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Everything posted by piratelassie

  1. Thanks all very much! Haha! Summer is now upon us... This means gotta get out the old kayak and start harassin' the boats in the harbor. Should be fun this year what with tall ships comin' and all...
  2. So I graduated from High school today. And the awards ceremony was before graduation. So's I gets called up fer a music award. I get a musical dictionary, and sits meself back down. Then they announce "The rear Admiral so and so prize, given to a student for his or her excellence and interest in naval history." I figgers it's goin' ta me best friend who's a navy brat, or ta this kid in my school who's a nationally ranked sailor. This is where the story gets interestin'. They call me name. So I walks up there ta get me award, thinkin' oh it's gonna be some book with pictures of destroyers and stuff. I gets me award, and what is it? "A Pirate of Exquisite Mind" which is a biography of William Dampier that was on the NY times best seller list a few weeks back that I wanted ta read but couldn't afford. Turns out me AP European histry teacher voted me fer the award because I wrote me term paper about how piracy was a form of freedom. Then me english teacher, who knows that I'm into pirates suggests ta the other teacher who buys the books fer prizes tha' I gets a pirate book. twas very exciting. I thought it was kinda funny that I get this navy award fer me interest in the rather shadier aspects o' maritime history. But hey, a free pirate book. I'll not be arguin with that.... Thanks fer indulgin me little bit of pluming an' paradin' but i thought ye'd all get a kick outta that
  3. Hmmm good question. Rats don't bother me...much. As ta loneliness, I likes me own company. I've survived a modern day ocean passage on a sailboat, but I honestly don't know about the golden age. Methinks twould be quite a challenge fer us softy modern day pirates. 'Specially the food. I likes food. Nowadays ya can cook quite good meals in a galley on a gimballed stove with an oven and an icebox at yer disposal, but back then... I dunno about weevilly hardtack an' salt pork. I'd probably be fishin' on my watches. Good stuff, fish.
  4. Tis unfortunate incidents such as these wot keep folk from expressin' themselves. Lord knows I've faced the same dilemma. A toast ta those kids fer their courage!
  5. EXCELLENT!!!!! Good idea fer next parade in the wee port o' Jamestown. Memorial day's comin' up....
  6. well, Christian, methinks ye should read it. Tis one o'me personal favorites (though that is not the reason you should be readin' it.)
  7. 'Tis a plan then, Sir Jewels
  8. I love it, especially the last stanza! Anyone know of any other good pirate poems? I only know one that's in Spanish. Jose Espronceda's Cancion del Pirata. I'm working on a translation though.
  9. "Yes, we are 21st century people. Are we happy and comfortable in this century? That's another story. There's a good number of us out there who feel really out of time, who put up with the 21st century, but never really feel comfortable." I wholeheartedly agree with you on that one Hawkyns On a semi related note, it would be very interesting indeed to start a pirate reality show, then somehow off the camera men and turn real pirate. The ship would have been supplied by whoever is producing the show, and if we did succeed in getting rid of the camera men, we'd have a ship. Of course, it would have to be a real ship and not one of those barges covered with stuff that they sometimes use in place of ships... Just a thought
  10. Let me know how Pope's Buccaneer is. I haven't got around to reading it yet. Personally, I think Pirates! is a great read, not so much in the vein of Treasure Island. In fact I think it's better. Very well researched.The main conceit has to do with Defoe's General History, which is sort of interesting.
  11. I did a study program at sea for six weeks two years ago. Even if ye get seasick, DO IT!!!!! Granted, I have a biased opinion because I don't get seasick. But the boat I was on had this stuff called Sturgeron, that a few people swore by. Also, mint tea is good for calming upset stomachs. The only time I got sick was after being below in a stuffy and locked bunk room for about half an hour, and then I think it was because one of my friends, who was a horrible cook, had galley duty for that day. We're talking macaroni with powdered cheese and powdered milk and stovetop stuffing mixed in fer good measure. But I would definitely do it. I'm thinking of doing another one in college.
  12. Yes I've read it! Got it for Christmas, read it all day, finished it that night. Me new favorite book. Great inspiration fer pirates of the senior in high school variety such as meself. I absolutely loved it. Glad ta see ye're takin' after Minerva. I thought she was a better character than Nancy.
