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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. I thought you were working POTC II as prop master? But I be glad to let ye buy me a rounds and tell me all about it.
  2. chicken and brocolli (fettucini alfredo)
  3. Well done, Mate. But how will ye have time to pirate with all that business?
  4. Perhaps they are expecting a ROUS instead of BOUS? I suspect it's so no one will hear her cuss her mate out like a pirate while she's in labor, but we digress.
  5. Uhg. Very sorry. You can always aquire a cannon and launch things at her house. We have a few celebrities in the area and for the most part I don't care. It only becomes a problem when they venture out of their castles. Mrs. Federline already has 3 rooms reserved for when she delivers her baby in the local hospital. I guess it's screw anyone else who needs to deliver a baby. The hospital only has 10 rooms for maternity and serves a population of over 250,000 people.
  6. I say "Mutiny! There shall be cleavage." However, there shall be no nipples. For that is reserved for only a certain few. :)
  7. Wolf Found a wolf spider hanging from my skeleton in the backyard.
  8. Aye, I might also be bringing me mate and he be the jealous type.
  9. No, it's a rest stop.
  10. That be why I'm working on getting my sailing certificates. Me plan is to retire to some island community where I run the ship and me mate runs the scuba diving tours. And, if you looking for Brittany. She be no where near the blue waters. She be looking for a house in my area of world, Scottsdale, Arizona. There goes the neighborhood.
  11. Alas, Diego, not this weekend. The short pirates (kids) start school on Monday. You will see me crewing the Royalist at Dana Point in September.
  12. I post them as I get them.
  13. From Jaimaca Rose Barton..................... Greetings lads and lasses, Aron Plucinski of Monster House called me earlier today with more particulars about the Pirate Monster House. The "pirates harrassing the builders" segment will be filmed on this Wednesday, at 2:30 pm. Filming will probably take about 1 hour, so you might want to arrive a little early to have time to park and find the right house. Come in garb, and bring swords or other weapons to poke at the builders with and threaten them. Bring costumed friends if you can. Monster House wanted lots of pirates. No one has yet told me they are bringing a parrot. The Monster House people were hoping parrots could attend. The target house is at this address: *** 18560 Lanark Street, Reseda, CA. I did not receive directions to the address, but when I MapQuested it, it seemed easy enough (if the MapQuest is accurate). When you arrive, just ask for Aron. I do not yet know the exact time for Sunday's "House Reveal" filming - but it is tentatively between 4 - 6 pm. I was hoping to come out for the Sunday House Reveal, but we also have a vendor's booth at the San Diego Festival of Sail on that day. So I'm not sure if I can get away. Would one of you like to volunteer to be the NQG roving reporter, to write up an article for No Quarter Given about the Pirate Monster House, in case I can't make it? Email me back if interested. The one selected to be the roving reporter with get NQG subscription credit (one year for every 650 words used). The air date for this episode is Oct. 10, Mon., on Discovery channel, at 8pm --Jamaica Rose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. From Jaimaca Rose Barton..................... Greetings lads and lasses, Aron Plucinski of Monster House called me earlier today with more particulars about the Pirate Monster House. The "pirates harrassing the builders" segment will be filmed on this Wednesday, at 2:30 pm. Filming will probably take about 1 hour, so you might want to arrive a little early to have time to park and find the right house. Come in garb, and bring swords or other weapons to poke at the builders with and threaten them. Bring costumed friends if you can. Monster House wanted lots of pirates. No one has yet told me they are bringing a parrot. The Monster House people were hoping parrots could attend. The target house is at this address: *** 18560 Lanark Street, Reseda, CA. I did not receive directions to the address, but when I MapQuested it, it seemed easy enough (if the MapQuest is accurate). When you arrive, just ask for Aron. I do not yet know the exact time for Sunday's "House Reveal" filming - but it is tentatively between 4 - 6 pm. I was hoping to come out for the Sunday House Reveal, but we also have a vendor's booth at the San Diego Festival of Sail on that day. So I'm not sure if I can get away. Would one of you like to volunteer to be the NQG roving reporter, to write up an article for No Quarter Given about the Pirate Monster House, in case I can't make it? Email me back if interested. The one selected to be the roving reporter with get NQG subscription credit (one year for every 650 words used). The air date for this episode is Oct. 10, Mon., on Discovery channel, at 8pm --Jamaica Rose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. spot shot (what I use after the dog craps on the carpet)
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