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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. WANT. Seriously, what would you charge for beckets?
  2. Bring back gravity and physics. If I see another sword fight out on a yard arm during a storm while circling a maelstrom, I'm going to puke. Dumbest scene ever.
  3. The seventh bell of the watch came and went as the Watch Dog was brought to bear upon the Navarra. William had given Jack permission to fly before the wind unchecked and they soon paralleled her in their course. William called out from the holy ground and was answered by the Ship's Master of the Navarra, Iker Calderón. "All is well, Captain!" Calderón called, before any inquiry could be made. Then Calderón was gone from the rail, even as William was about to call again. He and Jim exchanged a look. "Strange business." Jim muttered. Minutes past, but as they could see or learn nothing, they returned to the business of the day. "Mister Roberts." "Sah." "Fall off to the East and return the 'Dog to the rear guard." "Aye, sah."
  4. Great stuff, all. It's great to see a few different approaches.
  5. No harm done and no need of harm. I'll never turn away a good musician. As for the oud, my intentions to buy one have always been interrupted by other requirements, so I haven't purchased one yet. More's the pity. I really do want one. Perhaps I'll finish my flute before PIP.
  6. Miss Ashcombe. A hostess of high station.
  7. August 6, 1704 - The Watch Dog William retired once to the officer's head that afternoon, for reasons of discomfort, but also to rest awhile from his station aboard ship. Afterwards he lingered in the Ward Room to rest himself from any movement, for the day before had come to roost in the waking of sore muscles and more then a few road born bruises. Tudor, ever aware of his hunger, thirst, weariness and wants, brought him a broth of no substance but salt and heat. It revived him like nothing could. The afternoon continued like this, with many a man aboard woken to his mortality by good, honest work. Those men from the prison and the wounded Spanish were especially reminded of joints unused or much abused. William went forward to see all of those in his charge. He passed a good word where it would do the most good, but in the midst of one compliment he paused, as did everyone awake. "Was that musket report...?" Jim said, suddenly at his elbow. William did not answer but was passed his glass as he went to the rail. He pressed it to one eye and it took him a moment to find the Navarra through it. She lay ahead of them off their Starboard bow. There was no activity aboard ship that demonstrated urgency or alarm, but he watched just the same. "What see you, Mister McGinty?" Jim shouted up the main mast. John was scanning the decks from main top. He shook his head slowly and returned no discernible explanation for the report. Even as he said this there came a second one, and with all quiet aboard the 'Dog, the sound carried easily. "What the devil...?" William said under his breath, for he could see no activity that would explain the first or second shot. The Navarra looked unchanged. "Mister Otkupschikov!" "Sah!" William said nothing, and he didn't have to. The marines of the watch, though spread about the deck, were aware of their requirement if the need should arise. For the moment, everyone watched the Navarra for a third report which never came. William wondered if the sound had carried on the wind all the way to Lasseter. Between six and seven bells of the Afternoon Watch
  8. For shame...? You asked if a harpsichord would be 'too crazy' for PIP. Clearly it isn't crazy. PIP itself can be crazy, but music is always welcome.
  9. http://www.cantstoptheserenity.com/ There are 43 cities doing a screening this year, so chances are there is one near you. It's a lot of fun. I helped run the event last year and did all of the promotional artwork for the screening in Salt Lake City.
  10. Anyone here attending a CSTS (Can't Stop the Serenity) screening this year? I'm hosting one in Logan which promises to be a huge bash. There's a real possiblity that we might get Sonny Roades to perform at the event. He's the blues singer that sings "The Ballad of Serenity" at the beginning of every episode.
  11. Clearly you haven't been to PIP. We hang people. Maddogge dresses up in a dress. We fire off cannon until the National Gaurd shows up with a helicopter gunship. What's a piano player amidst the chaos?
  12. August 6, 1704 - The Watch Dog Andrew Light and Kevin Norman were amidships with Simon Buttery and Thomas Wheateham. They were employed their in the maintenance of the swivels which had all been brought there for cleaning. It was good, busy work on a fair day and Andrew was in the midst of regaling them with stories of the war. Some equal to theirs, but some more adventurous. He proved a good story teller, and even William and Jim listened as they stood hard by. "They fixed us with an acrimonious look which we..." "Acrid-moanus...?" Kevin cut in. "Acrimonious." Andrew corrected. "What's tha' then?" Kevin asked. "Indignant." Andrew offered. "What's tha'?" "It means angry." Thomas explained, shaking his head. "Ahh." Kevin returned, accepting this without truly internalizing it. "Aye. They fixed us with an angry look, being close enough to us for us to see their repugnance." "What's repug'ance?" "Good God, Kevin." Thomas cursed. "Have you no words a'tall?" "Contempt, Mister Norman." Andrew explained, then added several more words less burdensome. "Disregard. Scorn." "Ahhh." Kevin said again. "You trip a good tale." Buttery muttered. Kevin was nonplused by this. He seemed content to be a less educated man without aspirations for learning, though he was possessed of a natural curiosity that should have made him the avid student. Mismatched attributes in a man of mismatched gifts. "How did you come away?" Thomas asked, trying to refresh the tale. "Impatience. Pride perhaps." Andrew began, shrugging. "Though our superior in the fray, they sought to...well. I believe it was their intent to demonstrate superiority in all things, and having fired upon us more times in a minute than us upon them, they taxed their guns. Or perhaps they missed some necessary assurance regarding their guns, or even powder. Whatever the case, there was suddenly explosion which tore her apart at the bow. So violent was it, that one of their own rained down upon our Starboard rail and our cook was killed by some shattered bit of that ship." They all paused and nodded knowingly, but for Kevin. Then they went again to their work.
  13. I think the December Club should have a song from the Decemberists as our theme song.
  14. So many wet dogs around a solitary fire. Even the fiddler is water-logged.
  15. A spot of tea, fresh baked scones with butter and a good shepherds pie. Aye, that would drive away the rain and cold we've known of late.
  16. That's the spirit. I was beginning to think this one would fade away altogether. I'm having a little get-together of my own.
  17. You've been invited to join the Mercury.
  18. A very happy birthday to Mister Gage. Cook. Captain. Pirate.
  19. When I first joined the Pub back in 2004, the remnants of National Pirate Day were already fading off the internet. Only 1 in about 30 hits from an online search would yield a reference to "National Pirate Day" in May, as it was slowly replaced by the feverish new fad "Talk Like a Pirate Day" in September. TLAPD gets better press. Over the next few years it utterly disappeared, apart from a reference to a National Pirate Day in England, which is celebrated on April 25th (a holiday I have yet to confirm).
  20. With no one chiming in since February I thought that I would refresh this thread with some updates. Tracy has purchased her materials for stays and the like. I'm currently working on traverse boards and some wanted posters I've been putting off forever.
  21. Outfits...plural. Most people just stink up the same clothes over a week, so you're already doing more than most.
  22. Just do a search for "Thai Fisherman's Pants". It's a style of wrap pants or shorts that go back centuries unchanged. You can get them in linen, cotton and hemp.
  23. I found this one dating back to 1779...
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