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Iron Jack

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Everything posted by Iron Jack

  1. Aye, nice photos Quill! I dare say, 'twas a fine time fer the whole rotten crew! Me heart 'n frame still be warm from all of the piratical good times that was had to be sure. It was also great fun bein' able to shoot off me "big guns" in the battle. Look carefully at the one photo where you can see me hand on Jumpin's firing switch. I believe this be the exact moment that J.J. decided to become a breach-loader! Notice the tear at the butt end off the barrel. Those Loud Report cartridges be powerful medicine indeed, mates! Blew the bottom right outta' me fire bucket that be mounted up in the gun's muzzel. Concussion was enough to make that big tear at the back end! Now that be entertainment! Got to get busy buildin' new, stronger fire buckets (after I finish with all 'o the props I be buildin' fer the Ball 'o course), since those LR cartidges be the only ones I want to be firin' from now on! Thanks again fer the photos Quill! And thanks to all 'o me mates wot was there. Aye, ye be a grand bunch indeed! That be a weekend wot will not be forgotten anytime soon!
  2. 'natch, matey. Jest git up there 'n play, lad! (Support yer local punk band sez I!) :)
  3. Here they be: Chords (guitar): (verse) Am, Em, B, G, D (chorus) C, G, D, G, Em, Am, B Verse: Good morning to you Billy Bones, Billy Bones Good Morning to you charming Billy, When I last saw your hands, they were brown as my own, Now up through white fingers the grasses have grown. And what of this cutlass, so carelessly thrown, On the ground, Billy Bones, billy Bones? Chorus: Bones, bones, bones, Billy Bones, Send him off to Davy Jones! Of rum and gold and wenches bold, You've had your last fill Billy Bones! Good morning to you, Billy Bones, Billy Bones Good morning to you charming Billy, That chest that you're laying on once sailed the salt sea, That's why you, I, and Flint'yd agree, To divvy the contents up in to three, Gold and Jewels, Billy Bones, Billy Bones. (Chorus) Good morning to you, Billy Bones, Billy Bones Good morning to you charming Billy, You've done in many a Tar in your day, And sent 'em off to sleep in the bay, Well it looks like turn-about's, Fair Play! At least for today, Billy Bones! (Chorus) Good morning to you, Billy Bones, Billy Bones Good morning to you charming Billy, Now old Flint is dead, and that leaves only me, So I'll shovel your bony old arse in the sea, And I'll drink to your health, which you'll never see! Without eyes, without lips, skully bones. (Chorus), . . . and out
  4. Ahoy Quill, Sorry, haven't been around the pub recently. Been very busy this last week keeping the world safe for trade show exhibits and those who, er . . . inhabit them. Had a couple of all-nighters as well with a large model-building project, also exhibit related. So have been somewhat catatonic as well. But the good news is; I'm FREEEEEEE, I'm FREEEEEEE! OK, at least for a little while. And would love to help with the haulout if'n Gary be needin' a hand. So feel free to pick a day during the week that ye be needin' a hand and I'll show up accordingly to be ships slave or whatever. Wednesday is the only time that I have a meeting scheduled (in the AM), so I wouldn't be available until the afternoon on Wednesday. So lemme know, matey, eh? IJ
  5. DP, thought you'd like this. Catboat
  6. "The best outboard motor FOR the world" I luv it! Leave it to them Brits! That 275 sounds like it may just be the ticket fer me little inflatable. I don't think 2.5 horses be too much overkill fer me little boat either (Manuel recommends 2, so we not be too far off). I used to be a mechanic fer Jaguar, Rover, Triumph in a past life and still own me 1960 Bugeye that I assembled from two "bad ones" back in college, so I'm quite familiar with them whacky British machines! Probably be right at 'ome with it! Although there be NO excuse fer side-mounted, canister-type oil filters in me 'umble opinion. That price seems good too since most of the new small gas outboards 'n electrics I've looked at go fer quite a bit more. Let me know when the bloke's back in town and I'll drop 'im a line. Thankee, IJ
