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Everything posted by Cap'nPern

  1. Ahoy there!!!! www.blackbeardfestival.com has been updated at least with the correct dates. We are working on some additional updates with more recent photos etc. But at least ye can start planning. Other news Blackbeards Crew now has a website. www.blackbeardscrew.org. when ye get a chance, pay a visit there. I can take credit fer gettin' the site up and the way it looks. It's not perfect but at least ye all can find out a little more about us. I look forward to seeing everyone at the festival. Cap'n Pern
  2. Cap'n Pern of Blackbeards Crew here! It's that time again mates the Hampton Blackbeard Festival is just around the corner. So mark your calendars for June 2,3,4 of 2006. I hope to see a goodly portion of ye there. More information will be coming. www.blackbeardfestival.com It hasn't been updated yet but we just met last week and the website updates should be done in the next couple of weeks. Bye for Now...
  3. Three Sea Battles!
  4. I don't believe the purple lobster is offending at all! But I do believe it attracts attention:-) I thought our forum was broke but it looks like it's still working. We'll see everyone there!!!! Cap'n Pern Press Gang Master Blackbeards Crew Hampton, VA
  5. Ahoy Mates, Cap'n Pern 'ere, I am sailing into port this afternoon, on the "Freedom Row" with Mr. Steele. We will be starting the setup of the pirate encampment at 0600 on Friday Morning in between scattered Showers. You will see the members o' Blackbeard's Crew on the Stage at the Pirates Ball, Just let us know yer from Pyracy.com and we'll get together ta raise our flagons!! The rest of the weekend we will be running around doing sea battles and other skits. The period dinner on Saturday night may also be a good time to raise another pint. See ya there!!! Cap'n Pern
  6. It would be appearin' that there ain't been much communications goin' on in this here forum So I be flyin' dis topic up the flagstaff as a means o' signal'n visiting pyrates and Participating Crews with information concerning them. Topics of Discussion will be (but not limited to!) SAFETY!!!! Mr Steele will be presiding over matters of Blades and Black Powder weapons at the event. Blade and Black Powder Weapons (pistols, long arms, and cannons) will be inspected and tagged by a safety officer as either SAFE (fireable at designated events) or UNSAFE (NOT USABLE AT ANY TIME). ENCAMPMENT: Discussion for participating Crews in the encampment. Displays that will be set up, acceptable utensils (no soda cans), Period attire. Should we post rules here? VISITING PIRATES: We want to make sure this years festival is a bigger success than ever. There are some new things that will be unfolding here so stay in touch. SCHEDULES: What will be goin' on, when, and where. Timing is everything! So pyrates can be aware of the plunder that awaits!!(figuratively speaking mind ye!) I will be expectin' ta see some signal'n occurin' 'ere. Carry On!!!! Cap'n Pern Press Gang Master Blackbeard's Crew Hampton, VA
  7. As far as location goes you cannot beat the Radisoon Hotel. It is right on the waterfront in the heart of all the action. It however is not cheap. $129.00 - $179.00 There are other hotels but most of them are 3 to 5 miles away. There is another housing arrangement usually reserved for participating pirates but I am not sure yet if that is available this year. Radisson Hotel Hampton 700 SETTLERS LANDING ROAD HAMPTON, VA 23669 (757) 727-9700 On the Waterfront in Downtown Business District
  8. Ahoy all ye Scallywags what are goin ta the Le Island Festival!!! Ye can expect ta be seein Cap'n Pern and Mr Steele thar!!!! We be the Master Gunners aboard the Meka II under the able command of Captain Horatio Sindbad. Let the Wolf be warned thar will be cannon's a blazin in the water's of Ft. Myers. We just recently lost a battle to the USCG Eagle in Beaufort NC. So we be lookin fer other prey ta win back our respect!!! We look forward ta seein everyone thar. And don't forget the Hampton Blackbeard Festival in Hampton VA June 3,4,5
  9. The afternoon four to eight watch is broken down into two dog watches. The first, 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and the second 6:00 pm -8:00 pm. The first bell is struck on the half hour after the beginning of the watch and an additional bell each half hour till the end of the watch. Eight bells is the end of watch. Therefore 6:00 pm would be the right time to arrive at the meeting. Cap'n Pern
  10. For those scurvy dogs keepin' a weather eye on this here thread, Our next meeting will be held Thursday January 13th in the year of our lord two thousand five at the Hampton Public Piers office in Hampton, Virginia Be there for the second dog watch at four bells. Topic of discussion will be the scheduling events for 2005 and other things as necessary Cap'n Pern
