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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I find myself using period and nautical terms in my daily language all of the time. Even my wife uses 'Aye' in place of 'yes'. A friend of mine once pointed out that most 'pirates' today insist on using a bad cockney accent, when any world accent will do, and he hates it. For that very reason he avoids all things pirate, and to a degree, he has a point. Too many of us seem to gravitate to that West London meets Grounds Keeper Willy voice that makes some people laugh secretly behind our backs. Ever since then, I've completely avoided any British Isles born accent as a rule and decided to maintain my everyday Colonial-Mixed-Breed-American-Hodge-Podge accent. Easy. Comfortable. Genuine. Although I do say bugger with all of the English emphasis needed to really sell it.
  2. That's why we only eat this much on the Kate. She's already high and dry.
  3. Ahhh, cabbage. I haven't enjoyed a mess of good cabbage in a long while.
  4. Eight Bells of First Watch Middle Watch Begins August 4, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog William returned to the Watch Dog in short order. He was met amidships as he came aboard by both Jacob Badger and Tudor Smith. They made several inquiries regarding the missing men and the escaped prisoner and William invited them aft to discuss these matters and others. Once in the confines of the Ward Room, he explained to them that Captain Lasseter would take the Lucy hence to St. Pierre that he might discover if den Oven was there or fled to other shores. Meanwhile, any men of the Lucy not found before the cutter's departure, would be taken aboard the Watch Dog to aid in the final taking and stowing of stores and to serve in whatever capacity they may until they could be returned to the Lucy. This explained, William turned to the matter of ship's officers, revealing to them his intention to make Jim Warren the Ship's Master upon his return to the Watch Dog. He also asked Jacob to give his thoughts on a replacement for both Coxswain and Coxswain's Mate. Claude Marchande, being a very large man and much liked for his skills as a sailor and translator, headed the list for Coxswain, they having few others with sufficient experience. William admitted that he was a good choice, but as he lacked the fine requirements of a good coxswain for the present, he offered another name. "How like you, Mister Campion of the Bullrush, Mister Badger?" "Like?" Jacob mused aloud, as if liking the man or not had little to do with the matter. "I should like him well enough if qualified." "He was a Second Mate on the Bullrush." William explained. Jacob made a dismissive sound. "Admittedly, I should not like to put a recruit over proven men, but with Jim Warren as Master, I need an experienced navigator for Coxswain." Jacob nodded, but said nothing more. "Then Campion for Coxswain and Marchande for Mate." Tudor had remained quiet on the matter. William had thought to alter her position aboard ship, owing to some restlessness on her part, but he could find no place that he thought better for her, not because she wasn't skilled, but because she was a woman of many skills and difficult to define by one position aboard ship. "I would have you as a Coxswain as well, Miss Smith, but for my jealous requirement that you remain my Steward, having proved yourself so well in your regard to the Ward Room. However, I would that you should hone those skills of navigation that you have, so that we might have more navigators, rather than less, and I would add that as you have distinguished yourself in the taking of the Maastricht, you shall be numbered among the marines if Eric Franklin will have you."
  5. In honor of Maeve's birthday, today's special is sushi...
  6. Raise a glass, lads and lasses! To my lovely bride!
  7. We had cookie dough tonight. I feel like an uncooked egg...fetch me a bucket.
  8. Updating my address book...or rather...rebuilding it from the crash.
  9. This is what happens when you stay up all night consorting with redheads.
  10. I've started collecting props for the September Shindig. I'm planning a run to Chinatown in San Fransisco in April to buy coins, lanterns and the like. I even started building a Firefly theme room in the garage.
  11. We almost never cook the cookie dough at our house. Have spoon, will travel.
  12. Our Aeva... http://www.flickr.com/photos/24635634@N04/2329196477/
  13. First the humor goes... Once more for the record, I've made several attempts to upload images of her to no avail. EDIT: whew...finally. http://www.flickr.com/photos/24635634@N04/...in/photostream/
  14. You want me to post a picture of Aeva under the heading "Your Pet"...?
  15. Ahhhhh. There's the Captain we all know and lo...um...respe...hmmm....what's the word?
  16. Aye, we do, but unfortunately I set up a booby-trap around it and I can't remember how to safely remove it. More's the pity.
  17. I believe that someone told me to send this picture to Stuff On My Cat, so I did back in August and it was finally posted in January... http://www.stuffonmycat.com/index.php?item...nding=1#pending
  18. A good cook is worth his eccentricities. Trust me...never point out any change which might upset a cook worth keeping.
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