  7. Ahoy, Gary! About them motors: 2 hp ye sez? I might actually be interested in one 'o them little motors meeself fer me little inflatable (then I wouldn't have to listen to R-H Jill yell at me fer rowing like a dang cracker all the time - Overhead fashion like Ned Beatty in Deliverance Really pisses 'er off fer some reason). I have plans to build a small transom and rudder post for 'er (me boat, that is, not R-H Jill) and she already has the grommets fer a motor. So if'n he 'as a couple left, I might be pickin' one up too since the new ones are quite pricey. How much does 'e want fer 'em? Thankee, IJ
  8. Ahoy, Ace! Here's me two cents if'n ye be carin', as to be honest, some of them pirate songs that are written specifically for kids might leave you feelin' sorta' like Barney the Dino in a Sparrow Suit, savvy? (and we all know the REAL reason the dinos went extinct, eh? T'was, 'cause 'o Barney. Yup, . . . they all killed 'emselves!) OK, so I stole that one. P-I-R-A-T-E. Here are me recommendations: Billy Bones and Other Ditties - Skip Henderson & The Starboard Watch Just booked these guys for the Buccaneers' Ball in October, *Shameless Plug* So you know I'm a big fan. The CD is available from www.deadmentellnotales.com. One 'o the best damn pirate CD's out there! You get: - The Rhyme of the Chivalrous Shark - Billy Bones ('o course) - The Derelict (Skip's version is the best I've ever heard 'o this one!) - We're All Bound To Go and a couple of really good instrumentals featuring Skip's Melodica (one in which a fight breaks out - hysterical!) So there's the commercial for Skip. You can see 'em every Thurs. night at Quinn's if'n yer interested. * Another Shameless Plug!! * Another one that is getting a bit hard to find, but is definitely worth seeking out is: Illigitamae Non Carborundum - Sons of the Buccaneers Actually some of the same people from Starboard Watch, but with a different instrumental feel. Notables: - Overture: Jolly Rovin' Tar/The Ebeneezer (Got alot of mileage out 'o these last Sunday with a few mods here 'n there fer the little 'uns) - Irish Rover (also got a lot of good response on Sun.) - The Mermaid (based on the poem by Shel Silverstien) and lots more classic sailor songs plus some new ones. Once again the emphasis in this CD is on humor and it is pretty dang funny in places. There are a few more good ones that might be suitable from the Jolly Rogers and Bilge Pumps (although they tend to be raunchier) and I'll gladly slip ye me "Pirate Ditties" CD next time I see ye if'n yer lookin' fer a good samplin' of some of the better tunes out there, in me 'umble opinion. Off to bed now (just finished up workin,' sheesh! An some coves use the night fer sleepin'!)
  9. Thankee, DP. I see now. The wood is sort of an imbedded substrate, eh? (My experience is all from installing Avonite and Fountainhead countertops. Different sitch there since kitchens generally don't actually go in the water. Plus the materials be much thicker). Do ye have to seal the backside with anything special? As concerns that hull-flippin' party: I know ye have a long way to go still, but you could still invite a few pirate buddies over, flip over the hull, have a few rounds, flip over the hull again, have a few more rounds, flip over the . . . I'm sure ye get the idea. Ahh. The beauty of small boats. Any excuse to soak a gill or two! Anyhow, she be lookin' smart as paint lad!
  10. How 'bout: Donkey Riding Really simple "stowing cargo" or "hauling" song, so it would be pretty easy to sing while working m'thinks (almost has that USMC marching cadence). I believe the "donkey" referred to is either; an engine, . . . or the sailor's straw-filled mattress (which would be pretty humorous). That one is on Chivalry with a midi to boot. And let's not forget: The Derelict (Fifteen Men) Bloodthirsty little number, and an easy one to work to, if'n someone can remember all of the verses. It's not actually a shanty, but a Broadway "showtune" dating from 1901. Oh well! Still a must fer any self-respectin' pirate crew, in me 'umble opinion. "Yo, ho , ho, and a bottle 'o Rum," . . . indeed.
  11. How 'bout: "No refuge" or: "No harbor" Sounds like it needs to 'ave to syllables? Hard to tell without the music. Nice lyric, especially like the "sails are filled by the Devil's breath" part. Very poetic.
  12. Looks like she's almost ready to put to sea! Time to have a hull flippin' party! Really, she is lookin' very nice! If'n I heard ya right, you said that you were gonna glass the hull to the waterline? Do you lay the glass directly over the ply? And does that work OK with wood movin' like wood and plastic movin' like plastic 'n all? Sorry 'bout all the questions, but never been involved in buildin' a boat meeself, if'n ye can tell. Just curious. Where'd ya score the wheel fer $25? She be a nice one fer shor!
