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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Pirates! I've always wanted to shout that in a crowded room.
  2. Form a line and prepare to receive shares!
  3. William swings the stick in a long slow arc until it touches the pinata, then he clobbers it open with one good hit. It's about follow through.
  4. Will there be categories such as chess club...? Class clown? Most likely to raise a coastal town to the ground?
  5. Kansas THE SCALLYWAGS PIRATE SHOW (Newton) http://www.geocities.com/thescallywagsshow/ I don't know of any others in that area off of the top of my head.
  6. William fetches out a blunderbuss while blindfolded and guests scatter. "I'm joking, of course. Fetch me a stick."
  7. August 1, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog William was unceremonious about stowing his gear. He let his hat fall into a chair and collected a large bottle of amber colored liquor from the stern bench. He gestured to a chair and Eric sat down, but William remained standing as he filled the two glasses. "Something against the weather." "Aye, sah. Thank you, sah." William drank a little before saying anything more. He rubbed one eye as he replaced the glass on the table and he popped his neck to one side and then the other. "We signed on some twenty-eight men today." William began. "Sah..." Eric interjected and William paused. "A Frenchman, name of Lefevre, came aboard with the Larboard crews..." "Ah, yes." William nodded. "Christophe Lefevre." "Aye, sah. That's the one." "We'll make him an able seaman, along with most of the men who came aboard tonight. I've sent Mister Greene to Rummy. She'll see what skill he possesses as a carpenter." "Sah...there's a rumor that she and Mister Hawks..." Eric began, but William was already nodding. "A rumor." he said smiling. "Well, if it is a rumor aboard the 'Dog than it is as good as gospel. Rummy and Jonathan mean to put to shore with their shares here at Martinique. Where is she?" "I believe she is repairing the cable tier forward, sah." "The Tawny business?" "Aye, sah. Not much damage there, but she likes her work...unspoiled, as she puts it." "Aye." William agreed, and he thought of article thirteen. 'That none of the Crew shall go on Shore till the Ship is off the Ground, and in readiness to put to Sea...'. "Well...to other matters. With Mister Pew ashore I will need you to pick a 'second' to act as a captain of marines for the alternate watches. I leave the matter to you whether you shall raise another seaman or choose a marine. When you put ashore tomorrow we'll visit Mister Pew and you and he can discuss new marines with him, but you must assign a man to stand in your stead. Someone from the Starboard Watch or one of the new men. Luc or Jean if you feel a mind to. The marines already serving on the Heron will there remain, unless Captain Lasseter decides otherwise. This leaves us with...five Larboard marines... Ciaran, Tribbiani, Woodington, Marchande and...Hingerty. And to Starboard...?" "Four to Starboard." Eric returned. "Five with myself. Thatcher, Morrel, McGinty and Mooney." "With Thatcher ashore." "Aye, sah." "In addition to youself and Mister Pew I should like some eight marines Starboard and Larboard. I would like you to think on that matter and assist Mister Pew in choosing the new marines on the morrow." ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
  8. Thank you for the information and the offer of rides. There is a rideshare thread where you could post as well. I'll add you to the list.
  9. Build it to scale and hire all of us to be on it.
  10. Creating plot ideas for the Watch Dog. Eating ice cream. Pondering on PIP.
  11. "We are in good spirits this evening..." William said, raising an eyebrow to Mister Franklin. "Aye, sah." Eric said at once, turning an additional laugh into a simple, affable smile. "Sorry, sah. May I ask...have you any word of Mister Pew?" William shook his head as he watched the last of the recruits file down the companionway. He removed his hat long enough for the rain to run over his head. He slicked his hair back and replaced the tricorn. "The opportunity did not arise, Mister Franklin. I regret that was kept too busy with this business of recruits." "Os des hommes." Jean said aloud to no one. No one asked him what this meant, but William nodded. "Captain Lasseter was seen returning to the Heron a short time ago." Tudor said at William's elbow. "Excellent." Willilam said looking towards the cutter. "Miss Smith, you have the deck. Mister Franklin, I would speak with you in the Ward Room." "Aye, sah."
