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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. Nay, not in grade skool, but mentally 9 is about right. Wait... Even if'n I was 9 and in grade skool there's still nuttin wrong wit the idea.
  2. And there's a problem with that?????
  3. Let's see what should a Pyrate wish for??? Oh, wait a minute, this is for a Kindergarden class..probably best keep out of this one...
  4. Not sure about the Hug, but I applaud yer enlightened attitude . This is after all a Hobby (at least for me)and should be seen as such. If'n I wanted to be Inspected everyday I'd still be in the service.
  5. Muppet Treasure Island and Muppet's Christmas Carol are two of my favorites. Just plain fun. I used to do my entire radio show in Kermit's voice.
  6. Again, we've strayed off topic. The question at hand was about corsets and other clothing optional. There was an interesting digression... something about nekked she pyrates with swords?
  7. Ding Ding Ding ...We have a winner. Sjoroven is the winner with Wendy O. Williams - frontman(?) of the Plasmatics Her (in)Famous line on stage "Oh my God, I'm having an orgasm" got them booted. I was a college DJ at the time and we thought it was great.
  8. Well of course we care, but alas, we are a simple lot luv... Soup cans, postage stamps, peanut butter lids, yogurt cups all the same to us. There was a punk singer(?) prolly long before yer time who's costume consisted of strategically placed black electrician's tape. Now that's thrifty
  9. I'm painting up a vignette of four white metal pirate skeletons in 54MM scale. I'll post pix when they're done.
  10. Could we please get back to Corsets? Especially the part about other clothing optional Please?
  11. Could we please stop using "naked" and "sword" in the same sentence? Yer killin me
  12. Hell gimme a lass with a pulse and she'd have me undivided attention.....
  13. Any hard wood would be fine Hawkyns.I need to construct a new peg leg.
  14. I was until I got the bad news from the orthopedist this morning. Three weeks no work, limit walking, there goes me weekend.
  15. No that's actually a 'lock in me pocket... so. Are ya talking a blunderbuss? or a lady's hand pistol? *wears that innocent look that fails miserably* actually it's more of a single shot derringer
  16. No that's actually a 'lock in me pocket...
  17. It appears that I will be there on the 8th looks like work will interfere with the 7th. Doc
  18. Remember that up until the latter half of the 19th century, mental illness was still treated as a weakness of mind as opposed to a pathology. There was no real treatment simply placing the patient in an asylum or some other out of the way location was about the extent of the medial community's involvement..
  19. To be "period", crush up some cranberries and/or grapes for the juices. bring them to a boil and soak the cloth until the desired color is achieved. An alternative is get a cheap "port" wine and use it. I think the acids in the berries and wine will eventually destroy the fabric plus it'll take a half bushell or so of berries to color a couple shirts. To do it more economically and permanently. RIT makes real good dyes that are quite colorfast and come in a huge range of colors. Most grocery stores sell them and they are at larger department stores and fabric stores. Just follow the label instructions and you'll be fine. I use them all the time. Make sure you launder and dry the fabric first to remove the "Sizing" or the dye will wash out or run.
  20. Whatcha really need are Rumba's dancing bananas
  21. Free Drinks????? Well Lass, Fill er up ifn ye please...
  22. Cap'n Scurvy, Sarcastic????!!! You?????? Ne'er before have I heard such lunacy. Oh and
  23. Only caught the last 30 or so minutes (damn). Also missed the middle installment of the Alaskan Crabbing shows. Jest not our night... damn work.....
  24. Lads and Lasses, the New York Renaissance Faire is just oer two weeks away. Anybody going? I'll be there on the 7th or 8th (at least)still trying to get the work schedule sorted out.
  25. I'm planning on going Friday (took the day off this time). I figure the weekend will be a mad house. Friday may be a bit calmer, better for photos.
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