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Iron Jack

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Everything posted by Iron Jack

  1. All I ken say is that there outta be a law against havin' that much fun in one weekend! Much kudos to Claire, the Royaliste crew, and all 'o Jill and meeselfs new piratical buddies! Parades, emcampments, annoying squeek-box playin' , new friends and contacts, plus "Murderous Molly" got to clear 'er throat in fine fashion on F dock just before the big show! (toggle switch broke off in me hand afterwards, so that's why there was only the one shot! But it was a fine blast from where we be sittin'!) Royaliste looked absolutely beeeoootiful against the just set sun and the flame from 'er cannons wuz sumthin' to behold fer sure! It be takin' me weeks to recover, brothers! Hope everyone made it home safe 'n sound and the dear old barky has swum safely back to 'er berth. Thanks again fer the great piratical good time! [/color]
  2. Aye as well, Cap'n. Sign me on fer whatever ye be needin!' Sounds like a great time in the makin.'
  3. Folsom and Berryessa probably be the best bet for starters. Not to be puttin' dangerous ideas in yer noggin,' but I dare say she could probably handle the South Bay close to shore in fine shape as well (we were out of Port 'o Redwood City when I had me encounter with the catboat sailer). As long as there isn't a big swell runnin' she'd probably do just fine. Plus, I still be lookin' fer a good opportunity fer highjackin' If'n ya want to see some fine catboats in action, check out: http://www.catboats.net/sailboats.html
  4. Just saw your boat's profile view and, . . . Catboats be da best kinda' boats, mate! Very maneuverable and shallow draft to boot! Your mast looks a beaut too! Catboats are not too common here on the Left Coast, but the last time I sailed on the Lady Wash in the Bay 'o St. Francis, there was an old guy in about a 14 footer which was beautifully finished in natural wood, . . . and he was just sailin' circles around our old barky. Looked like he was havin' a great time too! Got some great pictures and I'd put 'em up if I could only figure out how to. Now I be envious, mate! Me old inflatable be needin' a serious upgrade now, so don't sail 'er anywhere near the Bay 'o St. Francis or a highjackin' may be in order! B) Iron Jack
  5. Ahoy Desert Pyrate, I too have sailed on the dear 'ole Royaliste and am also now hooked on sailing and the sea. I be plannin' to start taking sailing lessons here at the Port of Redwood City within' the next month or so as well. Here's something interesting if ye be lookin' to work on your technique while your barky be a buildin.' http://www.sailboatstogo.com/ :) They be offerin' kits for turning canoes, kayaks, and even inflatables (I currently have a 10' Intex inflatable and just sent away for plans to build me own sail rig). Not ocean sailing 'o course, but it be nice to be able to load me boat onto me back and head to the lagoon for a quick raid. Exactly wot kind 'o boat you be building (as to how long and what kind 'o rig?) Be she armed? Iron Jack
  6. Anytime, lass. Now put that cutlass away and be passin' that Rum on over.
  7. By the by, the Shantyman does a pretty decent version 'o The Pirate Song, since ye mentioned it (and I think he might even have a sample on his website). http://theshantyman.com/ It be one 'o me favs!
  8. Hey, women on board be OK with me, just as long as they be well armed (and bring lots 'o their own RUM). Here's one that I like about a poor drowned pirate, er . . . sailor (found on http://www.contemplator.com/) under Songs of the Sea. The Drowned Lover (or Captain Digby's Farewell) As I was a walking down in Stokes Bay I met a drowned sailor on the beach as he lay And as I drew nigh him, it put me to a stand., When I knew it was my own true Love By the marks on his hand. As he was a sailing from his own dear shore Where the waves and the billows so loudly do roar, I said to my true Love, I shall see you no more So farewell, my dearest, you're the lad I adore. She put her arms around him, saying O! My dear! She wept and she kiss'd him ten thousand times o'er. O I am contented to lie by thy side. And in a few moments, this lover she died. And all in the churchyard these two were laid, And a stone for remembrance was laid on her grave, My joys are all ended, my pleasures are fled, This grave that I lie in is my new married bed. Never heard anybody do a recorded version of this one, but I do like the simplicity and poetry of the lyric *snif*.
  9. Thankee for the links, Ace. Looking forward to seeing your act! Sounds like a great time! Claire - do you currently have any sound "effects" or music for the Land Shark? If not, I have a nifty battery powered PA system (runs up to four hours on battery juice alone!) if you'd like some "cannon sounds" or some piratical background music. Iron Jack
  10. Who'iz hand is on who'iz ramrod? I'm cornfused.
  11. Ahoy Poison Quill and Captain Gary! Ye may not remember me, but I (and Bloody Jill) sailed with ye once on your dear old barky (Royaliste, not Land Shark! (Although she be very nice too ) ) and had a resoundingly great time! Since we be dwellin' here in Redwood City near the port, let me know if there's any thing us lubbers can do to help ye out. Like if ye be needin' any crew to meet ye at the dock or anything. Not much place to store anything at our humble dwelling (much less a full sized Land Barky), but I be certainly willing to drive or whatever if ye still be needing one (I've only had 2, er, . . . 3 ships sink out from under me in my career 'o drivin'/sailin', and they twernt me fault, says I ). Or if ye be needin' a place to get things ready, Bloody Jilly and I (and our place) be only a musket shot away from the port, so you're perfectly welcome to use our place if the need be (provided all of our outside plants are back, um . . . outside. There's a story there fer sure). Lemme know. By the by: Plans for Buccaneers' Ball 2004 (Oct. 29, 30) are beginning to move along briskly again with a little effort and it's looking like we will probably be at the San Mateo County Expo Center this year (our insurance forms have just been submitted). Plenty of good piratical involvement will be needed, o' course, I assure ye! So I'll keep ye all posted as things develop. Cheers , Iron Jack
  12. :) Thankee, Black Skot! That be a truly fine font, matey.
  13. :) Footnote: best prices I've found for replica blades and pistols be: http://www.bladematrix.tv/ Happy plunderin'!
  14. Also try: http://www.militaryheritage.com Great authentic Sea Service pistols and blunderbusses here. Talk about bein' 12 years old again! And: http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/mainpage.html Some really nifty cold steel hereabouts. Just the thing fer cuttin' them lubbers inta shark chum.
  15. Huzzah to Claire and the Royaliste scalawags fer a great te do. I still be shakin' the peanut shells outta' me breeches, . . . or maybe those was something else?
  16. I heartily raise me tot 'o grog to ye boyo fer tryin' to get them piratical MP3's out to the good listeners! There ain't been many places to be aquiring good online tuneage fer us with the piratical bent. Maybe we can be persuadin' Skip Henderson or Mordecai (a couple of really great piratical S. F. chantymen) to put some 'o their stuff up. If ye haven't heard "Billy Bones and Other Ditties" or the "Sons of the Buccaneers" CD's, ye really be missin' out ole' swabbie. Anyway, me hat's off to ye, matey! Iron Jack
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