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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. :: Jack stops in his tracks and turns back to the impressive sight of Monsignor Diego dressed for combat :: Padre! Excellent! Now I'm feeling better about this. A trial by fire it may well be, since we've had precious little practice in this area. May I have your and Ciaran's assistance in making sure that our able seaman we have masquerading as marines are properly fitted out to board or defend? Grazzi!
  2. :: Jack hears the call to quarters and goes quickly to the rail to see the ship for himself :: Ah, a merchantman. Riding a tad low in the water, are we? I believe we can assist... Barge crew!! To quarters!! Lay hands on your arms and make ready the boat! Ball and case shot for the gun, and grapples for each man! Boarding crew!! Arms yourselves and stand by! Fetch the rudder wedge and mallet as well, and see that it's loaded on the barge! :: He pauses to make sure that his men are answering the call. Once satisfied, he makes for the gun deck to assist in preparations ::
  3. :: Jack's eyes snap open, and his hand reflexively moves for the dagger he keeps tucked under himself while he sleeps. He finally realizes where he is, and he begins to relax. He dresses himself for the day, then stows his hammock and heads topside for coffee. The barge crew's response times are vastly improved over their initial efforts, but one aspect still nags at Jack; the speed at which they handle the hooks for releasing and capturing the boat. More drills, more practice... ::
  4. "You've still got two of the three major branches of government working for ya, and that ain't bad!" Only Nicholson could have delivered that line. "Santa Claus vs. The Martians"
  5. :: Jack slowly awakens in near darkeness. He's disoriented, and possibly still a little drunk. His mouth feels like a baby dragon has used it for a potty chair, and his head is pounding like a drum. He finally realizes that he's in the back portion of the main hold and begins working his way to the ladder :: Dear God... What time is it? What day is it? Bloody brilliant of ye, Jack... "Oh, what will one more tug on the bottle hurt?" Idiot! :: He emerges into the daylight, and his head throbs in protest of the bright light :: Coffee... Yes, coffee... :: He does his best to make a straight line to the kitchen, and does a more than passable job. He take a cup of the strong, rejuvenating brew, and makes his way to the gunwail. This allows him to take up his watch, and also be ready if the coffee does not wish to stay put ::
  6. Thanks, Cat! Everything is so comfortable, even on a hot day. Designs By Janelle doesn't yet have a web site, but you can reach her at designs_by_janelle@comcast.net. She's also working on designs for adjustable fabric bodices, and her results so far are fantastic.
  7. OK, as promised, here's the updated photos of my completed garb. I'll list out the vendors of the items at the end of the post. Hat - Excalibur Leather Hair Jewelry - Pirates of the Coast Head Scarf - Designs by Janelle Aztec Coin Necklace - Masterpiece Replicas Sword Hanger - Dorsett House Dagger Frog - Dorsett House Pistol - Grendel's Cave Sword - NobleWares Belt - Medieval Collectibles Boxed Compass - Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. Shirt - Designs by Janelle Waistcoat - Designs by Janelle Sash - Designs by Janelle Breaches - Designs by Janelle Frock Coat - Designs by Janelle Boots - Competetive Attitude Boots Rum - Captain Morgan's Private Stock
  8. Fair enough, then. Arm yourselves, and extra powder and shot, especially for yourself, Mr. Morgan. We shall be in the water and ready to depart by the time you make it back topside. All right, men, heave!! :: The barge swings up and clear of the ship, and is lowered quickly and efficiently into the water. The lines are crisply tied off, and the barge crew take their positions in the boat. Jack stands by and makes sure his additional passengers are fitted out and assists them into the boat. He joins them, and the barge departs for the shore. They arrive at their destination some 20 minutes later, and the respective parties go about their tasks::
  9. :: Jack smiles to Miss Smith :: Then by all means, please join us! Now, Mr. Sons and Mr. Morgan; have ye sought the Captains permission to be going ashore? This is a ship's barge, not a hansome cab. I could use the extra backs for gathering firewood, straw, and sand. But not unless the Captain approves so many hands being off the ship at once.
  10. Captain! We're about to get under way for provisioning. Is it agreeable to you to allow Mr. Sons and Miss Smith to join us? If she must go into town, she can purchase the additional rope we require. And Mr. Sons could provide escort. What say you, sir?