  12. I'll add that to the map when I confirm a few other things with Harry tomorrow. As for the ramparts, they are reached by a circular stair near the Pub. There is an archway in the upper right hand corner of the picture below. that is the entrance to the stairs leading from the parade grounds up to the ramparts.
  13. August 1 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Manus Hingerty lead Jonah down through the companionway to a gathering crowd of new and old recruits. There was a considerable din as names and origins were shared among the throng. Luc and Simon were vying for the stairs as Manus came down with Jonah. "Who has de deck?" Simon asked Manus. "And vere is de Carpenter?" "VERE...?" Manus mimicked back. Simon ignored this, for his accent was not overly thick, no matter what Manus might think of it. "Are these men from de prison?" "Aye." Manus returned trying to make his way through the gathering at the base of the steps. "New recruits den." Simon said, knowingly. Manus stopped and sneered and managed a derisive little laugh, shaking his head at the Dutchman. "Listen ta him, eh mate? New recruits indeed. Why jus' the tother day this one were a recruit 'imself. Saved 'im and the lot. Twice, some of 'em. New recruit..." Manus shook his head again. "Taint fit enough fer two navies and comes a'courtin' on the 'Dog." Mister Greene showed no signs of sharing Mister Hingerty's unnecessary derision of the Dutchman. In fact, he put out his hand. "Jonah Greene." "Simon Dunwalt." Simon returned, shaking the hand at once. His name came out sounding like 'Done-Vault'. "Man of de 'Dog." he added, giving Manus a look that dared him to contradict him. Luc threw out his hand as well.
  14. So what if we break a little earthenware. Oh wait...I best stow some of these dishes.
  15. The blacksmith shop is so well situated between the main gate, the restrooms, the parking lots and the entrance to the fort proper, that it is bound to be a great social venue for pirates, redcoats and the general public. I'm very excited that we get to use it this year. I'm hoping over time that we can even improve the blacksmith shop by adding the various little 'extras' you would see in a large, working forge. Cooper tools, hoops, some furnishings, period lanterns, tools and craftsman. Time is short this year, but next year we might see a period bellows.
  16. Curse you and your yummy recipe. I am really hungry now.
  17. I do believe that SilasTalbot is from up Boston way. Try contacting Silas here on the pub or on his website... http://www.kimcarrell.com/
  18. August 1, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog The recruits came aboard the 'Dog one by one under the downpour of rain and music. They all looked about at the ship which was to be their home and provender for the months and perhaps years to come. Many of them stared forward to the canvas strung out there. "Miss Tribbiani." William explained, though she could not be seen from their vantage point. "Do not be fooled by the voice, Gentlemen. A larboard marine and as able a seaman as most, is our Miss Tribbiani." William turned to Tudor, Alan and Manus who stood hard by and they each snapped off a salute. They looked a bit water-logged despite the oilskins about them, but they smiled ruefully. "Report, Miss Smith." "Sah. Th' rain has made any fine powder above decks of no use whatever. The marines have some muskets for thier use stowe..." "That will do Miss Smith. Mister Woodington, see these men below and have Mister Gage fetch down some hot food while I divide from these men those that shall go over to the Heron." "Aye, sah!" "Mister Hingerty, see Mister Greene here to the Master Carpenter and have her acquaint him with the tools of the 'Dog. He's to have his things stowed there for the time being." "Aye, sah!" "Thank you, Mister Hingerty. Mister Greene, welcome aboard the 'Dog." ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
  19. I forgot to mention that the fort forge does not have a great many tools, so anyone wishing to donate a few hammers, tongs, or other tools to the forge may send them directly to Harry at the fort.
