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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. It's a clear, balmy 34 degrees here in Minnesota.
  2. Under a Violet Moon - Blackmore's Night Dancing to the feel of the drum Leave this world behind We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves Under a Violet Moon Tudor Rose with her hair in curls Will make you turn and stare Try to steal a kiss at the bridge Under a Violet Moon [Chorus] Raise your hats and your glasses too We will dance the whole night through We're going back to a time we knew Under a Violet Moon [End Chorus] Cheers to the Knights and days of old the beggars and the thieves living in an enchanted wood Under a Violet Moon Fortuneteller what do you see Future in a card Share your secrets, tell them to me Under a Violet Moon [Chorus] Close your eyes and lose yourself In a medieval mood Taste the treasures and sing the tunes Under a Violet Moon Tis my delight on a shiny night The season of the year To keep the lanterns burning bright Under a Violet Moon [Chorus x 4]
  3. Oh, she knows that one. I've made it abundantly clear. :angry: She's learning to like the robot, as it gives her more time to sew and expand her knowledge of fabric arts. :)
  4. Damn it all!! Work has been an absolute pain in the arse today! All I wanted to do was spend the day happily drunk, and these corporate idiots keep mucking things up! Then I have to trudge in and fix it all. Egh! :angry:
  5. I exchanged lethal fire with soldiers of the Краснаяа Армия back in the 80's. I'd rather chat with Seka. :angry: :)
  6. Hmmmm.... Here goes... J-Everyone loves you. A- Damn good in bed. C- You're wild and crazy. K- You like to try new things. OK, I'll go with that!
  7. I'm not sure about this "trembling edge of insanity" of which you speak. I've already taken a half-pike with full-twisting gainer off that precipice! Let me tell you, it's not easy chewing through the restraints each morning! :)
  8. Sanity? Who bloody needs it? From where I sit, it brings nothing but boredom and bother. Those who are (functionally) "insane" are the innovators. They are the pathfinders and the real teachers among us. They see what others overlook. They explore where others fear to go. I'd rather be looked upon as "insane" and necessary that "sane" and expendable. :)
  9. I'd agree that marriage isn't for everyone. You have to put up with an amazing amount of bullsh*t to stayed married. I'm not stating that as a criticism, but hard fact. You will hit rough patches. And if your partner falls seriously ill, as mine has, you have to adjust or bail. I've chosen to adjust. But I'm a stubborn rat b@stard, as anyone here can attest. And she's as tough, if not tougher, than I. I wouldn't put up with me for very long, I know that! But it boils down to the fact that we're better (and more dangerous) together than apart. How else could we possibly spend nearly every hour of the day together? By the way, our 15th anniversary is coming up this July. :)
  10. An update on the amazing vacuuming robot - the cats have learned to love it, because it's whirling brush kicks out all the toys they's managed to lose under furniture, so they stalk it as it goes about it's chores. The biggest problem is my wife, who's hell-bent on interfering with this newfangled technology. She thinks it can't possibly clean as effectively as it actually does, and I have to make sure she doesn't try and steer the bloody beast and disrupt its room-mapping protocols.
  11. Celtic Storm, Flogging Molly, The Pogues, Claddagh, you name it! :)
  12. I'm in a generous mood today, mate! So here be a yard of Guinness and two shots of Jameson's. That should get your blood flowing! :)
  13. Sorry! I was lusting after Christine... What was the question?!
  14. Bah!! Myself, still hitting wrong damned notes!! I've been a musician for 30 f'ing years! I should be able to pick up a new instrument and learn it in a matter of days! I'm so frustrated, I can't see straight! I'm trying to learn 3 different instruments at once, and it's bloody hard!!
  15. Makes me wonder what might happen if I put on me puffy shirt, blue jeans, and frock coat, and took a bit of a stroll into Hot Topic with me 41-year old arse. Plus the requisite jewelry, mind you. Shoulder-length hair and all.... :)
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