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Katarina Leigh

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Everything posted by Katarina Leigh

  1. arr.. almost makes me want to have a little'un.. just so's I can raise 'em right. All pirate-like of course.
  2. Happy birthday! And many a more days, lass! *raises glass*
  3. Oh aye, I agree completely. To tell ye the truth, I was a bit afraid they'd be making the sequel not up to par with the first. But hell, if Johnny's excited, I'd like to think he wouldn't do something just for the money.
  4. From what I kin tell, around here- there be no swimming at all. They'll hoist ya on deck afore ye can say "Aye! Me needs some 'elp, mate!" Either that or they'll all jump in at once... I'm not sure which yet..
  5. I've honestly not thought too much about a nice pistol for my outfit.. but those tempt me greatly, indeed.
  6. In terms of patters, I took a quick look at simplicity.com, and found a few.. but nothing too pirate-y. You'd have to be doing some changes. Here are the sites I found. http://www.simplicity.com/index.cfm?cat=4&...=20&sec=0&id=74 (It may not look it, but if ye click on 5909, there be shirt patterns for a wee one) And also: http://www.simplicity.com/index.cfm?cat=4&...=21&sec=0&id=80 (that one has toddler boy's costumes but you'd definitely change the color and alter them a bit, methinks) Oh- and ebay is a great great place. Congrats and good luck, mate.
  7. Be it only on java? or is there a room # I can get to via mIRC?
  8. Me, I'd say a deep blue (though I'd probably still stick with dark brown) for normal everyday wear, but methinks a wealthy pirate'd be more likely to choose something like red most of the time. (though a different color for different times is brilliant! or maybe even for different moods.. oh the possibilities..)
  9. I actually got the motto from David Cordingly's happy book "Under the Black Flag". *hugs her book* (Here be the passage from pages 156-157) "Before he left England for the last time in 1729, Rogers had commissioned a family portrait from William Hogarth, who was then a young man in his early thirties. The painting, which is now in the collections of the National Maritime Museum in London, is small but charming. The newly appointed governor is shown seated outside the fort at Nassau, which he had repaired and which was the scene of the pirate trial and execution. he has a pair of dividers in his hand to symbolize his skills as a navigator, and by his side is a globe to represent his voyage around the world. His son William holds up a map showing part of the island of Providence. His daughter Sarah is seated with a spaniel beside her. Standing in the background is a maid with a bowl of fruit in her hands. On the castle walls above Woodes Rogers is a cartouche bearing the appropriately resolute and optomistic motto "Dum Spiro, Spero" (while I breathe, I hope"), and in the harbor beyond is a ship firing a salute. The painting is a modest memorial to the man who drove the pirates from their headquarters in the Bahamas, and played a key role in bringing the reign of pirates in the Caribbean to an end." (I swear I only like the motto o.o; )
  10. I've never been there. Is it only on sunday, mates?
  11. *joins in the hug fest and hugs to heart's content*
  12. Or in the crow's nest to keep away.. seagulls..?
  13. *makes note to never offer a grog on her* o.o;; Happy birthday, and many a more happy days, lad. *raises glass*
  14. I have nary thought of going there before. As soon as it is up again, I shall take a gander. Thank ye kindly. *smiles*
  15. aye, I have to sadly agree.
  16. Tis nothing better than the good ol' salt air wafting in on a long journey home ta the sea... *sighs*
  17. Aye! I bin tryin' to get me hands on a decent coat for some time now and can't seem ta find one in a good price range... I'd most definitely be interested in yer wares, sir.
  18. Here be me tune: (not mine, o' course) THE ROBBER GIRL Come listen a while and I'll tell you a story of three merry gentlemen riding along They met a fair maiden and unto her did say, "We're afraid this cold morning might do you some harm." "Oh no, kind sir," said the maid, "you're mistaken to think this cold morning might do me some harm. Yet there is one thing I crave, and it lies twixt your legs sir if you give me that it will keep me warm." "Oh since you do crave it, my dear you shall have it, if you'll come with me under yonder green tree. oh since you do crave it, my dear you shall have it, I'll make these two gentlemen witness to thee." The gentleman lighted and straight way she mounted, and looking the gentlemen hard in the face, said, "ye knew not my meaning, you wrong understood me." and away she went galloping down the long lane. "Come gentleman lend me one of your horses, that I might ride after her down the long lane. If I over-take her, I warrant I'll make her return unto me own horse again." This young maid was watching, she saw them a-coming, She instantly then took her pistol in hand, said, "doubt not my skill, or it's you I shall kill and I'll have you stand back or you are a dead man." "Oh why do you spend all your time here in talking, oh why do you spend all of your time here in vain? Come give her a penny, it's what she deserves, and I warrant she'll give you your horse back again." "Oh no, kind sir," said the maid, you're mistaken, for if it's his loss than it is my gain, and you are a witness that he gave it to me." And away she went galloping over the plain. And here be me problem: How does the blasted thing go? I can't seem ta find any sound file fer it online.. and it's a song I'd love dearly to sing. Does anyone know where to find this song or ones like it in even midi's, at least? Any help would be most obliged.
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