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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Love (as in Jungle Love, it's driving me mad, making me crazy :angry: )
  2. Aye, I love it. That'll be my excuse for Scraping By's size (14ft 2in). I'm pirating yer saying.
  3. If it rained on Monday, which reports for members said it did, then a low pressure system would have been moving into the area on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, there would have been wind. Also, a 15ft with 6 sails does not need that much wind to sail on a mountain lake. You can't do a cannon battle, sail and have 5 adults on board, but you could sail back to the dock. Unless you wanted to spend more time with the 3 lovely lasses trapped on yer boat. :angry:
  4. Also Mates, Thanks for the pictures. Thank You Petee! I especially love the pics of the lasses on the Privateer. Thank You, Rummy! Perhaps next year, I will have "Scraping By" properly outfitted as to take on the Privateer. Not in a cannon battle as I don't have the cash for cannons, but perhaps, at least, in a race. (The Royaliste rolls his eyes?)
  5. Good thing there was a fisherman handy; Jack had brought an inflatable with a motor on this trip and we considered running back to get it. We felt pretty badly for you. Okay, not badly enough to not fire our cannons at you once you got back, but pretty badly. Were you firing the small cannons on the boat or pistols?? Not to be tootin me own horn, but WHAT THE H#LL?!?!? You couldn't get back to shore because the motor went out on a SAILBOAT?!?! Well, that's what you get for having Rick as first mate. First he wears a kilt, so he's obviously not a sailor. Second, he told me himself that he doesn't know a lick about sailing which is evident since you all were not able to get back to shore. Third, those men were not thinking with their heads (on top of their necks) because they would know you can't sail at 15ft with 5 adults (and their gear) on board. Now if I had been there, we would have made it back to shore because I don't need a motor to sail. Also, you wouldn't have had to climb under the dock slates because I can dock, under sail, where the opening is. I think Mike does this just to get a good look at all the lasses @sses. You know the Captain is always the last to exit the boat. Wish I could have been there.
  6. Harbormaster those be beautiful chests, but alas I am not a woodworker so I will have to find a way to plunder a chest such as that.
  7. For all you scurvy rogues All things “Pirate” will be celebrated at the Arizona Renaissance Festival on March 4 & 5, 2006 Spread the word! Arizona Renaissance Festival
  8. Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
  9. I'm a maybe answer. It depends on what I needed to justify my need. If I wanted to avoid the public eye, I would dress as a commoner. If I wanted to gain funding for a new ship, I would dress as if I didn't need it. If I wanted to sail away, I would do it in the most comfortable clothes I owned. Like I said, maybe.
  10. Price looks doable, but chest looks a bit modern. The lock mechanism be a bit early for the GAoP. Perhaps if you could change out the locks, but what would that add to the cost?
  11. Arrrgh! I be livin in the wrong state. I want to be everywhere in S. Ca.
  12. Pictures, Pictures, I say. Alas I could not be there (Blasted Rita), but I must have pictures!
  13. Oh Ace, I hope yer wife is feeling better soon. My prayers are with you and your family. Let us raise a shot of rum together for the tales we shall enjoy from our friends when they return and I want to hear some good ones.
  14. All me prayers from me friends have paid off. Me parents made it through the bumper to bumper traffic with one pit stop fer their overheated car to the airport in Austin (150 miles from their home). I had tickets waiting for them at the counter and they be catching a 6pm flight out to Phoenix. Looks like the storm is going to skim past their homeport of Matagorda County, but may be a direct hit on me brothers in League City. He is currently still on the highways (from last night at 6pm) trying to make it to Austin. There, hopefully, he will find the prepaid room for 1 night I managed to secure for me parents. After that, he's on his own. Thank ye all for yer kind wishes.
  15. Stormy winds be killing me plans to attend Ojai. Me parents and brother's family is under mandatory evacuation off the Gulf coast of Texas. I am busy coordinating to keep them safe, therefore me plans to attend Ojai have been cancelled.
