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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. http://www.patcroce.com/pirates/blackbeard_movie.html They've had some setbacks... but I can't say weather what's coming out in 2010 is the same film... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1235520/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1330183/ Hmmm.... not sure this'll be great...
  2. Blood had been drawn… The game was full on… Captain Lasseter stepped forward and grabbed the rail at the break of the deck. “Gunners at th ready! Nigel, turn us full broadside to ‘em!” A chorus of responses to the orders given were sung out and as the Lucy turned to give her full broadside to the snow, the order to fire came out of Dorian’s mouth as a cannon blast itself, with as much force and power. “FIRE!!!” In response the Guns of the Lucy erupted in flame and canister shot. The sea was lit with the flash for what seemed miles around. As the sounds began to fade the Master Gunner and his mate shouted for the guns to be fully drawn in and loaded with double roundshot. Dorian stood and watched the snow to see what she might do now. Activity on his own deck had him look away and he noted toe others taking McCormick below, to which he nodded. “See the lad to Mister Marsh! Godspeed!” Putting the glass to his eye he noted the snow swinging about and the gunports opening. “She gonna fire on us again!” As if prompted by the Captain’s report, Master Johnson sung out, “Guns loaded n’ ready sah!” Without hesitation, Dorian gave the order. “Run ‘em out! On th up-roll now! FIRE!” The timing was almost perfect. Both ships fired a broadside half a heartbeat apart. The snow fired a second one of grape which put several holes in the Lucy’s sails, while the double roundshot fired from the Lucy found bulwarks and possibly glanced off a mast on the snow. The command was given again to reload and the men were as if possessed… Some of the grape had made its way lower and other men were injured and being taken below. Again Dorian sighted the deck of the snow with his glass. Yes, some damage had been inflicted to a degree as men were yelling and pointing to the rigging and elsewhere, others were scrambling up ratlines and Dorian didn’t waste the opening. “Man th’ swivels and fire at will!” Though they were only half pounders, they were enough to cause more chaos on the snow as now those who braved the rigging were ducking and dodging.
  3. To quote....... somebody.... "Funny ol' world, innit?" I just picked up a bottle... had a bad day at work and after work... So far I really like it.... smokey flavour... you can taste the molasses as an aftertaste (well,I can)... I recommend it as well... Mind you, I'm not a huge drinker, nor ummm... 'Rum Snob'... Slainte!
  4. Well, this is a good one! As I used to kind of do trekking... I have a canvas backpack with a wooden frame, not too big... In that goes an extra shirt, wesket, breeches, stockings, musket cleaning supplies (rags and a little bottle of oil), foodstuff, gamebox (has backgammon and checkers, pieces go inside and so does a deck of cards), tankard and or cup, bowl, horn spoon, sometimes an enamel pot ( I have yet to get a period type). bottle of spirits. coil of cecil line. Horn comb, couple lengths of leather thong. Tied to backpack; canvas for a shelter and a wool blanket, used to have a duffel bag as well, stuffed with certain things makes a nice pillow. candle lantern Depending, I might be wearing a head scarf, shirt and belt over a breech-clout and leather leggings, or breeches and leather leggings, Short jacket or wesket, or capote if cold weather. Tri-corn or cocked hat. Pipe stuck on hat. shoes or moccasins. St. Barbara's Medallion On belt; cutlass and large knife, small axe (hawk), Cartridge box. maybe pistol. Slung over shoulder, leather water canteen, shoulder pouch with gun tools, flint & steel, tow, char-cloth, extra musket flints, compass, spyglass, Tobacco, modern stuff - wallet & ID, maybe cell phone just for emergency use. pocket watch. Small powder horn. In hand; Musket, used to have a sling so it could be on shoulder. small 1st aid kit in the pack Now, if I'm doing sailor; One sea chest Two shirts One pair slops Two pair stockings wesket Neckerchief Belt or two Club Cutlass (if not on my belt) Hatchet (hawk) Spare tricorn knit cap Tankard Salt-glazed cup wooden plate wooden bowl horn spoon folding knife (if not in pocket of short jacket) Sgian dubh 2-3 Bottle(s) of spirits Game box Spyglass Dividers 24 inch rule inkpen ink parchment or a ledger horn comb Charts rolled up if I have them Bo'sun call compass extra silk ribbons sewing needle and thread Fid (if not stuck in a buttonhole on my short jacket) Pipe(s) and tobacco (one pipe in hat) leather money pouch Pistol (if not on my belt) Grenado Fire starting kit (flint & Steel, tow/char-cloth) tin with extra musket flints and a piece of slowmatch small powder horn Candle lantern extra candle or two coil of cecil line couple lengths of leather thong Wool blanket Foodstuff - apples, baguettes, cheese, maybe sausage... small 1st aid kit in the bottom Wearing; Shirt neckerchief slops stockings shoes (may do rope sandals in lieu of stockings and shoes) Wesket or sailor's short jacket belt with cutlass and large knife Belt with cartridge box and pistol hung on belt hook Tricorn or knit cap (need a better one) St. Barbara's Medallion leather thong with keys to chest lock Pocket watch in wesket or jacket pocket leather water canteen over shoulder In hand; Musket I'm probably missing some small items... They'll come to me later As you can see, the sailor's rig has more stuff. I've done both setups and combination of each.
