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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Hmmm... Some winter projects will be that of making repairs on kit items damaged during the season. Case in point, one of my camp chairs that I sat in one night at FTPI and it collapsed... staring up into the sky I noted how nice the stars looked... So that's one project... Cleaning up my sea chest, maybe adding some guides to the lid of the til so it slides over the top of the til. Clean my swords, repair the scabbards... Sew some clothes... Once it warms up, build some more shelf-boxes for the other chest... Find an appropriate bit of work to carve into the bottom of my Traverse Board (Thank You William)... And, I'm sure other things will come up....
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_the_Bunny
  3. You can only live in the present... You cannot live in the future, for it is uncertain. You cannot live in the past, as it will keep you there. You must then live in the here and now. To live in the present, remember your past, learn from it, look toward the future for what is to come. But most important is to Live, Revel in the moment. Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem!

  4. Merry Christmas to All!

  5. Aye Lad, that's it... now go sit in a corner and sing to yerself, "I'm a little tea-pot, short and stout..."
  6. Happy Natal Day Preston!!! May your day be filled with Dogfishhead, 38 inch or taller tires, fun yet challenging obstacles, and ofcourse lotsa piratey goodness (or would that be badness?) Huzzah to you!
  7. As a final note to this... Cap'n Midnight, I received a package today, let me say I couldn't be more pleased. The Whydah shot box is wonderful. Thank You. And on top of that, the extras you sent as an apology, a costrel and a rigging knife. I am humbled... When we meet I'll buy a round so we might toast each others health. Yrs&c Dorian
  8. Ye archangels be drynkin' far too much of that Green Fairy... such hallucinations you're all having!
  9. Oi Cap'n Jim.... But he 'calls' hisself a pyrate hunter... I faintly hear somethin' about a pot callin a kettle black... er somethin'...
  10. Happiest o' Natal Days my goode man! To your Health, Wealth, and Happiness now and for years to come! Yrs&c Dorian
  11. Hmm.... That's a pity... Lets get this straight... My vision is perfectly fine, I kept you all from killin' yerselves at FTPI... Shootin' great guns n' small arms... I can see just fine... now my ears on the other hand, well... from firin' them guns, they might not be as keen as they were a couple years back... Oh Jack, that's three pounds of powder, not two as you wrote in yer *ahem* secret book...
  12. Oh aye, that it was.... That reminds me... I didn't see the Archangel's flag about at FTPI... Was it there?
  13. Thank You very much! I look forward to owning this magnificent accoutrement, and yes, of course, as I have in the past, I do accept your apology. I'm not going to make some kind of speech or play on words. Sh*t happens, patience grows short, tempers flair. Wrongs get righted and the world becomes a better place. It's all good. Blessings to all, Yrs&c, Dorian
  14. Cross my goode man... Of course children are used in sail making! Cheap labour! And they have wee hands to do the tight work! Go on... tell me I'm 'just wrong' for saying this... Historically it is true though...
  15. Alrighty then... just hang onto it, no need to get it back to me at the moment as I don't have a gun to use it on... yet Thank you kindly, Dorian
  16. Keep forgetting to post this... Lilly! I left my lintstock with Little Bit..'s gun tools... I assume you folks have it?
  17. Overheard during the auction... and at other times, such as the safety meetings... "Silence!!! (I kill you!)" ~Edward O'Keefe
  18. Interesting... The store opened in April of this year... Maybe no one had bothered it before, but this wasn't a 'seize the moment' (cannon?) job. It had to have been planned out. I wonder if he has video surveillance? I would hoe so, considering what he's selling... And I agree, the ATF may very well have a good time with it... Hmm... JollyJackTar, you didn't happen to... no, you already have some great guns to play with...
  19. Happiest o' Birthdays to ye, Master Foxe!!!
  20. Happiest o' Birthdays to ye Mission!!!
  21. It is as simple as this. Midnight and I set up an agreement, one handmade item for another. The simple stick, as he calls it, is a fid I handcrafted with no modern tools out of Brazilian Walnut, to his specifications. I made sure he received it in a timely fashion, and added the medal as an extra piece. A Saint Barbara's Medallion to protect him as he was headed to Iraq. In emails he praised how perfect it was and how much he appreciated that I got it to him so quickly. Promised me that I would have the Whydah box soon. I have sent him emails and PMs on the pub over the last couple years, wondering what was happening. On the pub, when a message is sent, you can see when the person read your message so I know he got them, but ignored them. A little communication goes a long way. Had Midnight even dashed off a one line response to any of these inquiries... Of the responses I have gotten, apologies have been made and accepted, and promises that I would receive the box within a month were given, but that was about a year ago... Edit; Looking back through my messages, this past May I was assured I would get it within a months time. As for questioning or ridiculing his beliefs... I don't know who may have done so, but it was not I. I will admit that I have questioned his character since I have had no replies to my inquiries... All I've wanted was for him to honour the agreement. I have taken his word every time that he would send me the shot box 'soon'. Now I will make my apologies to the Pub and its patrons that this came to a head publicly. Yrs&c, Dorian Lasseter
  22. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1536469613744&set=a.1536463693596.2071689.1294953809
  23. Wesket is sold... to a fine bidder at the FTPI auction!
  24. Had a wonderful time... scratch that, had more than a wonderful time! THANK YOU to Lily, Fayma, and everyone else that makes this event what it is! Can't wait til next year!
  25. Agreed!!! Happy Thanksgiving to all the folks out there on the Pub! Yrs&c, Dorian
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