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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Nevermind, they haven't gotten that far yet.
  2. Give me a moment and I 'll go ask the mini pirates.
  3. please don't clarify. I'd hate to have to edit it for content when innuendo (sp?) does quite well.
  4. Soos, yer racing now, are's ya? Not turning yachty on us, are ya? Ya never know, I might be slippin the Arizona Yacht Club burgee up yer mast whilst I'm helping crew. Nay, just a wishful thought, but funny. But I do need a picture of myself crewing as the men in the club will be shocked. Perhaps you saw a few of the bucaneers while in San Diego. I heard that about 8 Bucaneer 18's from Arizona where racing down there the weekend the Tallships were there. They call themselves the Pirates.
  5. I need one of those. It would work well with my personae since I can trace my ancestors back to Prussia.
  6. I'll tell you after the October 10 air date or until after Corona when I hook up with some of the pirates who were able to "make the builders walk the plank".
  7. Sparrow is like Bond. Both were elegant men who sure knew how to woo the ladies and all of us ladies lined up for a turn. And considering Hollywood can't keep a good Bond, I'm sure the character of Sparrow doesn't mind taking up the slack.
  8. His hands were already filmed dramatically in the first movie. Norrington says "Jack Sparrow, I see." as he displays Depp's hand. Are they going to do a "Steven Speilberg" and edit out the hands in the first movie too?
  9. Well, I be leavin early for Corona. Perhaps a visit is in order? Rats, I already promised to be there for set-up. I guess I will have to make do with Billy Bones.
  10. I believe that's pirate for ambush. Why go to them when you can makes um come to you, arrrgh?
  11. Drinks for the wenches on Billy Bones! Iron Bess, dear lass, be sure to direct Mr. Bones to where we be encamped. Tis simplier for him to find us then for us to stalk (oops, I mean "find") him.
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