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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. :: Jack stands at the ship's rail, going over the events the past day again and again in his mind. Mr. Lasseter's call breaks his reverie :: Aye, sir! On my way. :: Jack pauses to tighten the makeshift bandage around his knee in an attempt to lessen his limp, then makes for the quarterdeck ::
  2. :: The barge bumps agains the side of the ship after our swift, wordless, seemingly endless trek across the cove. The crew attached the winch lines to the boat, and a baording net was cast over the side to allow passage back to the Watch Dog. Mr. Lasseter, followed by the other passengers, boarded first. The barge crew went about readying the boat for retrieval, and Jack slowly made his way back on board, nursing his wounded leg. Mr. Lasseter went straight to Monsignor Diego. They exchanged hushed words, then both went below to the Infirmary. Jack continued to direct the barge crew, but it all felt so far away, as if someone else was speaking. He felt weary, and, for the first time in a very long time, useless. :: Bo'sun! Full sail and get us out of here. Two miles straight out, then heave to. We'll drop anchor there. Everyone else! Make us dark, if you will. No lights on deck, nor near the gun ports. Not even match nor pipe. Mr. Youngblood! Load the guns, please. Double charge and double shot, but do not run them out. Have your men stand at the ready in case we have more company. Beyond that, no one is to act without direct orders from the Quartermaster. Am I understood?
  3. As best as I can remember, sir... We'd spotted a merchantman riding just outside the cove, and she was set upon by a ship on the Account, the Dark Lament. I'd never heard of her, but she's a damned ship, if I draw a breath. She seemed to exchange fire with the merchantman, but it was a ruse. She came upon us hard, she did, and brought a hail of musket and shot with her. I saw the Captain fall, and a shot blew threw a barrel on deck near me near the same time. I was out cold for I don't know how long. All I do know is the ship's largely undamaged, and the Captain was the only serious casualty. :: Jack's expression becomes far away and haunted :: I swear I've never seen a ship like that one before - like she was driven by stinking winds straight out of Hell itself...
  4. :: Jack leans close to Mr. Lasseter :: Sir, the Dog was attacked by some unholy ship, and the Captain was hit. The good Doctor is tending to us, and I don't mind telling you she's furious with the lot of us. Hawks and two men can take the dinghy, but you need to be back on the ship straight away.
  5. I thought you'd quicken your pace if you were of a mind to throttle me! Good to see you, sir. :: Jack smiles at the Quatermaster, and hands him and the Doctor's man each a musket :: And good to have a steady shot on board, as well. You, Armand, is it? Are you familiar with a musket? :: Armand checks the weapon, makes a quick adjustment to the flint, and resets the lock and frizzen. "Oiu, monsieur." :: Well, then... good! Please, the two of you join our 6 marksmen to suppress any threat from shore. We've got a dinghy to retrieve! Marskmen! Eyes on the shore. All our friends are with us now. Oarsmen! Make for the dinghy!
  6. A snail, you say? Then, miss, if he be carrying a musket, we'll be dining on escargot tonight. :: Jack spies Dorian and the doctor's man coming toward the barge :: Mister Lasseter! Hurry! You're needed aboard now, sir! So with all due respect, Quatermaster, please shift yer arse!
  7. :: Jack takes the parchment and tucks it into his coat without looking at it. He thinks it odd that anyone but a member of the local constablulary would know he had been in town, but dimisses the idea in light of the present emergency :: Thank you, miss. Now please, find a place in the rear of the boat, and stay low. There's danger out there, and you know our location and numbers, so you'll be coming with us. Was anyone that you do not know following you?
  8. :: The barge pulls alongside the dock. Jack is beaming that everyone is healthy, but he's insistent and nervous about hanging around too long :: No lines, mates! Two of you; grab the pilings and hold us fast. You, and you; help everyone in! Marksmen, watch to the left and right on the shoreline. Everyone, hurry!
  9. :: Jack spies the party collectiing on the shore :: There, lads! Put your backs into it! Marksmen, stay ready! Faster, mates! Let us scoop them up and carry them home!
