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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. In 2005, I attended PIP and the Fort Zachary Pirate Festival with my friends Mike and Andria. Andria is half Thai and decided to attend in traditional Thai dress. Now, as Thai dress remains almost unchanged for several hundred years, it was easy for Andria to find clothes that would work for the period. At the time I could have explained each piece of her costume, but I've forgotten the names of them now. Still, here are a few pictures showing the wrap around skirts, pants and various tops she interchanged to compliment her traditional look over the course of PIP. The picture of this green dress doesn't do it justice, as it is made from an intricate hand dyed silk from her relatives in Thailand. Every fabirc she used was made from hand made silks or linen. The skirts and pants Mike and Andria wore at PIP are traditional fisherman pants stemming back almost 500 years. She could certainly marry East and West together with the right bits of kit and head coverings. Sadly enough I don't think anyone recognized the effort that Andria put into her outfits and her painstaking efforts to be period, albiet period from another part of the world. As her kit contained clothing that is still worn today, her attempts may have been misunderstood as some casual chiche of the modern day. An Eastern version of a modern interpretation, even though it was period. Her largest personal complaint about her own kit was the utter abscence of daab sword, but we couldn't find a decent one prior to PIP.
  2. Cutthroat Island happed to be on today, so I watched it just to get a few looks at the Morning Star. I almost didn't make it through the movie without screaming.
  3. A very happy birthday. May it be filled with random acts of crazy rich people giving you things.
  4. A very cool video. I enjoyed watching them make a clew.
  5. An orange. It's International Scurvy Awareness Day! Huzzah!
  6. Welcome aboard. Does this mean that we'll see you at PIP?
  7. Well...it won't be the same without you. That's for certain. I would like to personally thank you for setting the stage time and time again to allow us use of the Fort. Your willingness to sell every idea and make every effort to accommodate us has been a boon to us over the years. I hope you enjoy your remaining time in Key West and best of luck on your new life ahead.
  8. If anything I might make at the forge might be considered a 'gift' then yes. I'll make a poor knife or a nail.
  9. Comment # 1 Nice. Comment # 2 wow.
  10. If you come to PIP, I'm making a leather apron for the forge and joining in. Every since Mike took down his forge at the Gibbons, I've been hankering to make something.
  11. This thread would be incomplete without touching on a number of camping threads and the more specific subjects of re-enacting on site. Getting tentage ready for PIP http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=10076 The Buccaneer Project http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=4392 Campaign Furniture http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13833 wooden firebox http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=12362 Period correct tools http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=12573 GAOP Encampment http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=7305
  12. These are just some of the threads Patrick was speaking of... Getting tentage ready for PIP http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=10076 The Buccaneer Project http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=4392 Campaign Furniture http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13833 wooden firebox http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=12362 Period correct tools http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=12573 GAOP Encampment http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=7305
  13. Every year that I've attended I've lamented the silent forge at the fort. It would be such a great addition to hear the hammer and anvil on chorus together. We need to strongly consider using that great site this year. Even an open tavern there called the "Old Forge" would be great, so long as the spot is used. The place is well shaded, while still possessed of great light by day. The forge could be festooned with lanterns and serve pirates coming and going at all hours of the day, especially with our growing numbers. What surprises me most is that it isn't used. String a few hammocks. Place a few chairs and tables. The place begs for a new and ambitious crew of sutlers. Any budding or experienced blacksmiths ready to take on the task of an unused resource?
  14. Unreasonable? I could go several directions with this question, but I'll just say this. If you prefer a thin, long blade as a weapon of choice, I would recommend the period smallsword. If the cost of additional weaponry is outside of your budget at present, wear the rapier with pride. We sometimes delve into the semantics of kit to the point of strong, contrasting opinions of right and wrong. There were thousands of pirates. One of them may have carried a rapier. Certainly it never would have been common. Certainly a shorter blade is more practical for obvious reasons, but as you already own one, don't fret over the matter too much. Better to consider additional arms such as a good musket then to worry too much about the blade you already own. Of course if you're playing a Captain of even modest means, you could have several weapons of choice. You might even have a few modified weapons as 1stMate Matt suggests. Okay, played both sides of the fence and I'm now rambling... ...somebody stop me.
  15. Welcome aboard, Pat. You won't find a shortage of madness in the throng. This lot will get you drunk, convince you to to wear outlandish clothes and shoot guns in the air. If you're very lucky, that will all take place before noon and you'll get to do it twice more before you sleep five days in a row. See PIRATES IN PARADISE Yes. I never stop recruiting.
  16. Auuuuustralian Pine. Russian didn't look right when I typed it. This is why I need people to shower me with money, so that I don't see two whole years between visits.
  17. A right, sound and all round happy birthday, Mister Flint. Three cheers and a round to the Whole Company for Mister Flint!
  18. There are several crews back East that would love to have you aboard, and I'm sure they'll notify you shortly, but some of the Pub's virtual crews can be found in the subforum "The Skull & Quill Society".
  19. Excellent work, Mister Tignor and Mister McBrian. Now bring that smart kit to PIP and weather it well with cannon black, corral dust, Russian Pine sap, cooked bacon and rum.
  20. If I had the money, not only would I fly you out to your international destination of choice for some fine dining. I would also see to it personally that everyone there knew who you are before you got there so that they would great you by name and wish you a happy birthday. Since I don't, can't and therefore won't be able to (in that order), please accept a happy birthday from a pirate pauper.
  21. Fort by day. Drunken tourists along the Westin and Mallory Square Piers by night.
  22. You will love the Nina. I saw her years ago at a tall ships festival. She's impressive, for what I can only describe as a very 'cozy' boat. You have to stand at her bow to fully appreciate the reckless, undaunted drive of Columbus and those who sailed with him into the unknown.
  23. Excellent. The more the merrier. I'll add him to the tentative list along with a new listing for the Buccaneer Camp.
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