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Everything posted by Cire

  1. Might pay for either Patrick or a mod to update the links. That way instead of multiple people making the effort several times when they want to check the links, it just needs to be done once, and then everyone is saved a bit off fiddling.
  2. Garr! A PC and environmentally conscious pirate! Well, does pay to be a bit minful of the environment. You've just sheltered in a cove to weather a storm, you've little food, do you really want to eat anything that comes out of that environment? I mean, come on, nappies man, nappies!
  3. Not really funny because the location is along the Heritage coastline and the scavengers made the cleanup and possible environmental damage four times worse. The funny thing though is that for the most part, 'tweren't the locals combing the beach.
  4. Personally I think they should have had Norma sing as well. I like her rendition of Lowlands Away. I do hope that "bringing families everywhere together bit wasn't about Eliza and Martin... considering that they are in two bands together and will do stuff on each others cds etc. Okay, I should shut up...
  5. You don't know much, do you Foxe?
  6. Rabbitz, I think you'll find that kids are not necessarily the target audience. Most of the people I know who play online rpgs are older teens and adults, although there are always several kids who play them. It amuses me how often my sister gets asked "aren't you too old to be playing games" on one of the rpgs she plays.
  7. Ancient alien technology healed his wound and brought him back to life.
  8. I myself feel differently. Unless it is an alternate scenario, I often believe the outtakes to be part of a movie. I amlost view the "finished product" as more of an abridged version, and the outtakes complete it, but that is just me.
  9. Honestly/seriously, being a gamer (albeit of the pencil and paper variety), I know many gamers take their history VERY seriously. I can only assume the percentage of historically minded individuals there is at least the same as here, maybe even slightly higher. One can only hope someone with baking skill is also in residence there, and is willing to whip up a batch of snickerdoodles for those who participate. Okay, I'll believe you. I've not known many gamers seriously into their history, but I probably look in the wrong places. Afterall, any that did hide under my bed would get pretty squished, it being a futon on the floor and all... And if they don't have a willing baker around?
  10. Only to keep coming up with increasingly absurd reasons that Barbossa would come back from the dead. Have we touched on all the major movie cliches yet? What about this: Barbossa was in love before he became undead and he was only nearly dead when Jack shot him? I knew there had to be a catch. Darn. hmm... transferred his conciousness into Jack the monkey before he died and went through a ritual steeped in pirate mysticism to have it returned to his body?
  11. Well, you've just cleared up for me my own line of thinking right there. The gold had already been returned and entered into a new contract. If one wants to get truly pathetic, Jack took out a number of them (was it three?) put all but one back, and then only repaid the one. It could be argued that he ought to have had to pay back each piece, but that would just start getting ridiculous...
  12. Unemployed and sponging off my folks.. Part time volunteer for Help the Aged. Full time pain in the backside.
  13. Would you forgive me if I said I had my head down the toilet for a bit, before collapsing into bed unconcious? I didn't know you needed me. I'm flattered. I think it does make sense Christine.. although I'm at a loss to explain it any better. Maybe I'm just a nutter, as I thought Jack's curse was separate the first time I saw it, without the VO.
  14. If you accept the theory that any changes made in the timeline cause the timeline to branch into separate dimensions, it could be both. Or the shot just hit Barbossa's futuristic temperature regulation system (runs on oil), which sent his body into shock after not having experinced normal Caribbean temperatures in years, and when he recovered he was fine.
  15. I think, regardless of whether the main audience is a game or not, another factual resource isn't so bad. Still, the cookies would have to be really good.
  16. Its a Barbossa from another dimension. :)
  17. Ed is doing it? How does he have the time for all this stuff? He ought to get a really, really big cookie.
  18. So if your name is Morgan, don't go to Spain on yer holidays.
  19. Most likely a pat on the head and a cookie.
  20. My eyes aren't 21st century. I nicked em from a mad scientist who had a store of pickled eyes ranging from 16th to 20th century... sadly they weren't labelled...
  21. "Dangles stylishly from your neck" Lovely wording.
  22. And I'm sure you look lovely in them blackjohn.
  23. So ignore what evidence there is for the time being and hold out for something that supports your own beliefs? Surely it should be the other way around: go with what you know is there until something turns up that gives you the other option?
  24. But if a person is trying to go for authentic, why not wear something there is evidence for, rather than something there isn't. If authenticity isn't your main goal, sure, go for what you like. If you wear something that was definitely worn in the period, you can't go wrong. Wear something that you can only assume was worn because of lack of evidence, and then something definitive is found in the future (I know this is highly unlikely) that says one way or the other there is a 50% chance you were wrong, whereas wearing something else there is no harm done.
  25. I believe that is what Kass is getting at. They were worn, the new fad came along and they stopped wearing them, only for them to make a come back. They just timed it conveniently to confuse the masses centuries later.
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