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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I'd thought that "deadlights" were interior shutters placed over the gallery windows to allow a sailing ship to truly run dark. I believe I got that from the works of Angus Konstam.
  2. Awww, c'mon, Phil! Say it! SAY IT!! {Whoops! I channeled Sam Kinnison there for a moment...}
  3. Nah, mates... there be only one kind of pie (or Pi, for that matter) that really counts. And only one of them tastes good with whipped cream. :) The other just tastes like... chalk.
  4. From The Book of Common Prayer, circa 1785, for the Purpose of Burial at Sea... WE therefore commit his body to the deep, to be turned into corruption, looking for the resurrection of the body (when the sea shall give up her dead,) and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who at his coming shall change our vile body, that it may be like his glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. Amen.
  5. If it weren't for the wee ones (and their lovely Mums), a lot of the fun of Faires would be missing. :) Oh, Phil... watch the movie "Death to Smoochie". You will love it!
  6. Not to mention that they make nifty floating weapons platforms.
  7. Sailorgirl, take a look at "Elegantly Frugal Costumes" by Shirley Dearing. :)
  8. I was reading this morning (damned if I can remember the site, I'll dig through my browser's history later) that short-backed waistcoats were fashionable, but not necessarily common, prior to the French and Indian War. I can see how the design would be heavily favored by equestrians. It eliminates the need for a slit in the back for sitting a saddle. Besides, you end up sitting on the tails half the time anyway if you do any posting. :)
  9. Relieved. Very, very relieved. I don't have to wait for September to start looking for new projects. Soon, my dumb@ss manager will be but a memory. :)
  10. The Doctor


    18 days until Siouxland! We decided to go for both days and drive back on Monday. I can hardly wait!
  11. Porn in your cookies? I'd skip the frosted ones, if I were you.... Get a decent blocker, like Ad-Aware or something similar, and you'll be fine. :)
  12. Siren, love; don't give it another thought. Besides, I've been bummed out for the past couple days now. Lot's of silliness in my life that I need to get a handle on. :) Y'know, I kinda like my banner back to it's old look.. Simple.
  13. Bored, run-down, and tired of silly-assed people.
  14. Well, I just managed to call my manager a liar, an incompetent screw-up, and a waste of food and oxygen. Anybody in need of an Information Technology Acrhitect with a really big d*ck and a great sense of humour?
  15. Well, ya'll know what I'm gonna be dreaming about tonight....
  16. Is it better when I wave a $50?! Just askin... Hey, I need an excuse to learn Egyptian drums... :) Do NOT go there!!! OK, I saw a sign that said "Drink Canada Dry", so I tried....
  17. Moderation, naught but a theory? You make an interesting treatise, dear sir! I'd argue that me habitual drinking is due to but one cause... habitual thirst. OK, so I drink to settle my nerves, though my wife would argue that no one's nerves are that noisy! :)
  18. A pyrate on "Wheel of Fortune"... "Pat, I'd like to by an eye..."
  19. I'd support the legalization of marijuana, but our society's near complete abdication of personal responsibility makes me reluctant to advocate legalization. Moderation is a fine theory. Seldom is it ever practiced. Otherwise, there'd not be so many 12-step programs.
  20. "Jack will go to jail for ... Wearing your pants at groin level with no underwear ." Sheesh! Ya try to be trendy....
  21. Well, since this be a thread about pyrate shanties, how's about we stick to pyrate, or at least nautical shanties?! Just a though, mind ye... :)
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