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Katarina Leigh

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Everything posted by Katarina Leigh

  1. Methinks me needs more coins ta play a good game... But oh- I had no idea there be so many possibilities. It sounds like a great game if I can find people to play with.
  2. So, any of ye lads and lasses create works of art, of any kind? If ye do any, I'd love tae see examples. (and maybe I'll post one o' mine later)
  3. Tis bizarre! And yet cute! poor teddy indeed..
  4. I tried playing it, and at first it said there was an error. (blasted machines) But alas- I tried again, and it worked! So maybe it just needs another try?
  5. I have this game, but I couldn't quite understand the way to play exactly. Can anyone give a more detailed play-by-play? I just wasn't sure if they meant you can place any bet amount.. and then there's the necessary amount and such. It confused me a bit. That said, I'd dearly love to play.. if only I could find people to play with me..
  6. Excellent work, mate! I enjoyed it greatly.
  7. A friend o' mine had a catologue full of nice inexpensive swords, and they have all their wares online. www.budk.com
  8. *pours Trapper a drink and nods in agreement*
  9. I be not too musically inclined, however, I do have a bit o' fun with me harmonica and a piano though I do so wish I could play some kind of pennywhistle...
  10. Aye, I have to agree with the reccomendation of the new Peter Pan. Although that's not out on video yet.. (when?? when be it out??)
  11. From lots of places, but now in a small nice town of Kent in Connecticut.
  12. Happy birthday and many more a good day te ye, mate. *raises tankard*
  13. Basically, the love of all things fantasy was with me since I can remember. Horses were my favorite, though typical.. they still brought with them the concept of the wind and roaming freely... I loved movies like disney's Robin Hood (I memorized the entire thing) and Peter Pan was one of my favorites. I also saw the play version of Peter pan at my grandparents every time I was there. As for books, I never really got my hands on those, but ended up loving Muppet's Treasure Island and Three Musketeers (Disney version). However, the love of the sea is deep in me veins.. Ever since I was a babe, my parents brought us to the cottage by the sea in New Jersey. Every summer we would go for weeks and I loved it. Every summer we also would go to the lake cottage of my other grandparent's in Wisconsin in Door County on Lake Michigan. I loved to canoe and sail around the inlets, or walk down the sandy beaches to a hidden river- being careful not to step on crawdads. Ahh, those were the days. I am young though.. only a lass of 18. And so I can still have many more years of these days, and I plan on having many, *many* more years of ren fairs. My parents would take us to the Pennsylvania Ren Faire when it were only a wee faire. Our whole family of many children, would dress up the best we could and go with the college buddies. Even the Queen one year commented on how well dressed we all were! (God save the Queen!) So... I don't know how exactly I liked pirates in particular, I know I loved rennaisance things and all things related, so I think my pirate love was really just at the surface- along with wanting to be at sea or on a horse.. It just sprang to the head of the line once a good movie came out, and once I did more research on the subject. Then... I got myself a pirate get-up for the faires- went to many faires, and was *completely* hooked. PotC really was a help. Then I found more pirate movies that I never knew existed! And now.. I am no longer alone. I was looking for sea shanty help and stumbled here- to paradise! Here's to ye! *raises glass* Anyway.. sorry for the long explination. ;;
  14. How did I not see this reply sooner?! Trapper! Ye be my hero, mate! Thankee! next drink's on me, mate.
  15. If it's not too late, I think "Echo" is a right fine name. o'course this all makes me want a bird so badly...
  16. Well, it looks like it can be just an apple or have rather deep symbolism. Either way, I enjoy this subject a lot, too. Thankee all kindly.
  17. I know ye piratey-types may not be discussin' philosophies too often, but I figured maybe someone had some info. It occured to me that there could be some symbolism in the apple that Barbossa always carries- you know, life, maybe it's a reference to Adam and Eve and the original sin... Maybe they discuss this in the special features, I'm honestly not sure. (I tend not to want to see how they make special scenes and sets if it's a movie I'd like to be real ) Or, it's possible this has been discussed before and I didn't realize it. If so, I'd gladly read that thread instead. Another thing- is the "poisoned" part a reference to another disney movie..? Or is that another symbol of some sort..? I'm just curious as I always am.
  18. I have! But not too much. Me friend's mum does them every year and they're fantastic! She's really good at it.
  19. Me- I personally like the triple approach. The nice happy gun fer long range. Yer cutlass fer the real combat. And then the dagger fer the tight situations. Most of all though, me likes me cutlass.
  20. 'Appy birthday! *raises glass*
  21. Aye! I do so love chocolate... 'appy Easter to all of ye, mates!
  22. Very nice, indeed. :)
  23. well, tis been a little bit.. an' I can't quite seem ta find it. Anyone else have any other advice? or perhaps the name is incorrect...?
  24. Makes me want a ship real bad.. ye all be lucky, ye be.
  25. Brilliant! I wish I had birthday parties like that when I was a kid..
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