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Ace of Harbor Bay

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Posts posted by Ace of Harbor Bay

  1. The description has a lot of detail. Unfortunately much of it is a bit off. Close but still not accurate.

    That's if you're gonna be REALLY picky. :ph34r:


    A little searching online and you'll find detailed close-ups of the ring and almost every other part.

    The bone in the hair I've heard called a sail needle, which I beleive is not proper. It's a little too big for that probably. I thnk it's closest to a sailor's "fid".

    Yes, it's a sickness.

    And as far as folks who think it's silly to go after a movie character? Well, I'll just say this...it's where the money is right now. :ph34r:

  2. I'm just being picky when I say it's the wrong location. To me it would be important for continuity. The tattoo in the movie from everything I can tell is anywhere from an inch to 2 inches lower on the arm than the Jack tattoo. And it is facing the other direction B)

  3. 'SOME Of us didn;t get to GO this year you know! :lol:

    Aye. I DO know. You were sorely missed too.

    Many there was speakin' yer name and wonderin' where ya might be.

    I was rather sad myself as I was lookin' forward ta meetin' ya (havin' heard so much wonderful words about ya from Quill an' all)

    I'm still grabbing the pictures off my camera as I drove back up Hwy 1 and just got in late last night.

    But pictures there will be!!


  4. Aye! Nice site.

    I noticed ya sez ya haven't seen any sites for 18th century reproduction ships afloat...

    Well the Royaliste is not only afloat but we attack the SF Bay, cannons a blazing fairly regularly.

    She's a 71', gaff-rigged, square-tops'l ketch. With the specs of an 18th-century dispatch gunboat.

    The captain is always about on the pub.

    Take a peek at her site Royaliste

  5. It'll be interesting to see what they end up doing with Jack in the park.

    I imagine he'll be cleaned up quite a bit. Also the idea of a character running around with a sword and a gun probably won't fly either. hehe

    I would audition if I thought for a second that the pay would support my family.

    I've performed in amusement parks since 1978 and have quite a bit of experience as an actor/entertainer in theme parks. It's never quite the fun job you think it will be. But then again this is Jack we're talking about....

    I'll probably just stick to doing my Captain Jack Spareribs shtik since it would also mean a move as well.

    Oh well...a boy can dream can't he? :huh:

  6. If you can't find it at Joanns try Handcock's. I got mine there and their patterns are always 50% off. I am trying to make the vest for my Cap'n Jack (Bartholemew that is). Being as he also uses it when he is performing, it needs lots of pockets added for storing walk-around illusions. ;)

    Anyone out there know how to how to incorporate top-it's? ;)


    A top-it in a vest? Interesting.

    I don't use e'm meself.

    But I think I do need ta pick up this pattern ...

    and then learn ta sew ;)

  7. This just keeps getting better and better...


    I wanna be there when the attorney calls. B)

    Aye Bess! I envy you as this is sounding mighty fun!

    Pirates turning in pirates!!! :unsure: ARRRR!! Get 'im good!

  8. Good find. What on earth made you look on Cafepress for something like that? :rolleyes:

    One thing to note is that it looks to be based on the tattoo that JD has with the name Jack under it. The one from the film is a wee bit different, starting with the sparrow flying the oppostite direction and differences in the waves and such.

    Here's one I scribbled out yesterday. It's a combination of the film version and his Jack ink. It's at 300 dpi so it's much larger than most out there. I'll leave it up there for a bit.


  9. I had them done for my Sparrowish kit.

    My wig is a combination of synthetic and human hair. Couldn't get the right look with only synthetic.

    The dreds would not hold at all with the synthetic and as I'm wearing it sailing on the Royaliste out in the bay, it goes from foggy and damp to hot and sunny and there's always a ton of wind. So strong hold was important.

    So I used human hair for the dreds as they (if perfecty clean, including free from conditioners and such in regular shampoo) lock up pretty well. Do NOT over-do the wax. Too much will actually hurt your cause.

    Get a really good metal ratting (back-combing) comb, as they do tend to bend and break. It takes a good strong arm and a lot of time to do it right so they will stay.

    There are sites with kits for sale including combs and tons of good info. A google search should turn up good results.

    I'm not sure how many close up shots are on my page of my results but I can post one somewhere if yer interested.

  10. Cameras are not period

    :lol: HarborMaster :huh:

    True, but then again niether is 4 color glossy cardstock :lol:

    I do like the artwork though, well done!

    I'm still gonna stick to my photo cards personally, considering I have tens of thousands printed already.

    Maybe when I'm ready to order another batch...

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