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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Looks like a great time was had by all. You will have to give a review to NQG. I'm sure Jamaica Rose has already asked.
  2. Cr@p, now I will have to go out and buy Kellogs cr@p to get the mouse. I feel like I'm being held up by pirates. Hey, maybe I can sell the cereal out of the box on Ebay?
  3. Arrrgh! That will teach those scurvy dogs to attack a ship with Americans. By the way, I wonder the LRAD does to dogs?
  4. macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets.
  5. Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours? Yes, that's "Scraping By". It be a wee bit boat, but she's a sailboat in the desert. What do you expect. If you look in the background on the first picture, you can see the ASU SunDevil Football Stadium. I'm racing this weekend, so I should have some pics with me in them by next week.
  6. Arrrgh! Did you think I made it up? Nay, I be given the name by me crew. Scurvy bilge rats, the lot of them.
  7. Sir, I disagree with your characterization that these men have a choice to become pirates. It is either to become a pirate and feed your family, or do nothing and be persecuted. Yes, they are well fed by the war lords who employ them for those are the only ones who are providing an alternative to starvation. Does that justify them robbing and stealing rich Americans aboard a cruise ship sailing past their impoverished country? That is for each of us to decide on our own. Sir, If you had to walk in these men's shoes, what would you do to feed your family? Yers in Pyracy and Play,
  8. I'm Captain of the Scorpion Pirates with our ship named Scraping By. We currently have 9 members including myself. You can see pictures of our crew under attack here. The Scorpion Pirates
  9. Me own unsolicited thoughts on the subject. 1. If people are starving and being persecuted, they will rebel and take what ever actions they need to survive, including acts of piracy. 2. Who in their right mind takes a cruise ship along the coast of a country in such known political turmoil? 3. If we make the Captain out to be a hero, how can the passengers possible sue a hero? Just me own two dubloons on the subject.
  10. I understand Louie Lambe is down there shooting as well. He should say Hi; it's a small world afterall.
  11. Isn't the story line about a guy who goes mad from gonohrrea (sp?) and this reminds you, Petee, of yourself in your twenties?
  12. As the one who started this thread and also has to moderate it, I laughed everytime I logged in to see what long winded response was posted next regarding a farside cartoon (pirates in popular culture aka pirate pop.) I sure know how to stir all yer pots, don't I?
  13. Not unless the your taking the cruise that goes to Grand Caymen, I would suspect. After Hurricane Wilma and last years Ivan, the western caribbean cruise might be quite discounted.
  14. I couldn't agree more, Hurricane. I heard he tied off with just 3 anchor lines in the waterway. I don't consider myself an experienced sailor, but I did read the article in Sail magazine about tieing off boats in hurricanes. The first rule was "Don't plan on staying on the boat." The second rule was "tie off with at least 4 lines to the shore, preferrably six." I feel for his wife, but sailors are stubborn individuals. I would rather die in a hurricane than the slow painful death like my dad is from diabetes. May he enjoy the fair breezes, sailing the clouds of heaven.
  15. Aye, it has been a rough season. A member of the Arizona Yacht Club died in Florida while riding out Hurricane Wilma on his 34ft sailboat.
  16. Aye Mates, just heard a member of the Arizona Yacht Club died in Hurricane Wilma. He decided to ride it out on his new 34 ft sailboat in the intercoastal waterway of Florida. He had 3 lines anchored out and all broke pushing the boat into the seawall. His brother managed to survive on another boat. His wife was here in Arizona. Another fine sailor lost to Davey Jones' locker.