  20. I spoke with Harry Smid over a week ago and we discussed the use of the fort's blacksmith shop. The forge is located just outside of the fort proper on the little rise of a hill between the fort and the restrooms. It is an open pavilion with the forge at one end. Harry will be supplying coal and some steel for the festival, so the forge will be active. Harry has agreed to let Jonah Greene, aka Captain Midnight, to set up his Greene Knight Forge there for the event. Mister Greene will be making flint strikers and other small sundries, so stop by the shop while you are there. We are very excited that the ring of the anvil will be heard during the festival. The added atmosphere of a little coal smoke and the report of the hammer will be a welcome addition. Anyone wishing to learn a little smithy work, or anyone with broad blacksmithing experience who would like to work at the forge, please send me a PM. We would gladly have a few more lads and lasses at the forge. Here are a few pictures of the forge as it is now.
  21. August 1, 1704 - On the Cul de Sac Royal The journey to the Watch Dog was one of the worst William could remember. The Cul de Sac Royal's once charming, almost picturesque seascape, was now a boiling cauldron of chop and white caps. The downpour was so severe that while half of the men rowed, the other half bailed, and yet, not a single man aboard the small boats complained or showed any sign that they were troubled. They fell into the old habits of the sea as easily as dropping into bed. Every man did his part to bring them safely across the short distance to where the Watch Dog lay at anchor. "There she is men!" William shouted out over the weather. "Every one of you will come aboard the 'Dog for a time until I've had a word with Captain Lasseter about which of you is to join him on the Heron! She's that very able looking cutter there!" He pointed to the Heron which was bright with several lanterns, even in the rain. "Those of you who are to go to he Heron will find Captain Lasseter as capable and fair a man as you could ever hope to serve under. He's good to the men that give him a day's work and a finer Quartermaster I have never met." The passed near enough to the Navarra that they were hailed and William took a chance to stand a little in the boat and tip his hat. A man in heavy oilskins that might have been the Lieutenant signaled back. "Ahoy the Watch Dog!" William called, as they crossed that imaginary border that surrounds all vessels at anchor. "Ahoy, Cap'n!" Miss Tudor Smith's strong, but feminine voice carried back and this raised a few of the recruits from their bent places at the oars. William noted that Oliver Randall smiled, and William shook his head, already certain that if he kept that man on the 'Dog he'd be dead within the week. The women might just gather in secret to be rid of him. "New recuits, Miss Smith! Have Mister Woodington and Mister Hingerty meet me amidships!" "Aye, aye, sah!" ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
  22. You have the general public position pegged. The attackers range all over the park.
  23. Just to be on the safe side can a moderator find out if someone used the Royalist login and password to smear Royallist by posing as him. This seems decidely out of character.
  24. The specific part that you circled is not accessible to the public. You cannot approach the outermost edge of the wall on that side, and mores the pitty. Some day when the fort is fully restored it might be possible.
  25. August 1, 1704 - Martinique It took some time to find a shop large enough to supply their needs. When they did finally locate a place that could see every recruit outfitted, it was easy to see at once that many of the hammocks there had already put to sea at least once before. "They may not look pretty, gentlemen, but they've seen and survived the life." William pondered on the task of testing these worn hand-me-downs and he looked about the room. His eyes settled on Jonah Greene, a man that had also 'seen and survived the life'. Since the man had been a captain once before it was likely that he had a good judgment for hammocks and this might make the task at hand pass quicker, so William motioned for him to step forward. It didn't hurt that the man was also tall and wide in the shoulders. William asked Jonah over to test his weight and opinion on each hammock. Marinus was also employed to test a hammock or two and the two men took turns sitting in every other one. Some of The hammocks survived the scrutiny, but some of them failed. Marinus went right through one and Jonah caught himself as yet another gave out. "Have you a tailor on board, Captain?" Jonah asked as he climbed free of a torn, patched bit of canvas. "Aye." William returned, and Jonah nodded. Between Marinus, William and Jonah they managed some forty-five hammocks to be used for the recruits there and those that would come after. William allowed Jonah first pick and so on down the line until every man had a hammock wrapped neatly about his shoulders. William also managed some seventeen oilskins which he said would be shared until more could be found. With this accomplished, he bustled them out into the foul weather and down to the docks to cross over to the Watch Dog. Three bells of the First Dog Watch ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
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