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Captain Jim-sib

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Everything posted by Captain Jim-sib

  1. via Capt'n Bo: Whatever game ya'd get would most certainly be...tenderized
  2. Having made a CVA Long Rifle Kit in me younger years, me hat's off to you for such a fine lookin' piece. CVA is not known for simple kits. Yet, what comes in any kit?...parts! Well Done, sir !
  3. She was at Pepsi-Sail in Beaufort, NC this July...all in her finery. She has a monster of a ship's cat, which, from chatting with the owners, really runs the ship. Don't know if the cat comes with the ship.
  4. Must have been those questions about the siblings.... "You are Gaius Caesar Germanicus - better known as Caligula! "
  5. A wintering in Hilton Head...watch them golf balls flying. Where will ye be docking ? I have some friends who live on a boat in Hilton Head. Hope yer leg be a doin' fine. Best regards
  6. Welcome Gilligan Tam havin' trouble with yer name...songs keepa popin' in the ol noodle... "G...I...double L...I...G, A, N spells Gilligan" Say, if the Professor can make a radio out of coconuts, then why can't he fix a hole in a boat? See link: http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/2go...se/100_2435.jpg Best regards to ye
  7. Links to the finished item, the Capt'n Kidd's Adventure. Me thanks to ye all who helped with the flag item. Yes, I just used a solid red penant on the main mast. Best regards to ye all. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/2go...se/100_3372.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/2go...se/100_3371.jpg
  8. Via Capt' Sterling: The same goes for Bath, NC during Gov. Eden's tenure. Many pirates, including Blackbeard, and smugglers would fence their goods in Bath.
  9. Just got the heads up on this documentary on the History Channel this Saturday. Will deal with the construction of the new Godspeed that is based in Jamestown, Va. Link: http://plateofpeas.com/godspeed/
  10. Piracy Pays!...at least this first edition. Went for $510. !
  11. How many channels on the RC ? I see the prop on the photo. The rudder may be too small for a good bite. Also, is there a servo for the square sails ?
  12. Really neat old book. Ebay seller has LOTS of pictures of the pages...66 of the text in fact. Scroll down below the seller's disclaimers/directions for the pictures. Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...90859&rd=1&rd=1
  13. For Jim Nelson's books, check out the link: http://www.jameslnelson.com/The%20Books.htm Have just completed his Arnold' Navy. Pretty good. He has also been contracted to write a book on Washington's Navy.
  14. Thanks greatly. Now I just need to empty the bottle...alas, the hardest thing about doing these!
  15. Many thanks to ye all. After readings Capt'n Jim's line, I recall the French Flag trick from the book Pirate Hunter. Twas going to have a red pendant on her, and was opting for just a black flag on the aft flag pole. Miss me books. Will have to build shelves for them...yet m'lady wants a new kitchen. Shall post a photo of the bottle when completed. Best regards
  16. I have a bottle commission for Capt'n Kidd's Adventure Galley from a direct relative (as they say...and I'm not questioning...though their last name is "Kidd"). Does anyone have a description of his flag when he turned pirate with this vessel? Due to a recent move, many of my resource books are in storage, and I have not be able to pinpoint a description on the web. Thanks & best regards
  17. Boy, what a can of worms twas opened here. To paraphrase Robert Heinlein's Lazarrus Long: One man's philosophy is another's belly laugh. Yet, I am kinda partial to Jimmy Buffet's line: "It's the Buddist in you & the Pagan in me, she's Catholic ain't she?" With respects to the Genesis creation story, the sequence is in the proper order, just the time symbolism is debatable. Actually, the Genesis creation story is based on an older Babalonyian creation story, Anu Elish...which the Bab's probably assimilated into their culture from the older Sumerians. The only difference between the Anu Elish & Genesis is that Anu uses polytheism. During the time when the Jews were slaves in Babaloyn, the Anu Elish would had be told. Again, assimilation of a story takes place, yet monotheism replaces polytheism. Global Flooding Physical Constraints: True many cultures around the world have a similar flood story. Are they connected to a single event? Who knows. If they are and follow the "rain for 40 day/night", then there is a problem with getting that amount of water vapor into the atmosphere. How much energy would it take to get that amount of water vapor into the atmosphere ?...Enough to vaporize the planet. ZAAAPPP! (partial meself to the Pole Shift theory...nottin' like a good bath tub sloshing!) Granite & radioactive decay...and even coal for that matter. If a rock undergoes any type of metamorphism (low-mediium-high), the radioactive decay "clock" is reset to the time that the metamorphism took place. Is the granite you refer to a "true" granite (with acceptable range values for quartz, potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, and hornblend ), or is it a metatmorphic gneiss that has features of an igneous granite? There are situations where a sedimentary protolith metamorphoses into a "granite" composition. Yet enough of this debate where only feelings will get bruised. Have a brew on me at Va. Sail, 2007 Best regards
  18. Greetings fellow Southern nautical researcher. Tough topic. You may want to take the course of area shipwrecks in your quest as well as pirates/privateers associated with SC. There are two books dealing with Georgia wrecks that I know of. Unfortunately, many of my nautical history books are still in storage from our recent move. 1st: Shipwrecks of South Carolina & Georgia by Gary Gentile. Tis is a diving series. Have ordered, not reviewed. Gentile's other books are very infomative with ships' history. Often on Amazon.com 2nd: Shipwrecks of South Carolina & Gerogia by E. Lee Spence. This 2 volume work by Dr. Spence, who located the Hunley, is rare. It lists wrecks from the 1500's up to 1865. Have not receive this yet from interlibrary loan, yet sounds hopeful Best use inter-library loan or try Bookfinder.com Privateers that used Savannah: 1) 1812 War: The Charleston-based schooner Saucy Jack, captained by John Chazal. Savannah was a safe haven for the Jack and her prizes. While there on Sept. 20, 1814, the Jack's fore mast was struck by lightening and the bolt exited out the stern. After repairs, she returned on Nov 28th with another prize. 2) War Between the States: The brig Jefferson Davis, capt'n'd by Louis Coxetter, sent some prizes into Savannah. In William Robinson Jr.'s The Confederate Privateers, p. 234-235, several other vessels are mentioned (schooner Gallatin, brig Hallie Jackson, and schooner Triton. Yet since the Union parked two steamers at the mouth of the Savannah River in mid -1861, the town was essentially shut down as a privateer base. Hope this helps. Best regards to ye
  19. Agreed...like the Spirit of Massachusetts. Who knows why SC picked that design. Her lines and rig have more similarities with Yacht America. They have encountered some financial difficulties in her construction, and may, for the time being, leave off one sail. She is supposed to be launched in February & completely rigged for the Charleston Maritime Festival in May. True, she be a BIG pilot schooner, yet so is the Virginia which is also based after a pilot schooner. Met the Spirit's new captain, Anthony Arrow, at the Georgetown Wooden Boat show. Nice chap from California.
  20. Ye be a talkin' bout the Spirit of SC ?
  21. Know what ya mean about the signals. Twas on Ocracoke for Halloween. Get better reception there than the trek from Cedar Island to Beaufort. Had lunch yesterday, Nov.1, in Beaufort with Sinbad. He commented on how sharp the Royaliste looked. Hope your leg goes well & looking forward to Charleston, 2007. Best regards to ye.
  22. A happy Birth'n day to ye. Hope ye have more than one drams
  23. This is a fine show for those who like boats, eating, & drinking. If you have not been & are in the area, come & join the fun. Link: http://www.woodenboatshow.com/ Best regards to ye all!
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