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Everything posted by Cire

  1. Foxe, if ever ye rob them, hows about doing an old friend a favour and sending some of the stuff my way?
  2. Just a point from something Morgan said way back in March- what be wrong with "Oo-arr, ye combine 'arvester" type of accents? Bloody northerners. I'll tell you that most people I know thoroughly embrace them.... then again, most of the people I associate with are Wurzels fans and are a mite agricultural themselves... well, very agricultural, most of them being farmers' sons. Anyway, I find myself often slipping into west country speak, which is pretty similar to pirate speak. I still manage proper english a good proportion of the time though. Never the Queen's english, that is far too nobby for my liking, but proper enough....
  3. Darn conflicts of interest. I went to Bampton this weekend, so missed it. I wish there were two of me so I could have gone to the tall ships event.. and probably a lot more conflicting events over the summer.....
  4. Looks like if I ever get the time to do some reenactment, looks like I'll be throwing me lot in with you Foxe.... unfortunately I am not sure I could find the time
  5. This be my flag design... just needs to make it an actuality...
  6. This is great. I knew there was a reason these last few weeks I've becoming more pirate crazy than ever. My pirate senses must have been in tune with this event...
  7. I thought it was Scotch Whisky that you guys illegally got, not Irish Whiskey...
  8. Bah.... yanks....
  9. Crazy. I am more a fan of Disney's live action than its animation, so "If we are going to invest money on entertainment, I think there are better ways to spend than live action." is quite frankly stupid.
  10. Me home port be Poole. It be in a county called Dorset in this small patch of land surrounded by sea that is generally known as Great Britain, the country in which be England.
  11. She is a slashy fan girl, of course her favourites are the Sodomites...
  12. You know what Tito, she is going to steal the Father's Day thunder from you every year from now on. Aren't ye lucky?
  13. I've been told that book has a few mistakes, but is certainly a goos starting point with lots of good references.
  14. As far as I am aware, there are at least two Golden Hinde replicas in England, which be why I is saying that there is a lot of them. Obviously the ship you was talking about is a replica, and I was daft and unthinking with me wording.
  15. Bess, I take it that be a replica? Thar be lots of them....
  16. As is shown in yer avatar, Scurvy Dog?
  17. Phil, I be liking te join ye.
  18. True. Doesn't mean it'll work, but true. Although I think that there are a couple of governments not afraid of 'world opinion' of late, but that his a whole different kettle of fish.
  19. They might as well just start public hangings. They aren't going to stop piracy. At most the pirates might move elsewhere and come back when the order is lifted. But I consider meself warned.
  20. Cire


    There be rum?
  21. You've made me teary with that one Dream Wench, ye really have...
  22. eh.. you know, I don't actually see that one Wolfy Wench... it might just be me sibling who sees the relationship between Jack and Will as one where Jack puts up with the lad to get what he wants, but I believe her.
  23. Be you saying Will Turner is like the dog with keys?
  24. Zephyr, you aren't a real life Stephen Maturin are you?
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