You naughty boy!
Of COURSE I said that...or rather, the Phil that existed AT THAT TIME said it...I've moved on since then...
...I'm now the NEW and IMPROVED Phil, with EXTRA-STRENGTH WHITENERS!!!
Actually, I've had a year of losing a lot of weight and hair and gaining a lot of experience and wisdom...
Best? "BEST"??? *shakes head*
Of course. These are only meant as fun, and anyone who takes the results as end-all / be-all should re-examine their findings. For me, though, this simple, short test only confirms both what I discovered in college and private testing AND what I know of myself.
If these simplified tests serve only as a tool for people to quest within themselves, I think they'll have accomplished their purpose.
Actually, if there IS any ultimate goal of Taoism, I always believed it to be becoming one with the Tao...but then, you KNEW that in the moment is just another tool to achieve that...
Completely opposite, yet complimentary...
If one were to accept your hypothesis, and Taoism associated the 5 senses with sensing the present, then yes, you'd be correct. The little fly in the ointment here, though, is that we seek to go BEYOND the basic senses, no matter WHAT time frame we're dealing with.
The senses can be deceived - the intuition, rarely...
So Taoism reflects more properly what the MINORITY prefer...again, you already knew that. Just look around you...
For what my own viewpoint is worth, Taoism ceased trying to appeal to the masses along about the time their temples were burned and their "priests" slain...
As should all people. Me? I see "Now" as just another step toward "Then"...where it remarkably enough becomes "Now" again... :)