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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. There's a long and storied Naval tradition in me family. But at this stage in me life, I actively eschew the rigors and demands of management. I have great respect for good William, and I cast my lot with him.
  2. :: slumps agains the bulwark, looking stunned :: The Cap'n? Dead, before we even have the ship in order? Bloody hell... :: looks up at the sky, squinting :: What have ye signed yourself up for this time, Jack? I supposed we've lived through worse... :: snaps out of his thoughts at the sound of Mister Lasseter's orders :: Aye, sir! You heard him, ye gobs! All hands, at the ready, and pull!! Straight and true, together lads! We're not draggin' logwood here! That be our home for God knows how long. That's it! Keep at it! The line's coming taught and true...
  3. I just heard "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain, and "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, back to back. I have only one thing to say... More cowbell!!!
  4. Aye, Mister Lasseter! :: turns back to the barge's crew :: Double check that cable; make sure she's secured. Alright, lads! When the order is given, we'll make straight and steady, and draw the slack out of the cable. I'll make sure we don't foul nor damage ourselves in the process...
  5. That I will, Doctor. But if anything injurious should befall me in the future, at least I know I'll be in lovely, er... capable hands. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure I'm needed somewhere...
  6. :: sits on the crate and removes his hat and headscarf, pushes his hair out of the way, and tilts his head so the good doctor can make her assessment :: Right as rain, I hope?
  7. :: fetches himself another cup of coffe, and approaches the ship's surgeon :: Good morning, Doctor Fitzgerald. I was wondering - when might I be returning to full duty, in your opinion? They say idle hands are the Devil's workshop; mine tend towards an entire shipyard, if you catch my meaning.
  8. "Sweet Home Alabama" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  9. I trust Bess a good sight more than I'd trust a reporter, any day!
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