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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. "I'd pay any price just to win you, Surrender my good life for bad. To find you, I'm gonna drown an unsung man..."
  2. In desperate need of a good laugh. I feel like about ready to come apart at the seams.
  3. "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" - Big and Rich
  4. <I've been wanting to use that clip for two weeks! > Dawn of the Dead
  5. sweet potato pie! Y'all have heard of sweet , ain't ya?
  6. "Too Much Time On My Hands" - Styx
  7. For all of us with loved ones in the hot zone... This is hotlinked from NOAA, so it should be the latest data available.
  8. :: regains his wits slightly at the sound of boots on the gangway, and tries to fumble for his sword :: I'm not certain I deserved that... nnnnnghhhhhh... :: passes out again ::
  9. :: comes wandering along the pier, looking a bit more confused than usual, stopping briefly to check the identity of each ship :: No... too small. No, too... French. No... :: spies the jack of the Watch Dog, and quickens his pace. Unfortunately, this makes him unsteadier :: Ah! There you are! :: at about 20 feet from the gangway, he spies a lovely lass with remarkable bodice spillage, and doffs his hat with a sweeping bow, continuing to the point he is now almost walking backwards:: Master Diego! My apologies for being tardy. Or completely absent, more to the point. You see, I was detain- :: trips over an ale cask and stumbles head first into a pier support, and is knocked out cold:: //Sorry for having gone missing. I've been without internet connectivity since the weekend!//
  10. :: comes running up the dock, coat, baldric, and sword slung over his shoulder :: Wait! WAIT!! Hold the bloody ship!! :: runs for the gangplank, never looking up :: I had a bit of a run-in with the Admiralty! It wasn't my fault! They finally released me after she admitted... :: looks around the empty deck :: Well, well... Looks as if the party waited for ME this time. :: drops effects to the deck and walks to the mainmast :: "Gone Fishing"? I've 'til Tuesday? Someone declare a national holiday, or some such? :: reads further :: Swan and Siren are at the Lagoon? I'd best not burn anymore daylight! :: collects effects and strolls down the gangway, whistling. Upon catching sight of the notice posted at dock end of the plank, he turns and reads, placing his hat over his heart :: Oh, bloody hell. Mate, what did you get yourself into this time? If this is true, it will take an awful amount of killing to make this old salt's heart good again. But I'm up for it... :: squares up his hat, and puts on his coat and baldric :: You will be missed, my friend. And God be ready for the bodies I'll be sending Him. :: stops at the entrance to the pier, and looks ponderingly left and right :: As I recall, the Lagoon is THIS way... :: strolls off jauntily, whistling ::
  11. :: bows unsteadily to the ladies :: Name your pleasure, loves. I'm at your service. :)
  12. Mischief? Aye! Mischief, indeed! I'd be up for that, if ye catch my meaning. Lead the way, ladies...
  13. :: eyes the monkey suspiciously :: Let's not name the monkey "Jack", eh? I've had me fill of the little banana burners... Swan, love... let's have another go at that rum, shall we? I feel the night's just begun. :)
  14. Speaking as someone who'd jump at the chance to Oompa your Loompa, love... I have no idea where I was going with that.
  15. :: follows after the fair Swan :: Party? Please don't forget your's truly, eh?
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