Aye, maybe a wee bit jealous of Miss Swann, but as I said, those 2 have such an interesting connection. To see those 2 together like that is just.....whoa! She brings out this wild side in him with her innocence and sexuality. It spurs him on and then he in turn drives her wild too, unleashing the wild woman under that corset and petticoats-lol! I just love it, love the whole thing with those 2! Mmmmm......!
Indeed, LadyB, it's like a soap opera on the high seas. Elizabeth is with Barbossa, an ex lover of Barbossa's is with Jack Sparrow, Wil Turner, who used to be with Elizabeth is now with Lysette (first mate to Captain Josephine-Barbossa's ex lover), Elizabeth's father is with a young girl slightly older than Elizabeth. Whoa! LOL!