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Everything posted by Indigojack

  1. Just finished reading Nathaniel Philbrick's "In the Heart of the Sea" The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex. This is the true story "Moby Dick" was based on. Highly recommend it. I guarentee when you've finish reading it, you'll be glad your a pyrate, and not a whaler. How about you, read any good books lately?
  2. Me favorite be Roman Polanski's "Pirates". Watching Walter Matthau (Captain Red) being forced to eat rat by the Spanish was a hoot! Sorry, didn't mean to spoil the plot.
  3. After the Exxon Valdez ran aground the new verse was: Make him captain of an Exxon tanker
  4. Has any crewmember had any experience taking period weapons on airflights? Swords and especially flintlocks. I be sure airlines don't allow no blackpowder onboard. Is there usually a weapons vendor with powder, or do ya have to borrow some from a local pyrate? I'd appreciate being edumacated on this.
  5. Me and Jim will be sailing down from Yorktown, Pa. We have our reservation @ the Raddison, and new tankards we need to break in. See ya there mates.
  6. Quite a musical crew says I. Back in the late 60s-early 70s I played guitar in a rock band, but I don't remember it much. Then I played the bagpipes in a pipe band for 10 years, but got tired of women asking what I wore under me kilt.-Me shoes. Now I still play guitar, and squeezebox{button Accordion} Irish tunes, and sea shanties.
  7. Ahoy Zorg, Me thinks the Queen Ann from Cherrys has real fine lines, like some flashpackets I've known.
  8. Ahoy MMM Ye might want to try No Quarter Given's list of merchants & smugglers. www.noquartergiven.net
  9. Sorry to hear that, says I. Guess I'll be staying in home port until Hampton,s Blackbeard Fest. on 4th of June. Looking foward to meeting crew members @ the Grand Pyrate Ball.
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