still prefer to have it removed if it can't be utilized by any of us.
  13. Your quote option is broken. "You can be invited, but you may also ask to join the crew." You lucky dog, you. You have a working subforum with threads and everything. I've been asking for access to the Tales of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog forum for almost 2 years.
  14. You see, there are several reasons why the subforum for The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog needs to be changed, but the tagline is one of the main ones. It is wrong. It states that "you must be invited to join the crew to post on the Watch Dog" which is not true. You can be invited, but you may also ask to join the crew. You don't have to wait for an invitation. We get volunteers quite regularly. Some one must be working on the issue as we post, because the threads are now gone. Only the The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog title and tagline remain.
  15. One down. 4,585 to go. Of course, 3,000 of those are spammers.
  16. I'm holding a small dinner party on the Kate and everyone is invited. Please RSVP me if you would like to attend.
  17. INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT is the primary thread for introductions and interaction between the old hats of the pub and the new people just joining up, but the tagline also mentions that this forum may be used to "post questions and comments about the Pub to the moderators", so here goes. Question number one... Why does the start page for Pyracy.com still list the 2005 dates of Pirates in Paradise instead of the current dates? Example: Question number two... Could someone please remove the subforum "The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog" from the Pirate Crews forum? No one on the Watch Dog crew can add or remove threads from that subforum. Since we can't post to it, add to it or edit it, we'd rather see it removed. We just hate to see a wasted subforum on the Pub. Some of the information on it is outdated or in need of ammendment. Question number three... How is everyone behind the scenes? We never hear from enough of the people who run this place to know what's going on anymore. How are all of you behind the curtain? How did all of you get started here? We could use a history of the Pub thread under INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT. Question number four... How many people on the Pub belong to the member group called "Captains"?
  18. I would be greatly interested in a large amount of these for my costumes and for the costumes of a few friends.
  19. Best to remove your shoes ere you go a swimmin'.
  20. July 31, 1704 - At the Chirurgeon's House William and the others outside Maeve's humble shop spent equal turns in conversation and silence, sometimes pacing and sometimes leaning about the various doorways and windows of the narrow street. William thinned the crowds by degrees, sending men and women on their way to various duties and beds. By the time Maeve and Briar were gone upstairs to sleep, only a handful of people remained outside on the street. William sent the last of them away, but for Claude, as he and the chosen shipmate slipped into the dim light of the shop. William fetched a stool beside the bed of the sickly officer and sat awhile pondering the pitfalls of mortality and duty. He wondered that so many alterations should have come and gone as touching the office of Master-at-Arms. He himself had first held the office aboard ship when the Monsignor had started this enterprise. Mad Jack had been a thorough replacement for him, but had just as thoroughly departed the position. Now Preston lay on the fringe, just one more Master-at-Arms in a succession of puppets. "The Caesars were less mortal." William said aloud. "Pardon, sah...?" Claude said from the casement at the front of the shop where he had opened the windows to let in the night air. "Nothing." About this time, Captain Lasseter and Eric Franklin arrived and the three men sat about in congress, talking about the day's events and the morrow's expectations while Claude fell asleep under the casement. Six bells of the Mid Watch
  21. This is a gentle reminder... FOOTWEAR Don't wait until the last minute to shod your feet.
  22. I would be remiss if I didn't say what I would like to see. I would love to see someone selling everyday wares for use in the camp. Tobacco, soaps, sugars, onion bottles, clothing items, etc. I should also like to see period replicas of maps, newspapers and books. Facsimiles of this nature would be an easy sell for me.
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