  5. Here-here! Sadly, in the past I used to affect the 'Newton Dialect' for such things... These days it's an interesting thing. If it is wanted I will add an accent to my character for an event or whatnot. I have done what studying I can by listening to the dialects and such from where my character is from. In most cases I'll just use a light Irish accent, bordering on Scottish. In some ways think of Sean Connery, He has a light Scots Accent that comes out when angered or emotional. Having friends who have traveled and are living abroad I've been complimented on my success at imitating a couple accents. Gloswegian, Londinian and Northern Irish and a Frenchman speaking very poor English. My two favourite instances of 'tricking' people; Many years ago being in a silly mood, I was speaking not cockney, but kinda lower class London. Had a coworker tell me later a gal that was there asked where in England I was from as her boyfriend was from England too... This past 4th of July at Fort Niagara, I must have spoken prefect French to a woman asking for an item (I'm attached to a French F&I unit) as she almost didn't know how to respond to what I wanted. The transaction was completed and when I said 'Merci', she stumbled in her response; "Your wel- ah, thank - *smile* " Very entertaining... Watch foreign films, or just foreign actors, not just in a film but doing interviews as they're not acting but being themselves. Try reading books, manuscripts, etc from the period to understand sentence structure... it all adds up...
  6. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SPORT/06/12/yachting.quiz/index.html Well, do you have the Ocean Sailor's Attitude? Could you do it? Lets see wot yer made of!
  7. Aaaaaagh..... Sad... devastatingly sad... One less TallShip in the world... (removes hat and bows head) ......................................... May it be possible that something is left to be reused and she can and will be rebuilt to her former glory...
  8. Aye! That'll do right nicely! I wonder tho... does rumcake burn?
  9. The Lucy Captain Lasseter looked at the snow through his glass again. He watched as the guns that had been fired were hauled in and reloaded. He timed it in heartbeats as the gap of sea-room closed between the ships. “Yer crew loads fast as molasses… come closer ye bastard… See wot m’boys c’n do…” Dorian all of a sudden got a quirky grin. “Load up th’ swivels wi’ roundshot, I think a full broadside should be given ta show ‘em how it’s done, proper-like… Then, Master Whitinferd, doubleshot in th’ great guns would be a fine thing… Aye… a Fine, Thing…” The Captain turned back to the snow and his grin turned to something akin to a wolf.
  10. Woah! Glad ya caught this before things went any farther! And, to echo Sterling, How are YOU?
  11. Master Whittingford looked a touch affronted by the belaying of gunnery order. Dorian narrowed his eyes and leaned in. "Preston... we capture that snow... think ye can handle captainin' 'er ta Trinidad, aye? Now she ain't th' Lucy 'r 'Dog..." The Captain cocked an eyebrow at his officer and waited for his countenance to change.
  12. "Nay, B'lay that... leave 'em as they be... See if we c'n make a prize outta her, not send 'er ta th' deep..." Dorian turned to Preston. "Lad, lets not be too hasty... who knows wot they have in their hold fer us ta take, eh?"
  13. The time was coming closer to see if this interloper would indeed try his hand at fighting. Though he seemed calm, Dorian was hot for the battle and he fought back the almost primeval urge to give a war cry. He cleared his throat, checking himself before responding to Miss Ashcombe. “Aye Gerl… ye shall return ‘em when ye have no further use for ‘em and no sooner…” He turned to Mister Brisbane. “Keep us broadside to ‘em long as I say an’ we’ll keep ‘em away from th’ Navarra…” “Aye Cap’n.” “Master Johnson… Hoy! Cut Throat! You be sure yer gunners clear th’ deck an’ smash their rig but good!” “Aye!!! Aye Sah!” Captain Lasseter had let just enough ferralness creep into his voice and his men reacted to it physically. If any had been nervous about the fight before them, none were now. It was slightly insane, the cutter was not a match to the snow in weight of iron of a broadside. She was faster under sail and thus more maneuverable so could run circles around the ship with ease. Some if the insanity might have been linked to the knowledge that the Watch Dog was prowling nearby in the darkness, ready to render the interloper to pieces should the need arise.
  14. Aye, Flamin' food... Bananas Foster, excellent! Oh lordy, just pour some Irish whiskey on any number of confections and light it ablaze! French Vanilla ice cream will do, on a piece o' Dutch Apple pie... light that up, arrr!