  17. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DISNEY ONLINE DEVELOPING 'PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN' MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER INTERNET GAME Follow-up to Disney's Toontown Online Will Feature Interactive Adventures Inspired by the Popular Pirates Theme Park Attraction and Franchise North Hollywood, Calif. -April 26, 2005 -- Disney Online, part of the Walt Disney Internet Group, is developing a new massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on the popular theme park attraction and franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean." The game is slated to debut in summer 2006, coinciding with the theatrical premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest." "We've learned through our experience with Toontown that the market for massively multiplayer online role-playing games can indeed reach beyond traditional gamers," stated Ken Goldstein, EVP and managing director, Disney Online. "Pirates of the Caribbean is the perfect franchise for our second commercial effort in this arena. Fans of the movies and theme park attraction will be able to live their own unfolding pirate adventure through the game, including searching for lost treasures and battling numerous enemies on land and at sea." Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, added, "This is a great way for game enthusiasts to experience the fun and excitement of playing the role of a pirate while competing against a wide variety of opponents in a great adventure. This game captures the same swashbuckling sense of humor, spirit and action that moviegoers loved in the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film, and which will continue with the next installment of the highly anticipated sequel in summer 2006. Disney Online has created a really entertaining and challenging game that will appeal to the adventurer in all of us." The game is being designed by the Walt Disney Internet Group's acclaimed VR Studio as a world of high seas action and adventure where players will personalize their own pirate character and organize with other players to form a pirate crew. Players will then embark on swashbuckling missions to battle both each other and the evil, undead pirates of the high seas in an effort to become the Caribbean's most legendary pirate. Access to the game will be available directly online and players will pay a subscription fee for the service. An information site for the game has been launched at www.pirateslegend.com offering a registration service to sign-up to receive future game updates and launch information. Buena Vista Games (BVG), the videogame arm of The Walt Disney Company, will release additional titles based on "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" for the PSP™ portable entertainment system and Nintendo DS™ in conjunction with the movie launch. Disney Online Disney Online (www.disney.com) produces the number one kids' entertainment and family community destination on the World Wide Web. Launched in 1995, Disney.com is designed to reflect the vision of an "online theme park," providing an interactive gateway to all of the company's many Disney-branded Internet initiatives. Popular Disney Online places to visit include The Disney Channel (www.disneychannel.com), Playhouse Disney (www.playhousedisney.com), shopping at Disney Direct (www.disneydirect.com), Walt Disney Parks and Resorts (www.disneydestinations.com) Walt Disney Pictures (www.disneypictures.com), Disney DVD & Video (www.disneyvideos.com) and Radio Disney (www.radiodisney.com). Among the many magical "neighborhoods" found at www.Disney.com are premium subscription services including Disney's Blast (www.disneyblast.com) and the recently announced Playhouse Disney Preschool Time Online (www.preschooltime.com). Disney Online also produces FamilyFun.com (www.familyfun.com), the premier online family resource for "great ideas, practical advice, and fun stuff to do" as well as Movies.com (www.movies.com), a leading site that provides a broad array of reviews and information to help movie fans "get movie night right." Disney Online is a part of the Walt Disney Internet Group, which provides integrated strategic and operational services for Internet, broadband, and mobile initiatives of The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS). Disney's Toontown Online Disney Online's first MMO, the award-winning Disney's Toontown Online (www.toontown.com) launched in 2003 as the first 3D MMORPG created for kids and families. Designed as an Internet-based world of non-stop play, ever-changing adventure and irreverent fun, Toontown combines elements of traditional video games, online community and strategic role playing games. Developed by the Walt Disney Internet Group's in-house VR Studio, Toontown has received numerous awards, including 2004 Game Industry News Family Game of the Year, 2003 MMORPG Game of the Year by Computer Gaming World, 2003 Webby Awards People's Voice Award in the Kid's Category, 2003 Parent's Choice Silver Honor and 2003 Children's Software Review All Star Award. # # # For further information, contact: Kim Kerscher The Walt Disney Internet Group (818) 623-3266 Kim.Kerscher@dig.com Karen DeMarco mPRm Public Relations (323) 933-3399 kdemarco@mprm.com
  18. Black Hearted Pear? Do I know this fruit? Am I related? Perhaps so?
  19. My apologies for the misunderstanding. I have never been to the Devonshire Faire before. Aye we have talked of plans of attending, but nothing has been discussed in detail yet as we all are getting ready for Halloween. I will be discussing with Sandy further as most likely Ruby won't be going unless by miracle we have the ramp ready for the chair. So much to do and so little time to complete it in.
  20. Aye, we be inclined to walk about with you and Rummy. We have acquired a vessel (electric wheelchair) for Cuthroat Ruby the Gimp. Sandy and I will be outfitting with a ship exterior including mast with square sails. Me mate will be building a lift with folding ramp for hauling it to the fair. Our goal date will be the Saturday of the Pirate Days in March. Yo Ho,
  21. Me sons always argue, "But Mom, it's Spongebob and it has a pirate in it. You like pirates. Please let us stay up and watch some more." I reply, "I didn't give a bloomin arse about the pirate. Get to bed!" Then I stay up and watch it myself.
  22. Diego, As fine as marketing skills be, I nor me mates have anything to do with the fair other than be paying attendees. It be the Greyhound Guild that ye be needin to contact about that. This is a large fair, 2nd largest to the Minnesota Fair. I suspect they be disinclined to acquiest to your request.
  23. Bump so that Diego can see.
  24. Aye Diego, Of course I be going. I will be with Ruby the Gimp as well as Sandy Fraser. We be making plans for the Pirate Weekend as usual. Perhaps we shall see you there?
  25. A bunch of us pirates were just talking about those, in relation to the Corona Pirate Faire. It was suggested that if you eat more foods with vinegar it makes your body oder and blood less appetizing. I have also heard that eating spicey food works well too. If all else fails, a little deet will do you, but be on the safe side with deet....more is not always better. :)
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