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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Kendra, love... ye've made your point. I do NOT want to see ye leave this ship, but I understand your needs. You will be missed. Know that, love. :: joins Petee at the hoist :: No worries, mate. I've just been convinced to stay. Now, have ye got an eye behind the load, or do I have to handle the ballistics for ye? HEAVE!!
  2. No, no no, this has got "wrong" written all over it, it does. Master Diego! I hearby offer me resignation from your more than able crew. My efforts here are a bit superflous when likened to the contributions Kendra can make. I'll be gathering my effects post haste, in order that Kedra may stay on. :: hurries below deck, gathering this and that, whistling a familiar tune ::
  3. :: sidles up to Swan and raises a nearly empty tankard :: I think mine could use a bit of a topping off, love. If you're up to it?
  4. :: returns Swan's smile, and cocks and eyebrow as she walks past, admiring her... charms. :: :)
  5. :: almost spits last sip of coffee, swallows, and laughs :: Either you have the most remarkable hearing known between here and New Holland, or you're the one Master Diego was talking about! As to my musings, dear sister... I think I need some rum to go with this coffee.
  6. Master Diego! Apparently my mouth has outstripped my ability to reason... again. I certainly hope that I've not drawn the offence of any of our good crew. If I have, I apologize. Now, If ye'll excuse me, I'll be over here with the guns, desperately trying to extract my boot from me mouth.
  7. :: rolls eyes and mutters... :: There goes that idea...
  8. :: approaches Diego and Phil :: *hushed voice* Mate, you don't really believe those tales of woe about having the fairer sex aboard? Next, you'll be telling me we've got bloody mindreaders aboard! :: looks around and smiles :: Coffee, my friend? Our new cook makes an excellent cup!
  9. << Good Lord! One blink, and ye've missed a day on this ship! >> :: gives Kendra a suspicious, quizzical look, then smiles :: My sincere apologies, m'lady. I had no call to suspect you of thievery, even though ye be among pyrates. And I had no idea my puzzlement showed on me face as much as it obviously did. :: cocks his head to the side :: A former woman of the Cloth, eh? Well, love, you'd not be the first to become dissatisfied with the Church. Happens every day, I'm told... Well, then, I should be off to me station and see what's what. Until later? :) :: emerges on deck to the smell of coffee :: Ahh, breakfast! :: returns Swan's greeting :: It'll be a pleasure serving with ye, I'm sure.
  10. :: breaks out 4 ample bottles for the present crew :: Master Diego! I know our grand tour of this vessel was interrupted, but if my quarters are in the slightest more accomodating that Lady Kendra's, then I offer up my bunk to her. I'm not above sleeping between the guns or in the rigging, if need be. And, if I may, she should be better armed than a mere dagger, sir.
  11. :: rummages though the overheavy seabags, and amidst the clinking of bottles... :: Master Diego! I'm happy to report meself well heeled, with cutlass, dagger, boarding axe, and two pistols. Allow me to add to our armoury 2 pistols, a blunderbuss, and 2 boarding axes. Sufficient powder and shot for the afore-mentioned firearms, and more than sufficient will to be using them.
  12. :: tosses it back :: Nah, mate. I've got stories older than you!
  13. "Lad"? And not even a farthing's gratuity! I know what I'll be using for trespass and language once the shot gets low... :)
  14. :: tosses a line over the side to Phil and hauls him up to the deck:: Lovely entrance, mate. Errol Flynn himself would have appreciated your aerobatics. But I have to deduct several hundred points off due to the landing. Towel, monsieur?
  15. :: turns around and breaks into a grin :: Kendra, love! I should have known you'd be aboard! With you among the crew, our luck shall never run astray!
  16. :: carefully hands the seabag to Diego :: Excellent! Hmmm... and as far as cooks... I know more what can burn water, not so much as boil it. I'll keep me eyes open, though. Lead the way, good sir! And I'll be acquainting meself with my station right after I get my effects safely stowed.
  17. Freshman English? Ancient history, mate...
  18. :: appears at the top of the gangplank, carrying a rather large seabag :: I hear tell this ship's in need of a gunner and lookout, and I happen to be in need of employment. Permission to come aboard? :: carefully sets the seabag on the deck, hoping no one hears the "clink-clink" of bottles :: Just a shift or two of clothes, and some odds-n-ends, really. Where can I stow me gear?
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