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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. ...umm... *Takes it over to window, where the cloudshine is streaking in* ...let me get back to you on that...
  2. If you've ever enjoyed anything I've written here, then you.... ...oh, come ON....there HAS to be at least ONE of you... All right...that's better...anyway, this is the machine that I use to get all my best story and poem ideas. I'm giving away The Surreal-A-Tron 8000, my deepest, darkest secret, in the hopes that you'll use it for the betterment of mankind.
  3. OK, you all know I'm slightly warped, but this is actually quite an interesting site. It's basically a listing of a few hundred sites that have to do with death and disfigurement. Now, don't go spreading rumors that I'm a sickie - I use this site partly for some of my writing, and partly just for my sense of morbid curiosity. ONE WARNING - you might want to shield the little one's eyes from some of this stuff...or your own eyes... With that in mind... Death and Disfigurement
  4. Coastie - that's SO cool! Wish I could see that myself...as you say, if that's just in Sitka, the possible number of pyrates just in the US is staggering... I like it! A good, firm, upstanding number...with a delicate nose, yet offering a presumptuous bouquet...
  5. - thank you!
  6. *bangs head on desk*
  7. Siren - This is a governing board for therapists, if such a thing can exist... International Board for Regression Therapies They have a search function by name or area on their main page to find a therapist.
  8. Exploded infant???
  9. "Touching the Infinite" - Caritas
  10. Sometimes a story will develop, for lack of a better phrase, a life of its own. IT will lead YOU if you're sensitive and sure enough to follow...
  11. As Vulcan Rider says to Man With No Teeth... "Faith...there are more of us than you know"...
  12. "Field Marshall Mermaid"... ...Wow...
  13. Huzzah! The INFP's are coming, hide the women and children...
  14. Riiiiiight....
  15. Right...so was my friend the dominatrix when she wasn't "working"...
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