  15. Bonjour mon ami ! J'espère que vous appréciez le pub et tous qu'il doit offrir !
  16. All the men of the Lucy were on deck, save Charlie and Tjaak as they were clearing space just incase a hospital was needed for wounded. Dorian looked out in the darkness and noted what activity was happening on the Navarra. Men were on deck, but not in great numbers, and it was hard to tell exactly what they were preparing for. A hissing sigh escaped from his throat as he lowered the glass. Looking across his own deck was a different world. All the men were focused on whatever the next action would be, and that was just about to come. “Larboard gun crews! Run ‘em out!” The order was echoed forward and a great rumble of gun carriages vibrated through the Lucy. Miss Ashcombe had just mounted the quarterdeck stairs and now stood unsure of her place. The Captain noticed her there and addresses her calmly. “Ah, there’s my Steward…... All the men get their ration?” “She nodded and straightened some, finding her voice. “Aye captain, sah. What are your orders for me?” He studied her a moment and noted the look she now had on her face. “Right now I have none, but may need you to carry out any number o’ things at a moment’s notice. Ah, something you may but hopefully will not have need of…” Dorian thrust his hands into his coat pockets and withdrew the pocket pistols he had there. Checking the prime in each and seeing they were good, he handed them to his Steward. “Just in case… “
  17. At the call to quarters, Charlie Marsh headed to the break of the quarterdeck. “Captain, we’re ta see battle, aye?” “Aye Mister Marsh, it appears we are…” “Cook-fire over th’ side then, sah?” “As a matter of course, aye…” Mister Marsh grumbled and walked away to follow the course of action. Captain Lasseter was annoyed that the ship’s cook had need to ask about doing such a thing, but understood a short time later when Charlie and Tjaak brought up the coals, Marsh grumbling all the while about having to relight a fire after the battle. All Dorian could do was chuckle at the nature of the man.
  18. The Captain watched as Jenny looked into the darkness, wondering what it was they were seeing over the waves. “Looks like you get a taste of things to come… We’ve a ship headin’ towards us, a snow ta be precise, an’ she hasn’t shown us her colours, so we don’t know wot her intentions are.” The look on Miss Ashcombe’s face made it clear she wasn’t understanding what Dorian was talking about. As things stood, if there was ta be any form of battle, it was still a turn of the glass or more away, so he elaborated. “That sail that was sighted, tis a two masted ship headin’ on th’ same course as we… She’s comin’ closer an’ we see some activity on her deck. Now th’ Cap’n o’ th’ Navarra hoisted the Spanish Flag, an’ we the French Flag. Now that ship out there will either hoist a flag of a nation soon, showing us she be an enemy or an ally. Her cap’n is playin’ it close, shoulda shown them colours by now if they were friendly… So… seems we’re gonna play a game an’ see wot ‘appens… An’ we got a bit o’ a surprise for ‘em… Cap’n Brand has darkened th’ Watch Dog… The Ship out there thinks we’re th’ on’y escort fer th’ Navarra…” Dorian let all that sink in and waited to see if she had any questions.
  19. As the officers of the Lucy stood and watched to see what the snow might do, another person gained the Holy Ground. Both Dorian and Preston were taking turns with the glass, observing the mystery craft and did not notice who had come up until the sounds of her shifting about caught some attention. Dorian turned slightly just to see who it might be, possibly waiting to ask a question or report something to him. He did a double take and turned fully to his Steward. “Miss Ashcombe… very nice of you to come topside and join us for the entertainment…” Preston also turned to her and nodded, gave her a once over and smiled some before turning his eye back to the snow.
  20. The question asked by Preston made Dorian give a short chuckle as a response. He stood at the rail and did calculations in his head as to what the next move might be. It was a chess match to be played out in the dark waves and troughs of the sea. “Since our employer has negated our rouse to a point, let us have all hands on deck, at th’ ready… we’ll hold off on openin’ th’ gunports, but all else at th’ ready if you please…” Forelocks were knuckled and orders given. Soon the Lucy’s deck was indeed ready for what might come. The game was on, let the best man, or dog, win…
  21. Complex drawer and or shelf system ., I like it. Aye... The front and rear tils are actually removable shelf/boxes. it's actually set up to have three layers, but at present there are only two. Here's more images to show you what I mean. With just the side drawers in; As you can see, there is a side til and two levels of drawers. each level has a lip for a shelf/box to sit on. Here we have the first layer of shelves; I may make some more to fill in the lowest level, which also keeps the drawers from coming out if the chest is shifted. Top layer in place; All lids shut; Here you can see under the shelves, and one of the newly made drawers pulled out;
  22. While I was at that, I also built a smaller chest... Had to do something while the paint and such dried...
  23. I posted these elsewhere... Over the last several months I've taken an old pattern-makers chest that belonged to my father's aunt's husband and refurbished it into a good yet large sea chest. Here's how I found it; it had been painted several times, poorly I might add, so I took it outside and stripped off all the paint I could; Found some good paint; And presto! Internally there was also some interesting things; Four tils, some removable shelves, and eight drawers... well, two drawers were missing, so I made new ones; it all goes in; lots of places to store all kinds of gear...
  24. Breithlá sona duit! Sláinte chugat!
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