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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. It's playing with 50 here, in full sunshine. Beautiful!
  2. Keep the clothes, and sell the children! Whoops! Was I speaking aloud?
  3. Your imagination is not far off, love. And I'm flattered. :)
  4. Albatross!! (Sorry, that was a great Monty Python skit). And as Arthur is our token Ancient Mariner, you can hang about his neck any day! Ray, set me up with a rum, in honour of our newest Pub bird! :)
  5. The annual battle between Winter and Spring has begun. Sunny and warm one day, cloudly and cold the next. Thunderstorms, snowshowers... you name it.
  6. Nah, I've still got the 'stache, goatee, and shoulder-length curly brown hair. :)
  7. I shaved off my beard last night. All I have is the moustache and goatee left.
  8. Listening to yet another excuse from the Argetina team as to why they don't have a required server in place as they promised. We're now behind at least 3 weeks. At best, we'll launch 2 months behind schedule. I just don't care anymore.
  9. Frustrated!!! The sax is no problem for me, but the friggin' recorder is giving me fits!
  10. After raising all holy Hell above my manager, and his Boss, I'll be having the discussion I've been wanting next Thursday. They know I'm unhappy, and that 2 accounts major accounts could easily collapse if I walk. Being a pyrate is a good, glorious thing. :)
  11. ^ replaced me as Master At Arms of the Watch Dog after my untimely death.
  12. Oddly relieved. I just gave my manager's boss and ultimatum to move me to a different account, or I'm leaving IBM. Anyone out there in need of a Software Packaging and Electronic Distribution Architect?
  13. ^ Is pretty sure Greenighs knows me from somewhere else
  14. My long suffering wife, Janelle, has agreed to remake my kit in linen, using Kass' patterns. I can't tell you how eager I await this, since linen works very well in the nearly tropical humidity of the Upper Midwest! She's remaking her kit as well, eschewing faire convention and making breeches for herself. Works for me! :) I'm not that worried much about things, since the average Midwesterner can't tell a corsair from a corncob.
  15. ^ Doesn't know that I used to support the industry they work in.
  16. We had a lovely Persian/Angora mix cat named "Boo". She got her name from the way she'd arch her back and hop sideways if something startled her. She was with us for right around 22 years before her kidneys failed. About 2 weeks after we lost her, I was walking into the living room of the condo my wife and I lived in, and I happened to look over at my recliner. Boo loved to nestle into the top portion of the recliner, where the cushion meets the back. It was a heavy recliner, and there's now way the wind could move it. The chair began rocking as if Boo had jumped down from her favourite perch. We had not yet gotten any cats to fill the heartaching void left by her passing. This happened on more occassions that I can count. We ended up getting a 2 more cats to dispel the crushing silence of our home. We soon found that Selena and Caleb were playing and romping with the "thin air", as if another cat were in the house. We quickly learned that Boo was still very much with us. 3 years ago, we moved to a new house. Selena and Caleb settled in quite nicely, but they would wander about the house in the middle of the night, crying, as if calling to another cat. We knew what was going on. They missed Boo. We went back to the condo to complete the cleanup so the new owner could take posession. We were overcome with a feeling of loneliness as we went about our work. So, that night, we invited Boo to come with us to our new home. We used everything we know to entice and encourage her spirit, and it worked. And follow us, she did. She's taken up residence in the lower two floors of the house, and all three of our cats know she's there and play with her. It's really odd to see a cat wrestle with "nothing", rolling around on the floor as if there are indeed two cats at play. And the same recliner moves even thought it's not been touched. So, yes. My house is haunted by a very happy little ghost cat named Boo.
  17. Oh, Jib, you just had to bring up Cotton Mather! Most certainly the Jerry Falwell of his age, times 10. I tried reading some of Mather's sermons, and was so utterly disgusted I had to quit. Inflamatory, sensationalist, and reckless are the nicer words that leap to mind. :)
  18. I was in the "Who's Who of American Music" two years running.
  19. Well, now I know what I want for Christmas! Very impressive, mate! :)
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