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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. :: claps his hands together, smiles, and bows slightly, an expression of gratitude he learned in Singapore :: Given your obvious expertise in these matters, I defer to your judgment. If it figures in to our timeline for departure, then a new sail it is! :: casts and uneasy glance at the glaring Simon, then back to Kendra :: He's not... never mind. Aye! A new sail. I'll just be... going... :: motions in the direction away from Simon :: ...this way...
  2. Never had Morgan's "Tattoo." I've heard too many bad things about it...
  3. Sailor Jerry's! Wonderful stuff!! Just, whatever you do, don't drink it straight...
  4. :: Jack smiles and nods to Mr. Lasseter, and turns his attention to the sail maker. He begins to speak, and stops mid breath, regarding the lovely, frail figure of the woman before him. He's struck by her piercingly bright eyes and dark hair. Trying to regain something resembling composure, he swallows hard and smiles uneasily, realizing that part of her piercing gaze is impatience :: Ah! You must be Kendra, then? Yes, well... um... the barge! Yes, the Samson... As the original Samson was only as strong as the length of his hair, this Samson is only as strong as the men pulling the sweeps and... :: motioning upward :: ... the state of the sail. As you can see... :: he pulls the lanyard to unfurl the sail, revealing it's tattered condition :: ... whatever barber the previous master encountered was most unkind. So! What is your diagnosis, Mistress Kendra? Can ye save the patient, or is a replacement in order?
  5. I love that song! Especially the original version. "Love is a Battlefield" - Pat Benatar
  6. Aye, sir. That staysail spills more wind than most men break in a year's time. I'll have Kendra turn her talents to it. Until she's had a chance to finish, the men here have strong backs and stronger hearts. We'll make do with the sweeps.
  7. :: smiles at Mr. Lasseter's words :: Aye, sir. We'll have her ship shape and Bristol fashion! :: finishes his coffee and sets about gathering the barge crew for repair duties ::
  8. Wonderful pics, Tempest! :) Now that my boots have FINALLY arrived, I'm going to have some more pictures taken. I'll post them late this weekend. UPDATE: My photographer was too tipsy to take a single good picture, so I'm going to try it again this upcoming weekend... It's so hard to shanghai good help these days.
  9. Lots of different things... Stressed from work, comforted from being among good friends, seethingly angry at things in my personal life, and relieved that the weekend is finally here.
  10. :: Jack slowly sips from his cup of coffee, pausing to enjoy the brew's aroma. He leans upon the ship's rail and regards the ship's barge, the Samson, with a critical eye. She's no worse for wear after the brisk transport of the ship's guns, save a fresh leak near her stern to larboard. He's located the source of the staysail mast's complaints - a hand's-width long crack near it's base. Iron banding should support it until there's time for fashioning a proper replacement. :: No worries, old girl. Once I know the Captain's timetable, we'll have you running fast and sure again...
  11. "Bringin' On the Heartbreak" - Def Leppard
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