  13. Aye, that cannon site be a great one fer shore. Thankee, DP! Blimey, but that wee barky sounds to be shaping up nicely! *also joins in conga line*
  14. Aye, Primed, . . . at 'alf cock, *snickers* . . . 'n ready to tangle! Sez I!
  15. Aye, Texas Terror, T'was fine meetin' ye! That 4th be one fer the memory books fer sure! Lets us know when ye rolls back inta town!
  16. Aye, 'appy birthday, me hearty! Take all ye can! Give nothin' back! Arrrg (heh, heh, heh)!!
  17. She that would pun, would jest as soon pick a pocket. Aye yes, . . . pirates, . . . almost forgot. I be keepin' a weather eye on ye lassie.
  18. Ah, thankee Desert Pyrate, I wuz scratchin' me noggin' wonderin' why that download wuz takin' so long.
  19. Never ye mind, Ace. Jest found the templates from your link. Thankee! Damnation sieze me soul! Prices are not too bad fer two sided full color!
  20. Aye, I think the size 'o Ace's card be a good one, but the back mebey should have a frame where bogus (sometimes!!) history could be dropped in. And mebey plunderin' stats or sumthin.' Redd - Wot sez you that mebey between you an me we could cook up some artwork for this, . . . and be movin' forward from there. I have some pretty nice "scroll" frames already that I've used for the Buccaneers' Ball poster art, etc. Quill - Got any T.O.S.S. artwork already existing? I can't download much 'o anything today as SBC dsl server is down this AM and I'm currently usin' me 'ole dialup standby (read: as quick as molasses in Jan. ) Ace - Wot kind 'o resolution these internet guys usually lookin' fer? I'm usually at 300 dpi and half size for exhibit graphics and wotnot, but they be large signs.
  21. I think Quill be talkin' good sense thar. :) Not to be speakin' fer Redd or anything (but I sense that Redd be pretty graphically savvy, as I is as well), but I think between him 'n me, we could probably come up with some reasonable artwork for our own T.O.S.S. trading cards, even lay 'em out fer the various members if they be wishin' with photo 'n history (this be just a drop in). After that, we give the member the PDF or whatever and it's up to either the individual pirate to get them printed or make a contribution and we'll get 'em printed for 'em. And if'n we don't have a good photo: Next event, throw 'em up against a wall an snap 'em. And, 'o course, one fer the dear 'ole Royaliste be a given as well. Sound like a good idear?
  22. 'Tis True. Good points all. Plus me own piratical ego (most piratical types have big 'uns, er, . . . egos that is , I'd be supposin,' or we wouldn't be pirates, eh?) would love 'avin me own card to throw out. Might be able to avoid some of the people just yellin' Arrrg and stuff and actually be called by name once in awhile. Kinda' like Captain Jack's bein' a very recognizable character, although not historical. Creates new characters for kids and folks to get into. Which be kinda' what we be doin' in the first place, eh? Most kids (and us fortysomethin' folks) that are into pirates have seen all of the historical types, ad nauseam, by now, anyway. Don't know if they can be expanded upon much more at this point. Also, wouldn't want to be cuttin' in on Richard's turf either, since he be a damn talented cove in that area! Wot sez ye, mates?
  23. Aye, inkjet be not sweaty palm proof, 'tis true. And Internet joints certainly be easy and inexpensive. Have done demo CD's this way with good results as well. Although, I have passed out my business cards to some pretty sweaty sales types with no ill effects other than to me gag reflex, to be sure. Alsoooo, How about featuring historical pirates rather than member images? The object would then be to find the pirate who be holdin' the Blackbeard card if'n that be the one ye be seekin.'
  24. Ah Quill, . . . I swear on me skull 'n bones I had permission to fire the girl (I think from Bob Slusser hisself. Can't really remember, as we hadn't been properly introduced yet when I first spoke with him about the firing. I was busy jammin' on the poop deck when he sidled over. I do remember the official looking jacket on the man however and I did speak with him about other matters later). In that case, it's probably best that my toggle switch broke when it did, since he also encouraged me to participate in the finale at the time. Sorry fer any undue arse chewin's Molly and I might have inflicted. Although Molly was a sight to behold at dockside! Jill thought I was on the verge of dancin' a jig after that first blast! Actually, those pyro cartridges be rated fer indoor use too ifn' ye can believe it ! Glad everyone enjoyed the guns, though. It was great fun taunting the audience with 'em during the parade as well! Pirates 'n pyro, a lethal (and fun!) combo. If used, um, . . . sensibly, o' course
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