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Capt. Iron Faith Cutler

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Everything posted by Capt. Iron Faith Cutler

  1. Full sleeve pirate shirt - 99 cents at Salvation Army Nautical navy blue many-buttoned vest - $1.99 at Thrift Town Striped linen pants - $1.99 at Thrift Town Brown tricorn hat - $15 at Jas Townsend Wide leather belt - $2.99 at Thrift Town (go Thrift Town!) Thigh-high, fold-down brown suede leather boots - $26 at eBay Outrageous medallion - 99 cents at Family Thrift Center Sash to go under belt - already in my closet Plundering Texas tourist RVs under the silvery desert moon and looking damn good while you're doing it - Priceless
  2. Well...you could post what you have available here. I think that's part of the purpose of this forum. Might get you started anyway. Iron Faith
  3. Aye, fine lookin' selection there. I be mighty pleased with the brown tricorn I plundered from Jas Townsend. Fast shippin'. I e'en wear it about port and get arrred at as I be walkin' down the street. Iron Faith
  4. Charity, are ye the same lass that sails on the gspot Rush forum on Yahoo? Ye seems a might bit familiar from me lurkin's over there. Iron Faith
  5. Come ta think o it, I do head up a rock band. And runnin' a band is mighty like captainin' a pirate sloop! Iron Faith
  6. By the powers, you're right! I always figured there were more captains than hands on the Internet. That's the lovely thing about the digital sea, we can all indulge our egos and imaginations. The only swabbies I have in real life are three feline bilge rats that don't give a rat's ass about following my orders. Now I'll have a tankard of that fine, aged, rare digital rum! Iron Faith
  7. It's Barbossa, flat out, sans apple.
  8. I've had incredible luck with shirts and vests at the local thrift stores. I even outfitted my brother by dragging him over to the women's sections. In one afternoon we got him kitted up with a ruffled shirt, long linen vest and wide belt. He looks pretty fearsome and nobody knows it's all women's clothes! Iron Faith
  9. If I had to, I'd do it! The nice thing about living back then is that you wouldn't know any different. If you never used a flush toilet, you couldn't miss it. Don't know if I'd go in for a life of piracy a la Bonney and Read, but privateering might have been more up my alley. Hiding your gender from the rest of the crew would be tough...but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. In the meantime, I'll settle to have my feet up, a glass of good rum and the Internet and pretend! Arr! Iron Faith
  10. Aye, looks nice. I tried emailing you through this site once and ne'er heard back. Just wondering if you do custom work. Care to drop me a line? Iron Faith
  11. Avast! Ye'll be welcome to sail o'er our fine desert sands. Beware of the undertows in the mighty (wink, wink) Rio Grande. If'n yer not careful, ye might get yer ankles wet. I be at port in the fine metropolis of Albuquerque. Will ye be passing this way during yer travels? Iron Faith
  12. Brilliant! You're right...the pommel screws in. How quaint! Well, I'm off to plunder me some Texas tourist RVs now...
  13. I received my cutlass from 5StarDeal, and though it looks very nice and has a good heft, the handle is loose so the whole thing rotates a quarter turn and the blade is therefore loose. Can't say I'm thrilled. I will have to see about returning it for a replacement because it's definitely not safe as is. Bummer... I mean, "Arr! Scurvy bilge rats! I'll have ye hides flogged fer this!" Iron Faith
  14. Those of you seeking a wee bit of pirate-y home decor, Hobby Lobby is having a half off sale on all chests and trunks. They have quite a few that could pass as treasure chests. I picked a decent-sized one up pretty cheap and filled it will Mardi Gras beads and doubloons. Looks pretty snazzy. Iron Faith
  15. Arr! A flintlock to me heart. Damn ye to the depths! Davey Jones locker. My ship is faster than your ship. Prepare to board! No quarter given. Here we do not walk the plank. We just stab and then throw 'em overboard.
  16. Avast, ye scurvy dog! There will be nought but a bilge rat for dinner.
  17. This isn't as flamboyant as a lot of the pirate boots, but looks like it could be an affordable option. Got the cuff on top and all. pirate-y boots right here Iron Faith
  18. Ahoy! I be seekin' a fine dagger fer meself, somethin' that looks right to the Golden Age time period, but that is sharp (fer slittin' throats, no doubt) and usable. Arr! Iron Faith
  19. Aye, I just ordered one o them fine lookin' weapons for meself. Had a bit o problem with their eBay checkout system, but a quick phone call took care o that. Iron Faith
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