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Everything posted by Christine

  1. I was thinking of doing that too, but it's finding peeps to watch it with me. Friends and family roll their eyes at me, "not again!" Hey, last time I watched it was on July 9th for the 1 year anniversary, so come on people!
  2. How VERY cool! Rock on!
  3. Not as good looking as Barbossa, nor as charming. Which is what makes him a really cool villian. Bad, but also charming and vulnerable. Not much fun if they're just pure evil.
  4. Whoa Zorg! Scary! Good to hear you're doing okay now. Don't do that again, you silly poop! lol!
  5. Being short and small has it's advantages. If I need to be moved up, I'm simply pulled up. Short, petite girls also get that nickname "Spinners"......ponder on that for awhile. LOL!
  6. Ah, yes, when laying horizontal, one's height doesn't matter.
  7. Someone like Captain Jack Sparrow could be heard saying this: "Do I make you horny? Randy? Do I make you horny, baby, yeah! Do I?" LMAO!
  8. Aye, being single, a lady and a pirate all rolled into one is quite cool indeed! Woo-hoo!
  9. So Bess, does that mean they won't have Barbossa and Jack fight over the same girl? lol! Well, it was just Geoffrey's idea and a funny one at that-lol! :) Gotta admit, it is a cute idea!
  10. Aye Scupper, he also called me last night too. I was a little surprised he was leaving a day early, but he was so up-beat. Being his goofy funny self-lol! He told me he'd hold me to my promise about his 2nd visit to Disneyland when he returns in April.
  11. One of these days, in this lifetime, I need to get meself out to Disney World. Ooooh, and I would love to go to Euro Disneyland, the one in Paris! The Haunted Mansion there is totally different, it's called Phantom Manor. I've seen pix on it, looks awesome! Ah, sigh....one of thse days,
  12. HA! Aren't you funny! *cough, cough*
  13. *comes running down the beach and does cartwheels* lol! Yay, work is done and I have Sunday off, woo-hoo! Now, if I could just get rid of this annoying cough and sore throat! The last part of the cold, which has over-stayed it's welcome.
  14. Aye, maybe a wee bit jealous of Miss Swann, but as I said, those 2 have such an interesting connection. To see those 2 together like that is just.....whoa! She brings out this wild side in him with her innocence and sexuality. It spurs him on and then he in turn drives her wild too, unleashing the wild woman under that corset and petticoats-lol! I just love it, love the whole thing with those 2! Mmmmm......! Indeed, LadyB, it's like a soap opera on the high seas. Elizabeth is with Barbossa, an ex lover of Barbossa's is with Jack Sparrow, Wil Turner, who used to be with Elizabeth is now with Lysette (first mate to Captain Josephine-Barbossa's ex lover), Elizabeth's father is with a young girl slightly older than Elizabeth. Whoa! LOL!
  15. Now this I gotta see! What's the link? Here's the link to the yahoo groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/piratesand_l...yguid=171197008 They're in the middle of another love fest-lol! It's so damn hot you'll need a few cold showers!
  16. *After a great swim and just relaxing, time to go back to work...sighs* See ya all later on.
  17. *after one really insane day at work, Christine heads for the water to just relax.* Ah....le sigh........
  18. BTW, I added a few more pix and also gave each pic a title.
  19. Oh, I be dead serious! Those 2 have such an interesting and strong connection. Innocent, beautiful Elizabeth and the dark, intense and very sexy Captain Barbossa.
  20. I would love to see more interaction between Barbossa and Elizabeth.....MMmmmmm......
  21. Thank ye everyone! My sister Sabrina and I should open a tour guide service-lol! Ah, Barbarous, thank ye for the kind words. And I'm sure I'd have a blast running around Disneyland with ye. If ye need a tour guide let me know. Just look at Captain Morgan there, he still can't stop smiling-lol! I got the poor guy addicted to Disneyland now, not that it's a bad thing-lol!
  22. Good question, which means I don't know-lol! I'd like to know too so I can get me hands on the Barbossa one.
  23. Don't think I've heard them sing that before. May just have to check that out! :)
  24. Next time we go I'm going to have the ride operators take pix of us before the ride starts. You know, like the one of me on Peter Pan or even the one of you on Mr. Toad's. Cool huh my ca-razy Disney brother? LOL!
  25. One computer for every 20 guys! Damn, that's nuts! Too bad you don't have a lap top. Tho, wait, would they let you bring that? Hmmm...
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