  16. Me parents are in the direct path, as predicted. They are under mandatory evacuation as is my brother's family. I offered to fly them into to Phoenix, but they want to stay near their homes. They are traveling inland to shelters and then are planning on driving back to their homes. Me dad is a peg-leg and me mom only has one eye. What do they think they are? Pirates? Where's the rum; I need a stiff drink. ~BHP
  17. then your girlfriend ain't doin' it right for you....
  18. Interesting. Yer line of credits was longer than the movie. Now that is what I call EGO.
  19. Me traveling mate (Sandy Fraser) and I will be there. Kiddo decided he doens't want to be in school play, so Mom's off to play again.
  20. The current track puts on Rita landing right on top of my parents town, Bay City, Texas. My mother once worked on a movie about the 1900 Hurricane that wiped out Galveston. Ironic. :)
  21. Brando: actor, recluse and now pulp-fiction author By Joseph A. Giannone Mon Sep 19, 2:51 PM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) - Actor Marlon Brando has been immortalized in film for playing a Mafia boss, a luckless boxer and a rebellious biker, but 14 months after his death he is now also an author of a swashbuckling pirate novel. ADVERTISEMENT "Fan-Tan," a pulp fiction novel authored by Brando and a longtime associate, movie director Donald Cammell, arrived on bookshelves this week after their unfinished manuscript was polished by film historian David Thomson and published by Random House imprint Alfred A. Knopf. The book offers Brando fans a rare insight into the reclusive star's love of the South Pacific and of Asian women and is a work the actor did not want published. Thomson admits the book he finished is no classic. "It's not profound literature, but it's an adventure story and quite a good adventure story, very unexpected coming from Brando," Thomson told Reuters. "It tells us a lot about him." Brando fell in love with the South Pacific while filming the 1962 classic "Mutiny on the Bounty" in Tahiti. He later bought his own South Pacific island and, in 1979, proposed to Cammell that they collaborate on a pirate story. "He made the South Seas a great part of his life. Clearly this story comes out of the books he read and the things he learned about the seas during his time out there," Thomson said. "He was also crazy about Asian women." Set in 1927, the book tells the story of a sea captain named Anatole "Annie" Doultry who, while serving time in a Hong Kong prison, saves the life of a prisoner. On his release he learns he has won the gratitude of that prisoner's boss, a beautiful gangster named Madame Lai Choi San. Madame Lai proposes that Anatole join her in a robbery of a British-owned ship carrying a fortune in silver. Unable to resist, he gets swept up in a tale of pirates, a typhoon, a scorching sex scene and hand-to-hand combat. Publishers Weekly gave an upbeat review, saying "the stylish result will delight readers who love movies, Marlon Brando, sea stories, Chinese pirates or adventure tales." The Washington Post was less enthused. "It is the wreck you would expect. It is also the wreck you wouldn't expect -- an exceedingly strange, high-stepping, low-stooping tale that pulses fitfully with talent -- all of it Cammell's." Brando conceived of the story's main character -- an outsized 50-something sea captain with more than a passing resemblance to the increasingly outsized actor. Originally destined to be a film treatment, Brando's contributions consisted of improvising scenes. The actual work of writing fell to Cammell, the director of several obscure 1970s films best known for his movie "Performance." Cammell spent years transforming the draft into a novel and pitched then-London based editor Sonny Mehta, but Brando pulled the plug on the project after he, as usual, lost all interest. Thomson said their friendship had soured years earlier when a middle-aged Cammell had an affair with a 14-year-old girl named China Kong -- the daughter of one of Brando's mistresses. Cammell shot himself in 1996. After Brando died last summer, Kong approached Mehta, now with Knopf in New York, with the manuscript. Mehta turned to Thomson to edit Cammell's opus and write the final chapter. Peter Manso, author of the definitive 1995 biography, "Brando: the Biography" maintained Brando never intended the book to be published. The fact that it was, Manso said, in part vindicated his fears toward the end of his life that his estate would be abused.
  22. Aye, that I do. Me in-laws live in Anaslime (Anaheim), so I have a place to stow me gear and crew while there. Me current traveling mate is trying to figure out how to fly us in for Ojai. At this very moment, I am seriously considering it. :)
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