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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Aye. The dog watches make everyone insomniacs on alternate days.
  2. That's a nice little tidbit, Daniel. Thanks for the additional reference on bloody flags. I seldom have the time to do half of the research I want to do.
  3. Excellent. I do like the darker red of the reds. The onion bottles are very nice.
  4. I would try doing searches for heraldic mermaids and dogs. There are numerous books on the subject and a google image search will yield a fair number of them.
  5. I have been known to, but the definition broadens considerably when I do. Perhaps dance is not the right word. Perhaps 'attempt' is the better word for it.
  6. If the Pub management would like to sticky it they may. I'll leave the Scuttlebutt chat up as long as they would like to use it. Management could also create their own Live Harmony account and relink it to the chat button or link Scuttlebutt to the chat button. It's too bad the former chat had so many issues. It was a fairly interactive system.
  7. If you can get a few swords made which are highly accurate, you will not want for clients. There are people here who would line up for a good GAoP blade. Just ask Captain Midnight about his cartridge box.
  8. You're living on borrowed daylight, Miss Ashcombe. When you die I'll see that you are buried sometime between 3 and 4 in the morning and all of the mourners shall wear pajamas.
  9. First, a few questions. Where are you traveling from? Are you driving or flying? Which camp are you hoping to attend? These questions will have some impact on how we answer. If you attend by staying in the Archangel encampment, Captain Sterling might have some special instructions or advice. If you stay in the 1720 Mercury Careening camp, I would give you some specific suggestions. This would also apply if you asked to join Hurricane's Buccaneer Camp. As it stands, food is still be discussed in different ways among the three groups, so that might not be answered for a few months. It is nice to see another face. I shall add you to the roll call.
  10. I love you. I also despise you for having better kit than mine.
  11. Aye, and my lee has never been my best side. Maeve laughs whenever she hears people describe me as shy. She has heard it a great many times now, and knowing me as she does, she never gets over how strange and ridiculous it is to hear me described as 'quiet' or 'timid'.
  12. I know that our numbers are looking ever so good this year, but I would like to take the time to push recruitment. We could never have enough good pirates at this event. The promise of 'atmosphere' at the encampments is making for a very exciting event this year. I can hardly wait to see Hurricane's Buccaneer camp, let alone the others. I'm still hoping to bring my brother and several others along. Please invite people. And don't be afraid to approach people that you've never spoken to about pyracy. There are a great many people out there who would love this event and just don't know it yet.
  13. Infamy over fame...aye. I don't mind. I've had the strangest reputations in my lifetime. I remember working at once particular job for some two months before learning that my coworkers thought I was a devil-worshipper. I was reading a book at the time called "Lucifer's Hammer". It is a book about a comet that hits the Earth and has nothing to do with the devil in any shape or form. They also thought that I was 'shy'.
  14. I would suggest bringing a pension for dance and strong drink. You might also prepare jokes, good humor and some interesting anecdotes. There seems to be a scandalous number of women coming to this party.
  15. Have you ever tried your hand at mortuary swords?
  16. It is always a pleasure to see another craftsman aboard. Welcome.
  17. Well...I'm close and also nowhere near you. I'm landlocked in Northern Utah. This puts me closer to some pirates in California, so I wouldn't call it close. Still, welcome aboard.
  18. July 31, 1704 - At the Chirurgeon's Home William awoke to the hushed sound of women's voices, and while he was awake rather quickly, he found that his legs remained fast asleep. He was forced to turn himself to either side by leaning in the chair until his legs woke up in slow, painful bouts. After a time the blood began to flow to his feet and he gritted his teeth at the discomfort. This was not improved by the ache in his back or the unpleasant knot at the base of his neck, but he bore all of this with relative patience. After all, not just a few weeks before, he had been in a thick stew of bilge water, blood and his own filth bound for England and the noose. Remembering this, he bore the ache of the chair with a more sober aspect. While he fidgeted, Claude Marchande awoke, and having slept much better than the others, and also longer, William sent him with purse and script to fetch back hot food and drink for the themselves and the two ladies. Claude slipped out quietly at once, leaving William to pace about on his newly resurrected legs. While Claude was gone Dorian awoke long enough to say something incomprehensible about Gibraltar and the "open roads of Spain", but when William tried to question him he realized that Dorian had never been awake at all. He smiled to hear the man talk in his sleep, for he had never known him to do so and William had always secretly delighted in hearing such nonsense from slumbering people. William's thoughts had been on Spain much of late, and the mention of it caused him to look out the front window at streets that looked nothing like Spain at all while he thought on villas and olive orchards. "Good mornin', Captain Brand." Maeve said from the doorway which separated the two halves of the shop. William turned and bowed graciously enough. "Forgive our impertinence, Miss O'Treasaigh. We could not keep from our friend's side." Maeve seemed to care not at all. In fact, she smiled a smile that he had not witnessed before and wondered that he should have noticed so many variations of it in so short a time. This caused him to smile in return and he was fairly certain that no matter the outcome with Mister Pew, he and the lady chirurgeon would remain comfortable friends. Her smile seemed to say likewise, and he both hoped that he was right and prayed that he was wrong at the same time.
  19. Welcome aboard, Miss Kildare. We hope your stay is a long and happy one.
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