  11. El Pirata! We are looking forward to it! Stay tuned to this forum for additional information on location and time.
  12. If memory serves, this is right next to the Air and Space Museum, correct? Normally we meet on the second Thursday of the month. You are correct about the location of the Public Piers office. This weeks meeting will be at a members house for a christmas dinner. We are in search of a new permanent location for out meetings.
  13. I have been seeking a source of information on Blackbeard's Adventure. Has anyone found any sources of plans/drawings, comparative ships of the time, where they were made? Bermuda seems to be the popular location. Were there shipyards on the Chesapeake Bay that built sloops in the late 17th early 18th century? Did the use the Bermudan design?
  14. It looks like I be missin' a good time... I be expectin a full report!!!!
  15. Visit the fort I forget the name of it but it is welll worth the visit! It has been close to twenty years since I visitied Curacao but I think you will enjoy it!!!
  16. One thing to remember is during the late 1600s to the early 1700s the spelling of the written word was not strictly managed by a dictionary, so authors customarily wrote words as they heard them. A visit to Colonial Williamsburg, VA, Jamestown, VA, and Yorktown, VA, will provide one with access to some original documents that also show that the hand written word is subject to interpretation. That could explain why there are so many spellings offered. JMHO
  17. MMmmwwhwaaahahahahahhahaha.... ::twirls her fake moustache with inky fingers:: Are ye toying wit me Pynch? I do so love ta be toyed wit Oh ye've got a bit of ink in yer mustache
  18. Nice Avatar Billy Flynt Could you post our current schedule up here?
  19. Ahoy El Pirata!! Ye most certainly may receive additional information. The Hampton Blackbeard Festival takes place the first weekend of June every year in Hampton Virginia The Radisson hotel is located right next to the encampment. You have to register early becaus the rooms go fast. There is a pirate encampment set up with several crews from the east coast.. Merrick's Privateers, Pirate Bretheren, Tortuga Mutineers. Ye can find more information here :atHampton Blacbeard Festval It is a great event and growing every year. We normally have a period ship at the water front with the pirate encampment close by. Sea shantiy's are sung until the wee hours o' the mornin around the campfire. A sea battle ensues which results in Blackbeards demise. If ye have a vessel o' yer own there is docking available right next to the encampment. I bring da "Freedom Row" every year. WE 'ope ta see ya next year!
  20. Wid all dis talk o' tatooin' and da FINE examples of said work, I be wonderin' wot's in store fer me! li'l miss Pynch O' Salt?
  21. I like the following story: Born in Bristol England to a well to do family with the name of Edward Drummond. When he grew up and decided on a life of privateering he changed his name to Thach to protect his family. There is an island on the atlantic side of the eastern shore of Virginia by the name of THACHES Island according to a chart of the 1720's if you compare the chart to a localized chart of Teaches Hole Ocracoke N.C. it bears a very close resemblance to the small scale chart of the Eastern Shore. After hanging with Benjamin Hornigold for a while privateerin, he was given a ship by Benjamin and decided to get into pyracy. It was then that he changed his name to Teach to further confuse anyone that was trying to track him down. This is merely my humble opinion after doing a little research.
  22. It's not the keel haulin' ye need ta be worried about Pynch It's the floggin' that'll be happenin' before... :)
  23. Fell's Point tonite that is!
  24. Well I'll be makin it dere!!!
  25. I'm afraid Lorelei, that you'll just have to live with the bilge rat connotation for about 15 more postings at which point you will be promoted to... DECK SWABBER!!!!! Har Har Harrrr!!!! So bilge rat ain't so bad. But now seriously, I beleive that betwixt you two lovelies, your artwork would shine far above any ratings system that might be applied by dis here pub.
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