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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I tend to waffle between the Inventor and the Entertainer. Vocationally, I am always coming up with new and novel solutions to problems that were previously thought unsolvable. Otherwise, I'm known for coming up with entertaining quips and statements that delight and amuse, even when politically incorrect.
  2. Another great acapella singalong, and the group sings the italicized lines. Sam's Gone Away Well, I wish I was a mate on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a mate on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! [Chorus] Pretty work, brave boys! Pretty work, I say! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war. Well, I wish I was a cook on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a cook on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was a cooper on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a cooper on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was a gunner on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a gunner on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was a master on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a master on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was had respect on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was had respect on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was a helmsman on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was a helmsman on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was first mate on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was first mate on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, I wish I was the captain on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! I wish I was the captain on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Chorus Well, you'll never be a hero on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! You'll never be a hero on board a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war! Sam's gone away, aboard a man-o-war!
  3. Looks like I found the Southern version of the shanty....
  4. I ended up working the gate both days of the Siouxland Faire this past weekend (pictures are up in the "Raids" section, hint, hint!), and it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! Advising people on which of their children would fetch the best market price, steering young lovelies to the Wench Auction knowing full well they'd be dragged into it, and getting away with saying things like - "Make certain you get a program! You can't tell one member of the Royal Court from another with out a program, and frankly, neither can they!" "I'll take your ticket, love. May I call you 'love'? Really? How about 'Snuggle Pants'?" :)
  5. Extroverted (E) 67.57% Introverted (I) 32.43% Intuitive (N) 70.59% Sensing (S) 29.41% Feeling (F) 54.55% Thinking (T) 45.45% Perceiving (P) 69.44% Judging (J) 30.56% Your type is: ENFP ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
  6. The Doctor


    Here's the pictures from the Siouxland Renaissance Festival 2006!
  7. The Doctor


    Eric! No doubt our paths crossed more than once over the weekend. My wife and I volunteered (our first time ever as part of a Faire!), so I don't think there was a square foot of the grounds I didn't walk over at least once. The Blue Gryphon Buccaneers had an amazing encampment. I loved how it was set up to emulate the key portions of a working ship. A fine group of pirates, to be sure. It was a pleasure to meet Captain Briggs and his crew. And since I ended up working the gate both days... bot very hot, sunny days... I steered more than a few lovely lasses their way to ensure they always had merchandise for the wench auctions! The music was incredible, as usual. It was fun to hang out with Ian MacFarlane and his lovely wife, Molly. My Lady's Cutlass (complete with didge and English bagpipes) introduced us to their new friend, Don Alejandro. He's amazing on the guitar, and their jam sessions were fabulous! I only got to catch a couple minutes of The Pirates of Portobello. I promise, Jib, we'll be front and center at MRF! What I caught was fun! :) Mistress Bawd was as hilarious as ever. I wish MRF hadn't ticked her off the way they did. I'd love to catch her act again this Fall. They had a variety of mead I'd never tasted before - Egyptian! Complex spicing, not heavy at all, and very potent! If you get a chance to try it, I recommend it highly! The weather was great! It was hot (upper 80s) and windy (South Dakota, go figure), but at least it wasn't the usual mud pit. Those fairgrounds are notorious for literally sucking the shoes of horses after a good thunderstorm. We'll be there next year, for sure! I'll start posting pictures later today :)
  8. This is a great song for a pub sing! :) South Australia In South Australia I was born Heave away, haul away! In South Australia, 'round Cape Horn And we're bound for South Australia! [Chorus] Haul away you rolling kings Heave away, haul away! All the way, you'll hear me sing And we're bound for South Australia! As I walked out one morning fair Heave away, haul away! 'Twas there I met Miss Nancy Blair And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: I shook her up and I shook her down Heave away, haul away! I shook her 'round and 'round the town And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: I run her all night, and I run her all day Heave away, haul away! And I run her until we sailed away And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: There ain't but one thing grieves me mind Heave away, haul away! To leave Miss Nancy Blair behind And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: And as we wallop 'round Cape Horn Heave away, haul away! You'll wish to God you'd never been born And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: In South Australia, my native land Heave away, haul away! Full of rocks and thieves and fleas and sand And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus: I wish I was on Australia's strand Heave away, haul away! With a bottle of whiskey in each hand And we're bound for South Australia! Chorus x 2:
  9. The Doctor


    I'm back from Sioux Falls! I'll give a more detailed after action report later, but here's what I've got for now... Blue Gryphon Buccaneers Egyptian Mead The Pirates of Portobello (Jib, me mate!!) My Lady's Cutlass Ian MacFarlane Don Alejandro Wench Auctions (fueled in part by yours truly) Mistress Bawd NO MUD!!!!! Egyptian Mead.... (heh!) Barbara (nice kiss, though unexpected...)
  10. The Doctor


    Hey, ho! Of we go to the Faire! We'll see ye scabrous dogs Tuesday yon, less'n ye gets a broadsides into us first!!
  11. Natasha, моя влюбленность, вы причиняете меня думать покидать нашего безбоязненного руководителя! :)
  12. Turn up your spearkers and enjoy! The Blue Ball Machine Ultimate Suffering
  13. Rat Terriers were dogs bred specifically for catching vermin in small places. As a bonus, they're also rather football-shaped, which would give the crew something to pass the time with if they got bored. :)
  14. From a link on Bilgemunkey's site. :)
  15. The Doctor


    No idea, Jib. I signed up as a "floater," but I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the privvies...
  16. The Doctor


    The wifey and I have volunteered to help out both days. Hopefully it won't cut into our drinking too much...
  17. Holy sheepdip, Batman... We sat down tonight to watch The Hallmark Channel's "The Curse of King Tut's Tomb". It's so ridiculously, wretchedly horrible that I nearly walked out of my own house! And I hit that conclusion within the first 5 minutes. Stupid, ridiculous, and so far removed from anything resembling history that it's not even laughably bad. Stupifyingly awful dreck. God help us with what they intend to do with the story of Blackbeard.
  18. Many hugs, love. Things happen beyond our control, and this is one of them. :)
  19. A perfect photo of the rare breed felis pyratis. I believe this one is of Armand le Chat, aka "Stumpy the Hookfoot". :)
  20. Out of my friggin' skull with rage at a piece of crap program I'm using to rework my resume. 3 times now, it's puked all over me after I've imported my information. Yeah, I've had a long and varied career, but this is f'ing stupid! "Resume Maker Pro" - avoid this P.O.S. like the bloody plague.
  21. The Doctor


    Evil plans, dear? Be sure to look for me under my favourite table at Mac's Pub... I'm always getting into trouble!
  22. Kass, it's funny you should mention the fact that cats were worshipped as gods for centuries. They most certainly have not forgotten this fact. Gotta run - our resident goddess just barfed up her breakfast.
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