  13. I loved Heart of the Sea. Really really sad, but quite gripping. Had to read it for US History summer reading last year. Liked Moby Dick too. Read it while crewing on a research vessel for high school credit. I've read more than a few good books lately. On the piratical end o' things, Pyrates, by George MacDonald Fraser is absolutely hysterical!!! Makes reference to just about every classic pirate movie or book ever. And a more serious YA book about two teenage girls turning pirate (Oh how I envy them!!!!! ) is Pirates! by Celia Rees and a modern day treasure hunting/vaguely pirate book that I'm currently reading is The Nautical Chart, by Arturo Perez Reverte. It's pretty good so far. Victor Hugo's Toilers of the Sea isn't piratical at all, but it's sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Oh, and Captain Blood and anything by Rafael Sabatini is a classic, however I didn't really like The Sea Hawk.
  14. That's a great one, Red Maria. Downward facing scurvy dog. I likes it. Sort of an aside, but apart from sailin' what does anyone think is a useful athletic skill fer pyrates? Meself, I go fer pole vaultin. Quite handy when boardin' ships.
  15. :lol Funny funny, Saskia. I don't put much o' me faith in self help books either. Although a pirate self help book would be amusing, I think ye've got ta figger out bein a pirate fer yerself. Not many o' us can read besides. :)
  16. Born an' raised in RI. First Newport, then Jamestown. Proud ta say I've never lived on the mainland in me life.
  17. SUCCESS!!!!!!! Me mum caved and I was able ta wear me pirate outfit ta aforementioned school dinner. Me sister disowned me, cause I didn't look 'normal' but hey, I am me own style. I must say I recieved many many compliments. Much better than lookin' like everyone else with tropical skirts and the like. Oh, and Sir Jewels Cole, I agree. Bathing is highly overrated. Unless of course ye're bathin in the ocean. Ya know, ye can get passably clean bathin in the sea usin' only Joy dishwashin' soap fer soap an' shampoo Handy trick that, if'n ya needs ta be clean fer whatever reason
  18. Happy endings are absolutely luvverly. I likes 'em. Unfortunately, I have a slightly piratical problem right about now too. Ye see, it started like this. The principal o'me high school is retirin' right, so the school's havin' a dinner ta give 'im a sendoff. 'E an' 'is wife are movin' ta Florida, and so the student-councilly type folks (meself included) have to wait tables at this seated dinner fer the school. The theme fer dress is Florida. So I figured I could wear me pirate kit because of the whole Pirates in Paradise deal. I was wicked excited all week. So last night, me mother gets wind o' me plans, and gives me a big lecture about how I have to be a team player and support the whole thing and yadda yadda yadda. I sez, pirates weren't team players with their normal society, and I think my piratical style should not be cramped. Aarrrrrrghh. So, I'll be wearin' a cutesy tropical outfit thanks ta the mum (I luv 'er, really, but how frustrating.) and accessorizing with pirate gear. Thanks fer puttin' up wi' me rantin's an' ravin's.
  19. aye, but tis a good one I'll wager. Bein a pirate daughter is a fine life as well. me own sword wounds are all from me sisters But all in good fun
  20. mum was a wicked stickler fer correct grammar. I only started sayin' <friends name here> an' me when I was about 8, an' me mum would get mad. She still does when I lets me perfect english slip. You should like, see what she's like when me little like teenybopper sister like talks about her days at school like So the and I thing. Bred inta me it is.
  21. mp3s are luvverly inventions! I enjoy them greatly. when will pyracy.com/music be up and running?
  22. My barbies walked the plank as well! And served as figureheads on the boat that me sisters and I built and sailed. And I think Ken was keelhauled at some point. Me mother used to read me a book a lot called "The Man whose Mother was a Pirate" Didn't know that abou' the picket fencin', but seein' as how I live on a lonely dead end on a nine mile square island, there was never any about. Good times, good times
  23. I agree Red Bess. Me mother only had daughters and she let us play with swords all the time. Encouraged us even. Tis why I'm such a well-brought up lass. Lets ya pick and choose better if the lads know ye're good with a sword, wooden or real.
  24. Thanks ya. I did take a look, and House of Andar doesn't make boots in me little tiny size.
  25. Aye, Loreena McKennit's voice is indeed fine, but I'd have to say that I'm a bigger fan of Capercaillie. On their newest CD, the last song is a seafarin', slightly piratical love song called "I Will Set My Ship in Order" gorgeous
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