  11. :: Jack finishes his coffee and returns the cup to the kitchen. He returns to the maindeck and takes up a place at the mainmast :: Barge crew!! To your stations, and make ready to get under way! :: Jack regards the crew as they quickly take up their assigned places near the barge winches :: We're going ashore for provisions, gentlemen. I want empty barrels, canvas bags and slings, axes, and machetes loaded onto the Samson. Each man will carry a cutlass and pistol, and in addition, six of you will also carry a musket. Now, off with you. Load the barge and arm yourselves. You have until the next turn of the glass. Carry on.
  12. :: After rising, dressing, and stowing his hammock, Jack goes topside in search of hot coffee and a bit of breakfast. He's statisfied with the progress his crew made in the handling of the barge, and he mulls over ideas to sharpen their skills even further. He wants them to move quickly and stealthily, to strike and swarm a ship like conducted lightning. He exchanges morning pleasantries with those on deck, and sets about his normal watch duties ::
  13. Aye, that be the plan. I didn't wish to scare the hell out of them, nor get accidentally clubbed to death, on the first go. Now that the idea that they just might need me aboard is entering their heads, I'll be with them throughout. :)
  14. Aye, sir. They were much better during the ferrying of the guns, but then they didn't have much time to think about things. Jump in and do it, bootheels and elbows, eh? They'll find their rhythm. They've certainly earned themselves a generous number of practice runs. :) :: Jack checks the state of the barge, and sees them holding station 50 yards off the stern. He grabs a speaking trumpet :: Well done, lads! Now, would you mind terribly returning to the ship as I originally asked? :: He watches them briskly row back to the ship, and slowly shakes his head :: Enthusiastic, yes, but they could not find a cup of water if you dropped them in a lake...
  15. Aye, sir. Right away. :: Jack collapses the glass and stows it in the instrument cabinet. He turns and briefly scans the deck to see which of the barge crew are present, and if they overheard Mr. Lasseter and are anticipating the order. His eyes narrow, and he stifles a smile :: Barge crew!! To your stations! Prepare to make ready the barge! :: Jack steps back and gives the men plenty of room to strip the tarpaulin from the barge, check the number of oars, ensure that all necessary supplies are in place, and that the block and tackle are hooked securely. Satisfied that enough time has elapsed for them to be ready, he steps forward to inspect their work :: Stand to! Let us see what we have... :: He checks the supplies and fixment of the lines. He spies one of the boatmen looking especially worried, and Jack gives him a short, approving nod :: That will do for now. Not a bad first effort, and your time will improve given practice. And practice you shall have. Ready on the lines! And... HEAVE!! :: The barge swings up and outward, and clears the rail of the ship :: Steady, now! Do not let it swing... there! Now, lower away! Faster, but do not drop your line... :: The boat can be heard to splash softly into the water, and her hull gently bump against that of the ship :: Tie off your lines, lay hands on your weapons, and over the side with the lot of ye! Step quickly! This is not the tender to your Aunt Hilda's pleasure yacht! :: The dozen men pile into the barge like so many dizzy spiders :: Cast off! Make to 50 yards off the stern, come about, and you'll bring the barge back aboard. Off with ye!! :: Every man on the barge has been struck by an arm, leg, oar, or musket by now. They finally get the lines cast off, and begin rowing :: Gentlemen!! Try rowing together, as you've done before... And you may wish to head... :: points to his left :: ... that way? :: Jack turns back to Mr. Lasseter and stifles a laugh :: At least no one has gotten shot or drowned, yet...
  16. :: Jack watches Kendra walk away, oblivious to the daggers Simon is staring at him. His mouth works soundlessly as he tries to grasp what just happened: she seems of merry spirits, off to return the Captain's?) shirt. And Simon did not seem to be winded from tearing anyone apart. Jack's face is the epitome of puzzlement as he slowly returns to his watch over the Monsignor's party. No, she must have been repairing it, but I've never seen him in rough clothes... ::
  17. :: scans the shallows and shoreline with a glass near where the Monsignor has gone to wash, keeping a weather eye for the unexpected and uninvited. He notices the relative silence of the ship as the crew takes in the scolding delivered by the Captain. Jack thinks to himself, "Well, well, well. There's more to that tongue-lashing than meets the eye. I wonder what it is that's put the Captain in such a fine mood today?" ::
  18. No More Mister Nice Guy - Alice Cooper
  19. :: On Jack's way to the main deck, refreshed and significantly less fragrant after his morning swim, he encounters Monsignor Diego in the companionway. :: Father! How good it is to see you up and about once more! I hear word that your strength is returning, and now I see it with my own eyes. It is a wonderful sight!
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