  10. :: The barge takes up position near the original anchorage of the Watch Dog, and Jack begins scanning the shore with his glass :: Steady, now, lads. Hold us right here. Marksmen, keep a sharp eye, and make any reports quietly. Hopeful Mr. Lasseter and party are in a position to hear and respond to our call...
  11. :: Jack yells up to Petee :: I'll be fine, Mr. Youngblood! It's a long way from my heart!
  12. Aye, Mr. Youngblood. I hadn't realized how far we'd drifted. I hope we won't need your guns, but I'm more than secure knowing we have your cover. Belay that tow line and return to your ready stations! :: Jack eases himself into the barge, careful not to strain his throbbing knee :: Make for the shore. The firing orders remain unchanged. Lively now, lads! If these devils have laid an abuscade for Mr. Lasseter, let's be there to blow it back to hell for 'em! :: He sets about loading the boat's gun :: Now, Delilah, let's make sure you're in fine voice, shall we?
  13. Thank you, Father. God be with us all. Barge crew!! A last check of arms, and take your stations! Be ready to fire only on my order, savvy? The man who fires before my word will find themselves on the end of my blade, and that is no idle threat. Once we are afloat and at station keeping, I want 6 of you as ready marksmen. 3 facing starboard, 3 to larboard. If ordered to fire, you will do so at my mark, and fire two then two then two. I want steady fire, not volleys. Now, launch the boat!
  14. You don't want to know :) Oh, but I do... Ooooh! Story time!!
  15. :: He looks over the side and sees that the anchor cable's been cut :: Blast and damn!! We're adrift! Barge crew, and anyone able, ready the boat! I need two men to pay out the tow line and stand ready to hand it off to the barge when we're in position. I want everyone armed to the bloody teeth! We'll use the barge to hold the ship in place. Mister Lasseter had to have heard that ruckus! If he's still alive, I want him to find us ready to get under way, not grounded. Mister Ciaran! How badly are we hurt? Are we taking on water? And where's the Captain? Was he struck?!
  16. Opening weekend is this Saturday and Sunday! I'll be there Saturday, sampling the turkey legs and free ale. Looks like their having a "Perfect Pirate" contest along with the "Wench Press", so it should be a lot of fun!
  17. {I take a little time to get ready for this weekends Ren Faire, and all hell breaks loose! } :: Jack awakens with a pounding head. He remembers cannonfire and an flying debis, and a sickeningly cold fog. He fights nauseating dizziness as he climbs to his feet, and his right knee screams in pain and refuses to support his weight. Looking down, he sees that a piece of shattered wood has lodged itself in the side of his knee. A look of annoyance crosses his face, and he tears off a length of his sash. He wads up the sash, then looks upward as he takes hold of the overgrown splinter. He extends his leg just short of straight, and begins to work the projectile out of his leg. It finally pulls free, and Jack examines to wound. It's seeping, but not the gout of blood he feared. He stuffs the fabric into the wound, and tears off more sash material to tie the packing in place :: No major cables cut, so that's promising... Now, to see how badly we're damaged. :: He gets to his feet and starts scanning the deck :: What the bloody hell happened?!
  18. I just found out that the Minnesota Renaissance Festival has added a "Perfect Pirate Contest" to their openning weekend this Saturday and Sunday. Plus, there's a free ale tasting. This will be a blast!
  19. :: Standing in the rigging with the rest of the crew, Jack sees the strange storm forming directly above the Dark Lament after their even stranger exchange with the merchantman. The wind shifts with the coming of the storm, and carries on it stench like the draft from a slaughterhouse. And how did she pick up that must speed without losing a mast? Jack's blood ran cold as he watched this unholy spectacle... ::
  20. :: Jack moves quietly among those present, making sure they are armed. He does so almost as if performing an inspection, handing the arms off very close to each crewman, in case prying eyes are upon the deck that might be tipped off by a general muster :: With any luck, they'll figure this is just another drill on our part...
  21. :: Jack comes up to the main deck from the armoury with two armloads of muskets, and stops dead at the doorway when he sees the remarkable lack of preparation taking place. He looks left, then right, and sees the Captain standing stiffly on deck. Jack knows that he's just made the Devil's own noise on his arrival, so he simply stands there, looking a bit puzzled :: Ah, well. This can't be good...
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