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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. This battle was as good as it sounds!! Very fun! and for the WOLF...She's a beauty she is! I had the great privilege of standing in as a crew member on the WOLF as she sailed in from Stock Island to get ready for the battle. (I watched the battle from the clean/dry land) I do miss the WOLF.
  2. Awww..........I just now read the post!!!! I missed it!
  3. Arrrrr.....That KW Pirate be a good lass! She be treatin' all us pirates with a discounted room at a nice hotel like the Southern Most Hotel. Thank ye so much KW! (Don't forget to bend & fluff)
  4. Arrrrrrrr.......I be headin' fer Key West this day. Droppin' ancher in Sarasota fer visit with me old friend, then settin' sail fer the Keys. Lookin' forward to the Pirates Ball!! See ye soon KW Pirate!
  5. Brannigan, That be me favorite joke! "Arr...It drives me nuts!"
  6. There are copy right rules to read after downloading. Ye Be Warned! http://chank.com/freefont_detail.php?sku=1077
  7. WOW....That thar thing looks like a weapon! Have ye killed a person with it?
  8. Woah.....Perkeo, I be thinkin ye was gonna say somethin' else! Now that we be talkin' bout DRUMS, I agree... Beatin' on things be the best feelin' in the world! I started playin' me drums when I was but a wee ladd. Was bout 10 me thinks. Arrr yes.....The sweet sounds of a drum. Makes me belly feel all warrrrm and fuzzy. Hmmmm, could be the rum too. Anyhow....This be me and me drums during a sensual moment!
  9. $25.00! Ooooooooooo...........A bit much fer me. But, If I dont be findin' it anywheres else, then I be making a trip ta Borders! Thanks Perkeo!
  10. Oh Oh...Am I too late? Daaaarn! I thought of a good one too. Wanna hears it antway? ......................"BIRD".......................
  11. Allrighty then.....that means in the mornin' I gots ta be settin' a course ta the mall!!!
  12. Thar be no "Juicey Juice" on me ship! Nar thar be 2% milk! Plop a nipple on the big brown bottle O' rum and let em' play with the bilge rats!
  13. Hey Perk.....give a look-see about Treasure Island on DVD while yer there! Let me know what ye find!
  14. Perkeo, I do believe I gots the last copy from the Borders in Greenwood. Ye might check downtown or Castleton. I also found lots of copies on Ebay.......not as cheap though! I am sure that if they don't have it in stock they can order it for you.
  15. I be workin on my pyrate movie collection. (or any containing pirate types) Thought I be seein' what some of yer favorite pyrate movies arrrrr so I can keep a sharp eye out fer em! So far I have: POTC Hook Captain Kidd Son of Monte Cristo Long John Silvers Return to Treasure Island Goonies Cut Thraot Island 3 Musketeers (not pyrate but still a good flick!) Water World (future like pyrates) What else am I missing out on?
  16. And what would the "13" represent in that case?
  17. I gots ta say....Depends on what I be lookin' for. All mentioned are fine places!
  18. OK....Now ye just made me want a BLT!!!!! I gotta go eat!
  19. As a matter of fact...I found it at Borders!
  20. WOW! That was huge!!!!-------Sorry. (prev. post)
  21. I found a DVD that has three old pirate movies on it for only $6.00!! I only wish it had the first Treasure Island on it too. -Captain Kidd: Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott. -The Son of Monte Cristo: Louis Hayward, George Sanders, Loan Bennett, and Clayton Moore. -Long John Silvers Return to Treasure Island: Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Newton.
  22. I was born In September on Friday the 13th. My Daughter was born on October 31. I was married on Friday the 13th. My wifes B-day is November 13th. ......I even have a black cat!!
  23. Ummm......Don't have time to do this. My tankard be needin a fill!
  24. Arrrrr......The scallywags come close ta takin' me colors!!!!!! *Points at his avatar* I also come to an agreement that it be a nice lookin' shirt! Ol' Lucky 13's been with me since I was born.....On Friday 13th!
  25. I'll be attemptin' ta get on there....try and try again I always say! Many thanks fer the inputs!
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