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Everything posted by piratelassie
I've been goin' out on the sea since I were a few months old, an' seasickness never bothered me until abou' 2 years ago. But then twas prolly cos I were shut up in the bunkroom 'avin' a mutinous conversation wi' a couple o' me mates an' I 'ad just eaten a luvverly nutritious lunch o' macaroni an' cheese wot were made wi' egg noodles, powdered milk, old orange cheddar an stovetop stuffin' all mixed tagither. But seasickness has ne'er bothered me since, an' a cup o' mint tea fixed me right up. stuff calms yer stomach I'm told.
tell me about it. Me mum were always concerned fer me safety as a youngun, but never o'er cautious. She learned me ta swim about the same time as walkin'. Encouraged me ta play ice hockey she did. Slashin's an bruises no object
'tis Newfoundland fer me. Went there 2 summers ago, didn't want ta leave. gorgeous, great food, great music
I dunno, I thought Dodgeball was bloody hysterical, an' the fact tha' it had a pirate in it was a definite lot of extra points. As fer the game o' dodgeball, has it really been outlawed in schools? cos I were in middle school on'y 5 years ago, an' we played it in gym class all the time.
Oi, mate, I lives in Rhode Island. Tisn't that large. Only abou' 40 miles across. An' that be includin' a rather large bay But i gets what ya mean abou' the headache wi' the prop. The on'y real play I was in, was in grade school. Twas a murder mystery. I played the dead body cos I couldn't remember me lines. Ali
I was birthed in Newport, RI, and I make berth in Jamestown, wot be just across the East Passage o' Narragansett Bay fra' Newport
seein' as a pertected bay cuts me state in half, takin each go fast boat out fer a joy ride AND THEN holdin' em fer ransom would be fun. Unfortunately, the downside o' said pertected bay is everyone knows who ya are an' where ya are ifn ya lives on it. A kayak would go pretty undetected near any o' the three, aye?
I just got a pair of boots at me local thrift store. I thinks they're fake leather, cos the soles be sayin' waterproof, an' the leather feels a little like those outdoor tablecloths wot are usually red an' white checks with the wooly stuff on the bottm. Still, $4. Can't be complainin'. Wot I'd like ta know, is 'how do I age em? Do all the aforementioned suggestions fer real leather work fer imitation? ~Ali
there's only one o' me. Well ,hey, that's wot friends are for
There be some excitin' goin's on in me home port. Or rather, in the port across the bay. But anyway, the Portuguese trainin' ship Sagres be in town, an' also 2 America's cup boats. I can't make up me mind as ta which one I'm more interested in takin'. There be lotsa droolin o'er the sight o' all three. Ifn ya had ta pick just one, which would ya pick, super fast modern or traditional? Ali
Hilarious. I were rollin' on the deck wi' laughin.
Pyrates be one o' me favorite books! Been forcin' it on all o' me mates. Unfortunately, I probably can't get ta Chicago fer seein' the play, but let me know 'ow it turns out
well spoken! The sea be me muse as well. After livin' by it me entire life, I don't know wot I'll be doin' wi' meself, fer I be goin' ta school in VT in the fall. Ah well, I guess me dorm room will be filled wi' pictures o' the sea, so's I kin still be inspired. Speakin' o' which, I gotta post some o' me own poetry up 'here. Got lots o' it I 'ave. *runs off ta rummage through stuff in search o' a very worn out notebook* ~Ali
I know exactly wot ya be talkin' about. Hafta grapple wi' the same problem. Fortunately, ya can sorta go back in time by writin' an' readin' and dreamin'. But none o' that's as good as the real thing
Me too. I even writes arrrrggghhhhh. Ya should see me journal. ~Ali
Thanks ta ya Jack fer stickin' up fer us ladies. Although it aint as if we couldn't stick up fer ourselves. Tis nice ta know o' some true gentlemen on the account. ~Ali
www.patternsoftime.com has some good patterns. A little steep as patterns go, and ya have ta sew it yerself, but hey, I finds ya gets wot ya wants that way. An' ifn ye're really not averse ta spendin', look up "pirate coat" on ebay. They've both a premade vest an' a premade leather coat. Least they did last time I checked. Ali
Don't remember. We sailed pretty far offshore. Bound fer RI. Why?
Ahhhh. Taken many a nap there meself. Quite comfy. But then, so's the deck at 3 AM off the coast of NJ Taken a nice nap there too. 'Course, I weren't on a tall ship necessarily, but a research/ sailin' school vessel.
Aye. Tis quite a coincedence that we all be gettin' traditional. Meself, I thinks they rigged it. I tried to get something other than traditional, an' me answer was still the same. ~Ali
never come across the music fer the female smuggler. Did Broadside write their own?
Got traditional pirate as well. twice. just ta be sure
Tis highly interestin' says I. Very nice background info. Ya really gets a sense o' the place. Keep on wi' it